Management Accounting Interview Questions

Management accounting interview questions are very competitive positions, in the job interview you need to stand out by highlighting to the employer how you can add value to the organisation.

To do this first, you need to predict the interview questions and then you can prepare your amazing interview answers.

A list of Management Accounting job interview questions:

  • What is your understanding of our organisation?
  • Tell us about your accounting experience with the previous organisations
  • What do you understand of the various functions of management accountancy?
  • Which ITC packages such as Oracle or Sage are you proficient in using, what are the advantages and disadvantages
  • What is your understanding of value-added analysis
  • Describe a time when you had to build a collaborative relationship either internally or externally in order to achieve a particular goal.
  • Define a shadow balance sheet and its advantages
  • What criteria do you use for evaluating the reliability of the financial information you receive and how do you control errors in your work
  • Give me an example of the different approaches you have used when persuading your team, colleagues or manager to agree with your views
  • What is your knowledge of current accounting standards

Interview Questions: Teacher

Interview Questions: Teacher


To pass job interview you need to predict the interview questions, with the predicted questions you can successfully prepare your interview answers. Below you find 10 teaching interview questions.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

How do you handle classroom discipline?

Why have you picked our school district?

How do you individualise work/task for students?

What processes do you use to evaluate a student’s work apart from exams and test

What rules do you impose in your classroom?

What government polices most effect a child education?

How do you measure the distance learnt in each lesson?

How would you handle a situation when a pupil disclosed abuse to you?

How will your experience as a teacher increase exam results in this school?


  • Want to pass more job interviews? click this image to download 60 tricky interview questions and killer answers

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How to get a Graduate Job

How to get a Graduate Job

With the UK unemployment level is at an all time high, this year graduates have to pull something special out of the bag to gain employment. Each year we see a rise in graduates leaving university to enter the world of employment, but as the amount of graduates that graduate from university increases the amount of graduate jobs have stayed at a similar level in most job sectors, creating a massive demand for all job positions.


The good news is, there are graduate positions available and if you can show the employer how you can add value to their organisation they will be more likely to recruit you over one of the other few other hundred job applicants that will apply for the same position.


The question every graduate should ask themselves before applying for work is “what can I offer employers that others can’t?”


Stand out from the graduate crowd


First you need to way up the competition. Students from universities across the UK will be your new competition, how do you stand up against them? Check what the average grade was from this years graduate levers in your course – 2:2? 2:1? And what grade you achieved – are you at the top or near the bottom of the leader board?


Were you or other students the student president, the outstanding achievement winner, the university fundraiser? What did you do that made you stand out in university?


Did you secure a work placement in a national recognised organisation? Is your reference outstanding? Were you offered any job positions from past work placements?


Have others from your university and course achieved any of the above?


You need to know your strength and weaknesses, as well as that of the competitions – from this you can create your plan of action for beating the competition. In the book Influencing the Interview the techniques go one step further and teach you how to annihilate the competition by turning them into nervous wrecks.


Top of the class


If you are at the top of the class, maybe in the top 10% of the UK’s highest grade for your particular course, as well as being the student president and having secured the best placements in your industry, then you will have a wide range of selling points. In this situation, don’t get to big headed – you still need to show the employer how you can add value! With each interview question, plan your answer by meeting one of the employer’s essential criteria by using examples from your placements, university course and task from being a student president.


When possible quote your past employers from your national recognised placements ensuring the quotes regarding your work ethic are positive. Remember you may have been at the top of your university but graduates from universities around the UK will be applying for the same position, which means your competition may also be in a similar situation to you.


Take it to the next level


To beat other more qualified, experienced or better candidates then yourself, can seem like an unlikely situation. But what people don’t always realise is that the interview is king! Graduates do gain job offers over other graduates who achieved a higher qualification, and they do this by offering the employer something different, something unique, something that others don’t possess and the one thing that the employer is looking for – is added value.


You need to first find your unique selling point. Employers are happy to invest in graduates through a salary, mentoring and training as they know long term this initial investment will payback dividends. You need to highlight your value throughout the job interview, making the employer see you as pure gold.


To do this you need to find something that will make you stand out. This could be the niche you have been specialising in, your knowledge of the industry, your understanding of how new government policies such as the “green” policy is shaping the future of UK job sectors.  You may have a skill that others don’t possess; you may be a natural manipulator, an innovative scientist, while studying you may have created and sold an online company, the question is “what value will you bring to the organisation?”


This is the key to graduate job interviews in 2012 – showing your worth! Showing how you will increase profits, meet targets and add real value to the organisation. Employers know that gaining the highest qualification does not make you the best employee and in the job interview the employer will be questioning you to uncover your personality traits, your industry knowledge and the value you will add to the team. Don’t shy away and undersell yourself, stand out, be confident and show the employer how by employing you the team will improve.


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Special Report – Interview Manipulation and Infleunce

Special Report – Interview Manipulation and Influence


For a limited time only, you can download a special report on interview manipulation and influence, these dark techniques taken from interview persuasion will give you the tools and techniques to beat the competition and to win more job offers.

What to do next? Click this link

Special Report- Interview Manipulation and Influence

If you enjoyed reading this article you will also enjoy reading:

The 73 Rules of Interview Influence

The 73 Rules of Interview Influence – Job Interveiw book

Employment king is releasing a new book The 73 Rules for Influencing the Interview using Psychology, NLP and Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques. If you want to stand out in the job interview, if you want the employer to see you as pure gold, you will want to buy this book. Influencing the interview will give you the tools to beat even the most fierce competition.

  • Rule No.1 Blow Out The Competition With a Secret Sales Pitch

Have an end game in mind from the beginning, create a strategy and use your unique selling point to crush the competition


  • Rule No.2 Three Steps to Annihilation 

Use the psychology of sales to annihilate the competition by becoming a desirable commodity


  • Rule No.3 Stand Next to Stupid and Look Smart

To look more attractive stand next to the ugly person in the room, to look taller stand next to a short person, to appear smart stand next to someone stupid, as our mind is influence by comparison


  • Rule No.4 Get Inside The Interviewer’s Head

Understand employers’ desires and offer it to them on a plate, become an object of aspiration, by the time you have finished, the interviewer will be fighting hard to control their impulse to offer you the job on the spot


  • Rule No.5 Become a Valuable Asset

Money makes the world go round, highlight your value and the interviewer will have a longing to recruit you, as high value is always associated with quality

Can you master interview persuasion?

  • Rule No.6 Alien Manipulation

Manipulation is employed by a seduction artist to sleep with the opposite sex; this technique is easily tweaked to manipulate the employers will


  • Rule No.7 Discovering the Power of Values

Values and beliefs have started wars, genocides and put man on the moon – match the employer’s values and beliefs and become unstoppable


  • Rule No.8 Make Your Interview Passionate  

A passionate speech can influence thousands of people, mobilising a new workforce or persuading individuals to take arms against their oppressors. Be passionate and believe in your argument, influence the employer with passionate expression


  • Rule No.9 MI5 Agent Technique

MI5 agents use rapport, influence and manipulation to infiltrate the enemy; they become an expert in the disguise and character identity, convincing the enemy that they are someone they are not


  • Rule No.10 Cheat the Interview

Never lie obviously, give generalised feedback to questions and let the interviewer make their own opinion. Say your answers with confidence and quote researched information like it is your own opinion, as long as it highlights your expertise


  • Rule No.11 Learn the Secret Language of Interviews

A secret language is used in sector specific interviews, learn this hidden communication and appropriately utilise terminology. With just a few memorised sentences verbalised in this foreign tongue you can appear fluent in this strange language


  • Rule No.12 Secret Detective

To solve the case you need to dissect the crime scene and research the suspects, identifying key details in the investigation. In the interview knowledge is power; your research will help you locate the winning interview formula

 Under the psychology of sales in job interviews

  • Rule No.13 Undersell Yourself at Your Peril  

Dry and dull interviews will not do you any favours, make the conversation light, fun and intriguing, using this opportunity to highlight all your relevant transferable skills – you must make yourself sound like a well rounded package


  • Rule No.14 Wear a Condom

Stay safe! Being caught in a tricky situation can break or make the interview, seduce the employer by playing it safe until they are under your control, once manipulated you can lead and direct the interview


  • Rule No.15 Not Cocky But Confident

Act how you want to be seen, make this impression last and in time you will naturally adopt this character unconsciously


  • Rule No.16 Pain and Pleasure

Choices and decisions are made through the motivational influence of pain and pleasure (the carrot and stick) by controlling your own pain and pleasure influences you can delete interview fears and access interview confidence


  • Rule No.17 Limit the Limiting Beliefs

A person’s belief system will change the direction of their life from failure to success, in an interview your belief system alone will be the difference to a job offer or an interview failure


  • Rule No.18 Steal Confidence From Others

Can you really be accused of thievery when you’re only stealing mental information and systems from others? This technique will open new doors for you, just don’t get caught doing it!

 Interview manipulation is only seconds away

  • Rule No.19 Give Your Voice a Boost

Have you ever attended a meeting when all you wanted to do was fall asleep as the speakers/chair/your co-workers were so boring – their voices monotone droning on. Entertain your interviewer with your voice


  • Rule No.20 Show Your Nerves, Confidently  

Too much confidence means you’re too cocky, but if you’re too nervous then you’re no use to any employer. Win job interviews with a mix of confidence and nervousness; learn when you should sound nervous and when you should project confidence


  • Rule No.21 Playing With the Devil

Negative self talk will kill your interview, don’t listen to the devil in your head or it will be the death of you, eradicate negative self talk and feel a new growth in confidence

 For a full breakdown of each rule click here: Influence in Interviews

  • Rule No.22 Destroy Painful Interview Memories

Our subconscious mind teaches us how to act in situations through learning from our past experiences. But when these experiences are negative your subconscious will attempt to keep you away from similar experiences, to overcome the fear of interviews you need to destroy any attached negative memories


  • Rule No.23 Fast Interview Phobia Removal Technique

A person can have a real fear of spiders, heights and even job interviews as with all phobias these can be overcome but this often takes years of therapy. NLP offers us a way to rid your phobia quickly


  • Rule No.24 Destructive Nightmares

Anxiousness controls you and will destroy your spirit, keeping you awake the night before the interview. An instant sleep technique will relax you, calm you down and offer you the best chance on the day of the interview


  • Rule No.25 Don’t Let Your Handshake Show Your True Emotions

You are trying to impress people with your appearance, communication skills and body language, don’t let your moist hands let you down; this simple technique will change the interviewer’s first impression of you

 Persuade any Interviewer with these 73 techniques

  • Rule No.26 Disarm the Interviewer with Your Handshake

The interviewer is always trying to figure out the real you, a neutral handshake won’t give too much away which will intrigue the employer, but an overpowering handshake shows dominance – which is best for you?


  • Rule No.27 The God Voice Technique

A feeble voice portrays weakness, answer interview questions with power and confidence; find your God voice  


  • Rule No.28 Master Memory Model

Impress the interviewer with your memory capacity.  Increase your power of influence by being able to recall an abundance of information, facts and figures


  • Rule No.29 Influence with Posture

Your body speaks volumes; with a little training you can use your posture to gain acceptance, to build rapport and to illustrate authority  

  • Rule No.30 The Secret Power of Your Unconscious

Why wait for the employer to speak before you start to influence the interviewer, a master influencer will be able to read the non verbal cues giving them the edge over other applicants and dominate the interviewer

 Dominate your next interview

  • Rule No.31 Read the Interviewer Like a Book

Without knowing it the interviewer will give away their feelings and thoughts through their body language, use this silent communication to control the interviewer


  • Rule No.32 Look Away and Miss the Hidden Clues the Eyes Give Away

The eyes are the windows to the interviewer’s soul, hidden in them are the clues as to what we are thinking, go one step further and use the eyes to mind read the interviewer giving you a real advantage over other less committed interviewees


  • Rule No.33 Use Distracting Words at Your Peril

Words have power; the language you use can give you an edge, creating instant rapport and likeability or creating disinterest and confusion, leading to a breakdown in communication and likability


  • Rule No.34 Build Likeability through Commonality 

People like people who are like them, to influence your interviewer focus on commonality and build on this growing friendship as we find it hard to say no to someone we like


  • Rule No.35 Energise the Interviewer

The difference between Extrovert or Introvert interviewers is how they acquire their energy, by mastering how to influence this personality trait you will increase the spirit of the interview

 Use hypnotic persuasion in job interviews

  • Rule No.36 Influence the Interviewers Decision Making Process

The interviewer’s role is to make a decision – to choose the best candidate. By influencing the interviewer’s decision-making process you can, at the extreme persuade the interviewer to employ you  


  • Rule No.37 Disguise the Information You Give the Employer

We process information differently depending on our personality type, once you master how your interviewer will filter your information you can use this knowledge to infiltrate the employer’s thought process  


  • Rule No.38 Deliver Your Answers the Way They Will Be Best Understood

Interview stress kills the interview, the interviewer after interviewing all day will feel pressured, tired and on the edge of annoyance – be sure not to fall into the trap of stressing the interviewer by wrongly presenting the structure of your interview


  • Rule No.39 Persuade Through Personality

We are all different which means to be successful in all interviews you need to change your approach to influence each individual interviewer. A one way approach will be the death of your interview persuasion technique


  • Rule No.40 Predict The Interview Questions

The power to predict interview questions allows you to prepare your answers with detail and precision, with the final result having a greater impact then your counterpart’s efforts


  • Rule No.41 Get The Experts To Give You The Answers

Don’t do the leg work yourself ask the experts for the answers, use their power answers to emphasize your expertise and to pass interviews with confidence

 Double your chances of interview success

  • Rule No.42 Become a Website Detective

Only a fool doesn’t understand the power of knowledge, with research you will be able to uncover the company secrets that will guarantee you an offer in employment


  • Rule No.43 Structuring Your Interview Answers Will Increase the Acceptability of the Interviewer  

Most interviewees don’t understand the real structure of the interview process; they listen to a question and give a quick answer praying for the interview to be over. To be successful you need to understand how to structure your interview answer, the structure will create the basis for influencing


  • Rule No.44 Repetition Increases Skill

Practice makes perfect, without practice you will be compelled to rush the interview and to fail. With practice comes an increase in skill and an increase in confidence – a winning formula for an interview


  • Rule No.45 Conceal Your True Purpose in a Mock Interview

Repetition is the key to mastering any skill, increase your interview skills and practice your persuasion techniques by using a real interview as a rehearsal, testing your manipulation with your true purpose concealed


  • Rule No.46 Create a Persuasion Loop

The end of the interview is more likely to be remembered then the start, use this section to reiterate your unique selling points  

 Persuade and influenceany job interviewer

  • Rule No.47 Interactive and Energetic Presentations Create Intrigue

A presentation gives you the opportunity to manipulate the interview as you will have an uninterrupted focus; create intrigue, highlight your expertise and add hypnotic language patterns throughout – this will only work with practice       

  • Rule No.48 Get Others to Do The Hard Work – Get the Receptionist To Sell you to the Boss

We believe others, especially when they have no interest in the outcome or invested interest. Through the psychology of social proof; get an outsider to sell you to the interviewer and receive a boost through a positive character reference


  • Rule No.49 Turn Other Interviewees into Nervous Wrecks

Control the opposition, make them like you and then destroy them using mental mind tricks without them even knowing what damage you have caused


  • Rule No.50 Increase Likeness by Using Names

Remembering names increase likeness and likeness creates rapport – with a friendship in a bag you can influence the interviewer through the psychology of “liking” and people find it hard to say no to people they like


  • Rule No.51 Catch Big Fish with Big Hooks

Understand the interviewer’s requirements and use this as bait, offer the interviewer what they want, add a little extra and they will be hooked

 Master influential language in interviews

  • Rule No.52 Gain the Interviewers Agreement

Nodding at the interviewers key points will increase rapport, once in rapport you can encourage agreement by nodding while explaining your key selling points which will influence the interviewer to agree with you


  • Rule No.53 Infect the Interview

Likeability and rapport will affect the interview outcome, once you learn how to increase rapport you will affect the interviewers view of you at the bare minimum with an increase of likeness and at the utmost creating a passionate connection


  • Rule No.54 Take the Interviewer on a Journey of Discovery

Be the author of the interview, take control by pacing the interviewer and use rapport to direct and lead the interviewer on a new journey


  • Rule No.55 Interrogate the Competition

Everyone has a weakness, a fault, their own Achilles heel; it may be insecurity, procrastination or even an obsessive compulsive disorder, discover the limitations of the competition and exploit this


  • Rule No.56 Create an Aura of Power

A group interview is one way for the employer to quickly disqualify those that they feel are lacking in the essential criteria required for the position. To stand out in a group interview you need to create an aura of power while making the other interviewees seem weak and helpless


  • Rule No.57 Motivate With Pain, Motivate With Pleasure

People are motivated through pain or pleasure, discover your interviewer’s motivational trait and discover their weakness   

 Increase your interview chances – make a bigger impression

  • Rule No.58 When You Don’t Agree with the Employer’s Point of View Change the Direction of the Conversation

A negative discussion started by the interviewer reflects badly on you through association; learn to direct any conversation, any negative comment to a positive topic of your choice  


  • Rule No.59 Gain Compliance By Getting the Employer to Agree With Everything You Say

To gain interviewer’s compliance, convince the interviewer to let their guard down, once they are open you can attack – manipulating as you see fit


  • Rule No.60 Only Change the Employer’s Opinion if the Employer Has Negative Thoughts Towards You

When an employer takes a dislike to you, you need to manipulate the employer to first gain attraction, second to increase intrigue and thirdly for the interviewer to see you as commodity as precious as pure gold


  • Rule No.61 Turn the Interviewer into a ‘Yes’ Man

Tag lines are used to gain compliance, they are highly powerful and need to be used only at certain points during the interview, when used you can encourage agreement and at the extreme the employer will comply with everything you tell them


  • Rule No.62 Demand The Employer To Give You The Job

Make demands by secretly hiding them in conversation, this will bypass the conscious mind turning your interviewer into a puppet controlled by you


  • Rule No.63 Suggest to the Employer Not to Offer You the Job

Mess with the interviewer’s mind, use reverse psychology – suggest that they don’t offer you a job which will compel them to offer you the position, the interviewer won’t understand why they are so compelled to hire you  


  • Rule No.64 Conceal Your Intentions by Simulating Choice

Suggest choice but don’t offer any, the interviewer will believe they have options but in reality they will have none


  • Rule No.65 Make the Puppet Dance

Control the interviewer, put your words in their mouth and make them think and act the way you want them to, at the bare minimum you will lead the employer, when used with proficiency you will be in command


  • Rule No.66 Use Social Proof to Influence – get others to highlight your strengths

People are sheep who will follow others and believe what they are told without any proof, sway the interviewer by quoting your past employer’s high appreciation of you


  • Rule No.67 Create a Fantasy  

Hidden meanings are understood unconsciously through stories and metaphors; create intrigue, anticipation and the interviewer will want to know more, this technique can help create a strong identity  


  • Rule No.68 An Argument Will Only Show Your Weakness

Negative put-downs can rupture the whole interview process and will make you look weak; handling negativity masterfully will not only save your skin but put the power back in your hands


  • Rule No.69 Turn Around the Tide of Power; Interview the Interviewer

The power in an interview is unbalanced, take control, switch around the balance of power and gain authority – be careful this technique can back fire if you over exert your new found power


  • Rule No.70 Master the Art of Performance

Don’t rely on the interviewer to remember you, create an unforgettable performance and like all shows leave the audience wanting more


  • Rule No.71 Offer A Diamond With One Hand, Take It Away With The Other

Scarcity increases want, as we all want what we can’t have. Close the deal by offering them everything they want and more, and then just as quick take it all away


  • Rule No.72 End as You Started with Manipulation Mind

To finalise your impact on the interview, secure an emotional attachment with the employer – don’t grow too comfortable at the end of the interview as your weaknesses may finally be uncovered


  • Rule No.73 Look For Your Own Weakness and Stamp It Out

Pre-empt the employer, discover your own weakness and evolve into the final product through personal feedback. Become a master of interviews and an influencer of interviewers

make every interviewer eat out of your hand

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How to Influence Interviews Using NLP

How to Influence Interviews Using NLP

After working in the careers industry for many years I am shocked by how competitive each individual position is, with one national company recently had over 2000 applicants apply for a low-level position.

Job hunters have to step up their game and go above and beyond general interview techniques to win more job offers. One way to beat the competition is by using NLP to influence the job interview.


NLP is a great tool for influencing job interviews, as NLP isn’t just one technique it composes of a mixture of techniques that you can pull out of the bag when required and today I will share several of these techniques with you.

Rapport Building with Employers 

Building good rapport is essential in the job interview as employers offer more jobs to people they like, in many cases with interviewers offering positions to people they like over more experienced applicants.

 To gain rapport first find common ground with the interviewer, while the interviewer is having the initial chat with you designed to calm down nervous interviewees you can probe for what you have in common and then use this common ground to increase rapport. We have all heard candidates being picked because they wore the “old school tie”

We all communicate differently; the reason for this is due to the way we take in the information around us. Simply put we have a preference to one of our senses even though we use them all; auditory, visual or kinaesthetic. An interviewer will talk using words relating to their preferred sense which means to communicate effectively you can use their words to ensure your message sinks in.  

  • Visual people will us words such as; sight, see, picture, imagine, view
  • Auditory people will use words such as; hear, sound, clear as a bell,
  • Kinaesthetic people will use words such as; feel, touch, hard, warmth

 You will realise the importance of using the interviewer’s language when you next try to get a point across to someone who just doesn’t understand what you mean. When this happens change your words to match their representational system and notice how they see things as clear as day.

 The Employers Point of View

To win job offers you need to prepare. Where most people fail though is by not looking at the interview from the employer’s point of view. Instead of just memorizing your interview answers use your imagination to play out the interview from the employers viewpoint – imagine you as the employer interviewing yourself, notice how you sit, notice your posture and become aware of everything that makes up the employers impression of you – how well do you answer questions, do you sound confident, do your answers ring true? Do you as the employer get a good feeling about the interviewee? What is your first gut feeling? Do you feel warm or cold towards this person? Use this inside knowledge to improve your interview techniques, look for both your strength and your areas of development.

 Confidence in a Job Interview 

 To win any job interview you need to feel confident. At an interview, you need to be able to access confidence in a few seconds. A great way to access confidence is by using an NLP anchor, an NLP anchor will allow you to trigger as positive emotion such as confidence when required.  

To build a trigger, I want you to think about 5 past events or activities when you felt really confident. In your mind I want you to play out each event as if you are there now – seeing the event from your own eyes, as you play out this movie turn up the sound and make the picture bigger and brighter until you feel fully associated with it.

As you do this, you start to relive that positive feeling, let the confidence feeling grow stronger and stronger in your body until it’s at its peak and then squeeze your finger and thumb together as you do this imagine all the confidence from around your body rushing towards the squeezed fingers at the speed of light.

Do this with all 5 past activities. Afterward, test your trigger by squeezing your finger and thumb together, if it has been successful you should feel confident as soon as your squeezed fingers touch. Now you can use this trigger to access a confident feeling just before your job interview.

This is just a quick sample of how NLP can be used in job interviews but to really master influencing the interview, you can read the new book The 73 rules for influencing the interview using psychology, NLP and hypnotic persuasion techniques.


If you enjoyed reading this article you will also enjoy reading:

Influencing the Job Interview 6 Principles of Persuasion

Influencing the Job Interview using the 6 Principles of Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini


As a leader in the laws of influencing and persuasion Dr. Robert Cialdini’s book The Psychology of Influence is an insightful read on the principals of influencing and persuasion techniques. We have taken what Dr Cialdini researched in his book and made it relevant to the job interview to help you win more job offers achieving your career success.


The six principles of influence can be used in a job interview to get more job offers, be warned though, as discussed in the book “influencing the interview” some of these techniques can be dark and dangerous, but they will increase your chances of securing you a 6 figure job offer.



First Principle: COMMITMENT


People like to follow through on their commitments; we all strive for consistency and when we commit verbally or in writing to something, we won’t want to back out of this commitment. Which is why pick artist, master persuaders and powerful business leaders use the principle of commitment to persuade and influence.


To win job offers you first need to gain the employers commitment, if they commit to employing you during the interview they won’t want to change their mind. This principle is powerful in job interviews, because if you influence the employer to say Yes to your questions there unlikely to back out, which means you will want to set up a yes set with a hidden command.


A yes set has been used in ‘sale’ pitches for years, for this to work you need to say several truisms – facts that can only be answered with a “yes.” Such as “you reading this document…” as you can’t deny that you were reading this document. After stating 2-3 truisms you can add a ‘lead’ – a lead is the thing you want the employer to say Yes to, such as “you’re looking to recruit someone with my experience?”


Hypnotherapist use this technique all the time to take clients into a trance “as you are sat on the chair (yes) breathing in and out (yes)… you are starting to feel sleepy (lead)


In a job interview you could create a yes set with “you recently won a new contract (yes) with several demanding targets to achieve (yes) which means you’re looking to recruit someone with my experience… (lead)


Don’t kill the interview by waiting to be asked a question. An interview isn’t a set of questions and answers, an interview is a conversation and throughout a conversation both parties will ask and answer questions.While you’re questioning the employer you can keep gaining commitment, building commitment on top of commitment by using the rest of the techniques in this article, designed to influence your next job interview.


Second Principle: RECIPROCATION


People feel indebted to others who do/give something to them. Supermarkets use this rule constantly; it is rare to walk throughout a supermarket without their being a free giveaway sample of cheese, meat or alcohol. This great scam works through the rule of reciprocation, as customers are more likely to buy a product because they have been given a free sample.


Do something ‘nice’ for the employer – an unselfish gesture and they will want to return the favour. Depending on your industry you could use this influential principle by offering the employer a day’s free work. For this to work you don’t need to wait for the job interview, apply for positions on spec (which is why the technique only works for certain industries)  and offer the employer £50 for you to work for them for free for a day – that’s right you pay the employer to work for them for free. With the condition that if they like your work ethic they have to offer you a job but if they feel you won’t fit in with their organization they keep the £50.


This technique works because people who will offer up a day’s free work are generally good workers and because you have offered the employer a free day’s work, the employer will feel more compelled to offer you a job position.


Wimpy quite candidates are never offered jobs. In the job interview you have to play this technique a little differently as it is hard to offer the employer a free sample of your work during the interview itself. To overcome this you can offer the employer information, knowledge and ideas. In the Influencing the Interview book we talk about adding value to the organisation by using your industry knowledge (Authority principle) to add value to what the employer is discussing.


As an example the employer may be discussing a new piece of expensive software that they will be investing in, you can give away your knowledge for free “that piece of software is really good but is very expensive to run, a new product used in the USA is being realised in the UK next month, basically it does the same job for half the price. After the interview I can e-mail you a link to the product website so you can decide for yourself.” 


What you are doing here is saving the company money before they employ you, with the interviewer thinking if you will give this gem away for free, what will I get when I employ you? And because you gave away some valuable information that will assist the company the interviewer will more compelled to do something ‘nice’ for you and offer you the job.


Third Principle: SCARCITY


We all want what we can’t have; while in a recession the employer has the upper hand, they know hundreds of people will apply for each advertised position, in other words they have the pick of the crop. The good news is, out of all the hundreds of candidates that applied for the position, only around 6 will be interviewed – this is the interviewer telling you that they are interested.


Next you need to make yourself scarce, unique or valuable. You need to think about the value you can bring to the organization, what do you possess that others don’t? How will you increase the company profits? How will employing you add value to their organization? And more importantly if they don’t employ you what will they miss out on, especially if you become the employers competition as an employee at a competitive company.


Don’t have an interview hart-attack, speak up and get your selling point across to the employer, if you don’t tell them they won’t know. Once the employer is hooked, once they see you as pure gold and as the employer is ready to offer you a job, let them know how employers from other competitive organizations have already offered you a position and the company is troubling you for an answer –  result: the interviewer will feel compelled to win you over before they miss out.


Forth Principle: AUTHORITY


People listen, trust and follow experts; who would you want to operate on you, a newly qualified doctor or an expert specializing in your operation? A no-brainier! Even on a more basic level you may be out buying some new decking for a home DIY project. While in the local DIY shop your examining two different decking products, when the shop assistant comes along and tells you about the pro’s and con’s of each product and then finally recommends product A – which product would you choose? Most of us will go with the expert’s recommendation – what they don’t know is that the shop assistant has only worked their two weeks. Authority can also be increased by a verity of external aspects including your voice tone and  the clothes you wear. If the shop assistant is dressed as DIY person, you are more likely to take their advice.


You don’t have to be an authority to persuade, as you can influence people by coming across as an expert. In the job interview you have to be seen as an expert in your industry, as this will increase your value (scarcity principle) and will give you the upper hand in the interview. Also people believe experts and won’t always question your general statements, if they believe you are an authority on the subject. You can learn to come across as an expert in your job sector in just a few days, which we discuss in the influencing the interview book.


Knowledge is the key to power; the more you learn about your industry the more you will sound like an expert. Continue to increase your knowledge by reading articles on your industries sector skills website, question people on industry forums and by working in a career you love – this way you will enjoy learning and evolving in this job role. Finally with all this expertise in your head, share it with the employer, explain how this knowledge of yours will benefit the organization, how you can increase productivity, how you will win new contracts and save on overheads – show the employer how you will put your knowledge into practice (Reciprocation principle)


Fifth Principle: LIKING


People find it hard to say no to people they like; you hear it all the time when people gain job interviews or are even offered positions because they were recommended by a friend who already works at that particular company.  This works because the new employee is associated to the friend recommending them; the employer thinks worker A is good so his friend must be good to or he wouldn’t recommend her. In reality this generalization isn’t always true, but the power behind the principle of liking can affect the employers mind.


During the job interview you can increase liking by finding common ground; you both support the same football team, you both went to the same school, you both play badminton or attend church on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter how you find common ground, just find it as this will first help the employer to remember you and will increase your rapport. It has also been proven that attractive people are offered more jobs which mean’s you need to make an effort with your appearance before every interview.


Don’t become an interview enemy. You can increase rapport, increasing the employer liking you by mirroring the employers body movements in a suitable way. To do this pace the employers posture – sit how they are sitting, as they move (as an example slightly leading forward) copy them (you slightly lean forward) and once in full rapport, you can lead your employer; as you move they will unconsciously mirror your body movements. To initially gain rapport you can influence someone by complementing them, people love to be told nice things about themselves and if you ‘like’ them, they will like you.


Sixth Principle: SOCIAL PROOF


People are sheep; most people follow others, especially when their uncertain about a course of action – to feel comfortable we will go with the crowd. In a job interview you cant get a hundred people to tell the employer to hire you because of your expertise, if you could you would easily gain more job offers as interviewers often feel uncertain with the decision of who to employee.


In a group interview you can use your expertise (Authority principle) and rapport (Liking principle) to create an aura of power around you. By highlighting your expertise to the group while increasing your liking from others, you will create an identity for yourself “s/he will definitely be offered one of the positions…” this can identity can easily spread throughout the group and to the employers “we need to interview him/her, have you heard what everyone has been saying…”


In a one to one interview you have to create social proof in a different way, to do this quote past employers throughout your interview praising yourself for past successes and I would add it is easier to praise yourself when you’re using a quote.


Employers want to be told who to employ, if you can stand out by showing your expertise, the value you can add to the organisation and top this by getting others to say “your great” through quotes or even from other interviewees, you will increase your job offers.


Authors use this same technique all the time, look on the back of any good book and you will see a testimonial, and what is a testimonial it’s social proof – others are telling you to buy this book.


The 73 rules for Influencing the Interview using Psychology, NLP and Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques.


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National Careers Service

National Careers Service


With over 10 years experience delivering careers advice to people from all walks of life from teenagers to graduates to career professionals. We have supported people to make the correct career choice during redundancies, before picking your university course and when your just looking for a career change.

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Influencing the Interview

Influencing the Interview


.Now Available at Amazon



Times are hard for job hunters with on average over 300 applicants applying for each individual position. Job hunters have it even harder with competition for jobs coming from across the globe, due to the worldwide recession. To win job offers in these competitive times, you need to stand out in job interviews, you need to add value to the employer and you need to learn how to influence the interview.

Employment king is releasing a new powerful book designed to blow away your interview competition, but be warned some of these techniques are dark and dangerous. The 73 Rules of Influencing the Interview – using NLP, Psychology and Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques has been designed to give you the upper hand in your next job interview.

Techniques range from using the dark arts of sales psychology, to turning other interviewees into nervous wrecks. You will learn how Mind Read the employers and how to manipulate by using hypnotic language to persuade the interviewer to offer you a job.


Influencing The Interview is due for release on 13th July 2012

Pre-order a copy today 


Pre Order your copy if Influencing the Interview today by clicking this link BUY NOW and we will e-mail you with your free gift and post the paper book: Influencing the Interview to your address after the first print run in July. Be the first to influence job interviews using NLP, Psychology and Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques and win a job offer in these competitive times.

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Hypnotherapy for Job Interviews

Hypnotherapy for Job Interviews



The word interview often sends shivers down our spines, as most people associate only negative emotions to job interviews. This association can spin out of control as you generally perform worst when your interview self esteem is low, which only helps to build on your negative interview association and I would add this negative experience will add more powerful negative feelings to your next interview, creating a negative loop of poor interview performance.


This fear can often turn into a phobia, just as a fear of a spider that scared a child can turn into a phobia as the child grows into an adult. But as with all phobias and fears this phobia can be destroyed, beaten and eliminated for ever.


There are several techniques that can be used to reduce your interview fear and destroy your phobia, the most powerful being Interview Hypnotherapy. These sessions are short, relaxing and empowering as with all hypnotherapy you are in control.


Employers only recruit confident, positive employees that have an abundance of self belief – basically you need to shine throughout the job interview to succeed


To learn more about hypnotherapy and to book your session, click this link:  Hypnotherapy in Manchester.


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