NLP – Sleight of Mouth Patterns

NLP – Sleight of Mouth Patterns (SOMP)

People constantly live with limited self-beliefs, stopping them from moving forward with their lives, in the worst-case scenarios these limiting beliefs can turn into depression. SOMP help you reframe a person’s belief, the 14 SOMP patterns can be used in conversation to help give the client a new perspective without the client feel like they are in a coaching or canceling session. A SOMP doesn’t always resolve the problem but helps soften up the problem to make change easier. Some SOMP patterns can seem harsh or callous, which means you need to pick the right patterns for each client – you don’t need to use all 14 patterns on each client.

Limit the Limiting Beliefs

Beliefs define the relationship between a client’s value and their causes, indicators and consequences. Beliefs are typically expressed in the form of

Complex equivalence (A “equals”, “is, “is equivalent to” or “means” B)

Cause-effect (A “causes (because)”, “makes”, “leads to”, “produces”, “results in” B).

As an example, clients limiting belief maybe “I can’t lose weight because I don’t have willpower” (cause and effect)

Sleight of Mouth Pattern Examples

Redefine; change the representation of the belief  

  • What other meaning could the equation have?

Example SOMP Question or Statement: so what you are trying to say is that you don’t have the will power to lose weight but you can change your diet and eat healthier food

Consequence; consequences that can change beliefs

  • What will happen to them if they continue to think this way?

Example SOMP Question or Statement: the longer you leave it the less willpower you will have

Intention; what is the positive intention?

  • Why are they saying this?
  • What is the secondary gain?
  • What are they trying to get?

Example SOMP Question or Statement: it can be scary stopping a habit you have had for a while and we both agree it’s worth it to look great on your wedding day

Chunk Down; specific elements

  • What specifically?
  • What are examples of this?
  • What are parts of this?

Example SOMP Question or Statement:  what will give you the will power?

Chunk Up; generalisations

  • For what purpose?
  • What’s important about this?
  • Exaggerate.

Example SOMP Question or Statement: overweight people are always unhappy   

Counter Example; exceptions that challenge generalization

  • Invert the belief.
  • Make into a universal statement or question
  • A causes B, not B causes not A.

Example SOMP Question or Statement: we have all met people who say they can’t lose weight and then do

Another Outcome; propose a different outcome

  • What is another outcome you could shift to?

Example SOMP Question or Statement: the issue isn’t that willpower can win, it’s about you giving dieting a chance

Metaphor/Analogy; Use an analogy or metaphor that challenges the generalization defined by the belief

  • What story will relate to their belief?
  • Tell a metaphor or story about the solution.

Example SOMP Question or Statement: I adopted an overweight dog once that I believed would never lose weight, we started taking the dog on small walks and change his diet to a healthy diet, it was only a small thing really but before we do it the dog had lost loads of weight. The funny thing was we were told my the dog adoption shelter that the dog due to it’s bad health would only live for 12 months, but now 3 years later he is healthy and full of life.

Apply to Self; use key aspects of the belief to change the belief

  • Don’t think about it; just use the word back on itself.

Example SOMP Question or Statement: you can’t lose weight until you believe you have the willpower to lose weight

Hierarchy of Criteria (Values) Re-assess the belief based on a more important criterion.

  • What is a higher criteria (values)?
  • Apply current criterion (value) to current sentence.

Example SOMP Question or Statement: isn’t it more important to think about your health than your weight

Change Frame Size; Re-evaluate the implication of the belief in the context of a longer (or shorter) time frame, a larger or shorter number of people (or from an individual point of view) or a bigger or smaller perspective.

  • Something (larger or smaller) they haven’t noticed.
  • Different frame, same behavior.
  • Chunk up to Universal Quantifier.

Example SOMP Question or Statement: losing weight will give you a longer life….to spend with your grandchildren

Meta Frame; change the basis of the belief

  • How is it possible they could believe that?

Example SOMP Question or Statement: you can’t lose weight but can’t you eat less food each day?

Model of the World; look at the belief from a different perspective

  • Switch Referential Index.
  • Is this true in everyone’s Model of the World?

Example SOMP Question or Statement: beating will power is telling yourself you do it

Reality Strategy; Re-assess the belief based on the fact that beliefs are based on specific perceptions

  • How do they represent that belief?
  • How do they/you know if it’s not true?
  • Apply current criterion (value) to current sentence.

Example SOMP Question or Statement: how do you know willpower not laziness is stopping you from losing weight?

Ask we discussed one SOMP question or statement will not always change the persons belief, but what it will do is weaken the belief, allowing your client to have a change of focus, with this change we can work with the client to move them forward.

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5 Quick Tips to Boost Your Confidence Each Morning

5 Quick Tips to Boost Your Confidence Each Morning


Everyday people are waking up feeling down and depressed because they don’t have the Confidence to; speak up in meetings, to ask the person they fancy out on a date, to apply for that job they have always wanted and some people don’t have the confidence to try something new.

The question you need to ask yourself is “what would be different in my life if I felt more confident?”


By completing these 5 early morning confidence boosting exercise you can learn to feel more confident.


1. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself all the nice things you see, everyone has something good to say about their appearance – you may have a nice smile or beautiful eyes, today your make-up may make you look younger then you really are, you have brought a new necklaces that really suits you. It doesn’t matter what it is you like about yourself, what matters is that you realise there is something about you that you like.


2. Wear something nice, often people who don’t believe in themselves lose hope and don’t even make the effort in the way they look. Get rid of all your old, ugly and ill fitting clothes, go out and buy something new, put it on and admire how wonderful you look. When you look good you feel good.


3. Use positive self talk, each day write something down that is positive about your self or something positive you will do that day “I am a confident and beautiful person” or “I have the confidence to speak up in team meetings” repeat what you have wrote ten times out loud.


4. Visualise the day, positively. People with low self esteem often think about the coming day, visualising how negative it will be, how many mistakes they will make or what can go wrong and negative images make you feel negative. Move these pictures away and make a positive movie in your mind; imagine your day go as well as it possibly can, see yourself as a confident person and imagine only positive outcomes, as positive picture make you feel positive.


5. Ask yourself what you learnt yesterday and how can this help you today. People with low confidence will focus on their mistakes, but making a mistake is good as this is the best way to learn, the best way to move forward. Make a list of anything that went wrong the day before – you didn’t speak up when you should have done; you forgot to complete a certain task or didn’t give yourself enough time to make yourself look your best. Next think about what you could do different if the same situation was to come up again today, what could you do positively, how you can be more confident. You can then use this new learning to feel more confident about handling any situation.


By completing these 5 techniques on a daily basis you will start to feel more positive about yourself, which will lead you to acting more confidently in any situation – remember the key to learning is repetition.


If you need to boost your confidence levels quickly attend the new “The Funny Thing About Confidence” course – starting soon!


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How to be Confident

How to be Confident


People want to be more confident for all types of reasons; public speaking, playing sports, talking to strangers, job interviews and all areas of peoples lives. Confidence is easy to learn, as people with low confidence often don’t know how to change the daily patterns they unconsciously run in their mind which makes them feel low in confidence.

You can easily learn how to be more confident by practicing a couple of easy to learn techniques, one which I will teach you today:

Boosting Confidence

  1. Imagine you could see a confident version of you standing in front of you, look at how this confident you stands, breaths and acts. Notice your gestures, how the confident you talks and moves. Become aware of everything that makes this confident you confident.
  2. Now, imagine stepping into this confident you so you can see the world from the eyes of the confident you. See what you can see, hear what you can hear and feel the confidence flowing through your body.
  3. Notice in front of you their is an even more confident you standing their, looking more confident, full of self belief with eyes that have that extra twinkle as you emanate loads of charisma.
  4. Step into this more confident you and notice that in front of you is an even more confident you, more passionate, more confident, more powerful. See the world from these eyes and hear what you can hear and notice how confident you now feel.
  5. Keep stepping into even more confident you’s until you feel overwhelming confidence flowing through you and notice where this feeling is inside you, become aware of your breathing and how you hold yourself. Notice any positive self talk you are saying to yourself.

Complete this exercise everyday for 5 days and notice how each day you become more confident quicker then the day before.

If you want to be more confident you can learn to be as confident as a comedian in just one day!

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Ways to Change Your Life for the Better

How to make quick changes in your life….for the better


This article will highlight some common traits that negative people use to help them stay negative. If you comply with any of these common pitfalls you can make a change by following the links below


  • Stop Jumping negative people will always jump to conclusions in every situation, they often assume they know what is going to happen and often have no evidence to back this up. This often leads people to think that everyone is out to get them as they take everything someone says or does as a negative against them. People who jump to conclusions will often not live their life by trying new things as they conclude that they will not have a good time, again this thought is never backed up with evidence.
  • Mountains out of molehills negative people will often make mountains out of molehills; by taking small set backs as a big barrier to their goal. Compare this to positive people who take every set back as an opportunity to learn;Edison took 1000 attempts to invent the light bulb, if he gave up we would all be sat in darkness.
  • Making it personal do you believe that they are taking about you? When troubled by low self esteem many people will truly believe that friends and colleagues are talking about them and that this conversation is negative. In truth most people have better things to talk about, so don’t take every look, and conversation as an excuse to feel down – it’s not always about you and when it is how do you know its not a positive conversation?
  • Living in the past for many of us we have had a troubled past, this could be being bullied as a child at school or having to struggle through poverty. All your experiences have built the person you are, if you have had a troubled past you need to use this experience to motivate you to have a better future, remember the more you think about negative instances the more negative you will feel.


Time to make a change


If you struggle with low confidence, low self esteem or a lack of happiness you need to make some real changes. Life is about living and you need to live your life. If you live your life in the past remembering negative past events, or you make mountains out of molehills, taking everything personal or maybe you always jump to the wrong conclusions?


You can change the way you feel and the way you live your life in just 12 weeks! What to do next? Click: Online Coaching Course for Motivation and Confidence


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