Why Do You Keep Recruiting the Wrong Employees?

Some research has shown how companies can spend over 35% of their profits on recruitment.

This is a staggering amount to be spent on recruitment cost, with a large amount of that spend, being spent on the time it takes to interview applicants, shifting the hundreds of job applications received and the cost of advertising vacancies.

You first need to ask yourself how much are you spending on recruitment cost? And how many new employees leave or are sacked?

Asking the wrong interview questions

Many companies ask the wrong type of questions at the job interview, which results in the wrong applicant being offered the position. Many businesses state they have an interim period and if the new employee doesn’t meet the standards they can get rid of them. Often this doesn’t happen as the employer puts the mistakes made down to the employee being new. The cost of re-recruiting is also very high and can put employers off the thought of re-advertising a position.

Many interviewers ask the wrong question, they ask age-old questions including “have you experience in X.” Some interview questions will help you understand the applicant’s knowledge of your sector, but what is more important is how the employee is motivated and what stresses the employee, because we can all agree that a motivated employee work rate is increased.

Readers of this can relate, as we have all been in one job where we work well, but when you have started in a new company in the same position your work rate drops. But why does this happen?

Motivated employees have a higher output

We are all motivated and stressed in different ways, some employees need to be organised and planned, and others need variety and creativity to stay motivated.

Employers first need to understand their job role and company.

Are you looking for a pro-active or re-active employee, as both have benefits and negatives?

Do you require a problem solver or a goal setter as these employees work completely different to one another?

Do you need an employee who is motivated through praise or an employee who is internally motivated, as work rates can increase both of these two types depending on the job role?

Understanding the job role

First you need to breakdown the job role and how your company operates, including your management style. Do you require a proactive or reactive employee? Would you prefer a goal-orientated or problem solver? Will the applicant need to be motivated externally or internally? Do you want some to follow procedures or would someone who can take the initiative? Will the job be repetitious or will the duties change through the working year?

By knowing exactly what you require, you can ask job interview questions that pull out a persons motivational and stress states.

For one person following procedures will keep them well motivated but for another having to follow procedures can make them stress as they may know a different a better way to do it.

This is why someone you know who has a good reputation in your sector becomes your employee, instantly their performance drops, they are just motivated and stressed by the way an organisation operates.

What questions to ask

Below is a set of questions, that you can to your interview to understand an interviewees motivation and stress indicators.

People, who are motivated and stressed in different ways, show this to us by the way they word their interview answers.

To understand if you are recruiting the applicant who will be motivated in your workplace you need to listen to the words they use, as the words indicate how they are best motivated.

Interview Question                      Motivation/Stress Pattern      Language Indicators


No question                                                Proactive                  Action, Do It

                                     Re-active                  Try, Think, About It

What do you want in your  career?          Towards                   Attain, Gain, Achieve

                                                                           Away From            Avoid, Exclude, Recognise

How do you know if you                         Internal                     Knows within himself

Have done a good job                             External                    Told by others, facts and figures

Why did you choose                                 Options                      Criteria, Choices, Possibilities,

your current job                                        Procedures               Story, how, necessity, didn’t

What is your relationship                       Sameness                   Same No Change

Between your work this          Sameness with Exceptions     More, Better, Comparisons

Year and last year                                      Difference                   Change, New, Unique

Sameness with Exceptions    New and Comparisons

and Difference

Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer Interview

Electrical Engineer Interview

  • Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
  • What experience do you have as an electrical engineer?
  • What is the difference between a generator and an alternator?

  • What are the benefits of an AC system?
  • What cables would you use for transmissions?
  • What does a slip in an inductor motor do?
  • Explain the application for storage batteries?

  • Is health and safety an important part of this role?
  • What are your current electrical engineering qualifications?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

The 6 Stages of a Job Interview

Often interviewees to prepare for a job interview need to know what the stages of a job interview are.

This knowledge can help them prepare for the forthcoming job interview and allows the interviewee during the job interview to know at what stage they are at during the job interview.

The job interview is broken into 6 parts. This can vary slightly with each individual company, but as a rule of thumb, this is the general breakdown of most job interviews.

  • The introduction:

    1. the employer will introduce themselves, the company and the reason they are currently recruiting new members of staff. Some companies will use the introduction to sell their company, as they have only invited to interview those applicants they know will add value to their company.
  • The Opening:

    1. the opening of the interview is a few questions to get you talking and to help you relax. The question often include “what do you know about our organisation?” and “tell me a little bit about yourself and your experience” If your a confident interviewee you can use these opening questions to start selling yourself from the off.

  • The Skills:

    1. as the interview is underway the interviewer will question you on your skills and knowledge to see if your ability matches that required by the company. You may be asked technical questions at this stage.
  • The Experience:

    1. heading towards the end of the interview, you will be asked a series of questions related to your experience. You have confirmed you have a certain skill, you now need to back this up by giving answers relating to real experiences.
  • The Personality:

    1. employers understand that employees that work well together offer more output. Most interviewers will ask you a few questions on personality and values to ensure you will fit in well with both the team and the organisation.
  • The Sum Up:

    1. at the job interview end, the employer will thank you for your time and if needed ask you one or two more questions to finish of the job interview and may summaries the interview and how you preformed. In 9/10 job interviews, the interviewer will ask if you have any questions to ask them; this is your time to ensure that the company meets your values. This is sometimes overlooked by the interviewee but is highly important as you want to pick a company that you will grow in.

Overall the job interview on average will last around 45 minutes with the interviewer asking around 10 questions. Some interviews also ask you to complete the test, physically show a skill or to take part in some type of group exercise.

Interview Questions for a Nursery Nurse Interview

One of the largest job sectors is the education sector, employing over 450,000 staff members, including a high number of nursery nurses

Most nursery nurses around £25,000 with nursery nurse managers having an average of £30,000. Having a qualification is key, with employers looking for a Level 3 Diploma in Early Years Education and Care – Early Years Educator or a T-level in Education.

Other entry routs include a level 3 nursery nurse apprenticeships. Employers during the recruitment process will check qualifications and experiences relevant to the role.

In the job interview, the interviewers will focus on skills and knowledge for the nursery nurse position.

Nursery Nurse Interview Questions

We have listed the most commonly asked nursery nurse interview questions and provided a breakdown of what the employer is looking to hear from an applicant.

In the main the nursery nurse interview will be structured, with each question being allocated a point – the highest scoring candidate will be offered the role.

To prepare for a job interview, it is also good to familiarise yourself with the generic commonly asked questions.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

  • Show experience level by discussing the duration in the industry
  • State your highest level of nursery nurse qualification to highlight knowledge level
  • Give examples of working with a particular cohort (SEND pupils) to reference your unique skills and experiences

This results in: Experience x Qualification x USP interview formula 

What experience do you have working with children?  

The ‘experience’ questions requires additional detail to the generic ‘about you’ question.

  • Describe different vulnerable groups, age ranges, if the pupils had a disability – any specifics here works well, as a positive assumption is made when an applicant has direct experience with targeted leaners
  • Talking about working with older age also helps, especially when you link the experience to the criteria of the nursery nurse job role
  • Explain your knowledge of learning styles, how play is utilised in education and how to recongnise safeguarding concerns

Give me an example of when you had safeguarding concerns and what processes you followed?

What steps have you taken outside of work to develop yourself?

Employers, these days, are looking for staff who want to develop professionally. In the education sector increasing knowledge is very important as legislation changes on a regular basis.

To answer the CPD session it is good to describe the activities from any of the following four areas of learning:

  • Volunteering
  • Eventbrite sessions
  • Academic reading
  • Qualifications

Discuss the CPD opportunity, what you leant and how you can use the learning in the workplace.

Do you have any examples of when you have proactively involved a parent or carer in their child’s development?

A real-life example is a good way to explain the actions you took to support a parent. Tell the story by explaining the following 4 steps:

  1. Describe the situation – why was it needed for the parent to be involved?
  2. State the actions you took – how you engaged with the parent
  3. What barriers did you over?
  4. The positive outcome – how it supported the child

What would you do with a child who demonstrated challenging behavior?

There is a variety of challenging behavior when working with young people. Again, using a real-life example helps to highlight the skills you have to help a child with their behaviour.

  1. Describe the challenging behaviour
  2. Give context – was there a reason for this behaviour
  3. Discuss collaborative working with parents, child psychologist or social worker
  4. Discuss actions you took
  5. Describe the outcome

What would you do if you saw a colleague taking pictures on their phone of the children playing in the play area?

Safeguarding questions are very common in nursery nurse interviews. The NSPCC have a wealth of information that can be quoted in job interviews.

First state safeguarding regulations as this shows an understanding of the law and processes.

Next, explain the process of your current employer (reporting to manger, recording incidents, challenging colleagues) and safeguarding regulations.

The employer, here, is trying to understand your level of safeguarding knowledge.,

What is your understanding of OFSTED?

For all educational job interviews it is very important to be aware of the OFTSED inspection framework. 

  • State your awareness of the framework – ideally you will highly knowledgeable
  • Discuss past inspections in previous roles
  • Explain business as usual tasks that you complete adhering to OFSTED regulations

Why is health and safety deemed important?

When working with young child, the H&S interview question is from the perspective of the child not the work (as it is in other job sectors)

  • Explain the importance of H&S awareness
  • Discuss daily tasks you complete to ensure the safety of child – this could be as simple as removing dangerous/sharp objects or completing risk assessments for activities
  • Discuss ‘risk’ in detail

What would you do if you heard a child or parent saying something racist?

Some nursery nurse workers find this situation difficult. Which is why employers ask challenging interview questions.

  • Explain how you would challenge the comment
  • Give an explanation on why the comment would need challenging
  • Tell a story about a real-life example of dealing with a similar situation

Do you have any questions for me?

Always have questions prepared. As an example:

  • How many nursery centers do you have?
  • What training is available for new staff members?
  • What is the projected intake of children over the next 3 years?

Interview Questions for a Bus Driver Interview

Bus Driver Interview

  • Can you tell me a little about you and your driving experience?
  • How long have you had a license for?
  • Have you ever received points on your driving license?

  • How do you plan bus routes?
  • Why is it important that bus schedules be on time?
  • What specific skills do you have that relate to this position?
  • How would you handle a vehicle in icy conditions?

  • When driving “school runs” how would you handle a situation on your when a student physically harms you or another student?
  • You have come upon a serious accident where it is apparent there may have been a loss of life. How would you deal with your bus?
  • If you believe that a bus ticket was fake what would you do?
  • What characteristics do you possess that make you a good bus driver?
  • In the event of a serious accident, what procedure would you follow?

Interview Questions for a Production Worker Interview

Production Worker Interview

  • Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
  • What previous production roles have you worked in?
  • What is your knowledge of Health and Safety?

  • What would you do if there was a blockage on the conveyer belt?
  • How do you know when to stop producing goods during the shift?
  • If it was coming to the end of your shift, but you were behind on an order due to the machine breakdown what would you do?
  • If you saw a colleague acting suspiciously around a pallet of goods what would you do?

  • Why are delivery notes so important?
  • If a pallet of edible goods fell on the floor what would you do?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

Interview Questions for a Secuirty Guard Interview

Security Guard Interview

  • Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
  • What is your experience in security?
  • Do you have a SIA licence?

  • Have you ever had to deal with some who was threatening?
  • What would you say to calm down an angry member of the public?
  • If some fainted in front of you, what would you do?
  • How would you handle a situation where a staff member who you didn’t know didn’t look at the image of their photo ID?

  • If an emergency was happening on a different level of the office, but you were currently posted on reception, what would you do?
  • What would be your approach if a colleague security guard, was accessing company information from the database?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

Over 100 Job Interview Questions

100 Job Interview Questions

      • Job Interview Question: Tell me a little about yourself.
      • Job Interview Question: Why do you want to work for this company?  
      • Job Interview Question: What can you offer that others can’t?
      • Job Interview Question: Do you have any experience in this role?
      • Job Interview Question: What are your key strengths?
      • Job Interview Question: What do you perceive are your weaknesses?
      • Job Interview Question: how would you sum up your career to date?
      • Job Interview Question: Have you ever done anything in a job that you are embarrassed about?
      • Job Interview Question: What made you apply for this particular company?
      • Job Interview Question: Where do you see yourself in 10 years, in terms of your career?
      • Job Interview Question: how do you handle stressful situations?
      • Job Interview Question: What has been your greatest career achievement?
      • Job Interview Question: What is your long-term career goal?
      • Job Interview Question: how do you communicate detailed information to ensure that the communication is not distorted?  
      • Job Interview Question: what management style do you use?
      • Job Interview Question: is customer service something you deem as important?  
      • Job Interview Question: have you ever fell out with a colleague?  
      • Job Interview Question: Why are you looking for a new position?  
      • Job Interview Question: How would your past colleagues describe you?  
      • Job Interview Question: if you had a task to complete but it was time to go home, what would you do?
      • Job Interview Question: what is your natural position within a team?  
      • Job Interview Question: What is more important work or your personal life?  
      • Job Interview Question: how do you communicate effectively on the telephone?  
      • Job Interview Question: what theories do you adhere to regarding project management?  
      • Job Interview Question: what does success mean to you?  
      • Job Interview Question: how would you as a lone worker motivate yourself?
      • Job Interview Question: As a manager, wow do you motivate your team?
      • Job Interview Question: how do you deliver a compelling presentation?
      • Job Interview Question: Describe a situation you took full responsibility for a project
      • Job Interview Question: have you ever turned a negative situation into a positive one?
      • Job Interview Question: how do you put 100% into everything you do when your on a down day?  

    • Job Interview Question: How do you build relationship with stakeholders?  
    • Job Interview Question: How long do you expect to work for us?
    • Job Interview Question: how will you react if you don’t get on well with your line manager?  
    • Job Interview Question: what is the most stressful situation you have been in?
    • Job Interview Question: if you gave an order to a member of staff and they didn’t follow it, what would you do?  
    • Job Interview Question: what is your career mission/goal?  
    • Job Interview Question: how do you calm down angry customers?
    • Job Interview Question: what are your transferable skills?  
    • Job Interview Question: what are your other career goals?  
    • Job Interview Question: have you considered managerial positions?  
    • Job Interview Question: what do you consider a challenging problem?
    • Job Interview Question: How do you reflect on your work practices?  
    • Job Interview Question: what would you do if you knew you weren’t going to meet your weekly target?
    • Job Interview Question: what would you do if you seen a colleague stealing?  
    • Job Interview Question: how is the internet a vital part of the company?  
    • Job Interview Question: what does equal opportunities and diversity mean to you?
    • Job Interview Question: how do you effectively communicate via e-mail?
    • Job Interview Question: what is our company mission?
    • Job Interview Question: if you were me, would you hire you?  
    • Job Interview Question: How can social media websites increase revenue?  
    • Job Interview Question: do you like criticism?
    • Job Interview Question: describe the pace at which you work?
    • Job Interview Question: Describe a typical work day.
    • Job Interview Question: What is your monetary value?  
    • Job Interview Question: if you was in my shoes, which direction would you head the business in?
    • Job Interview Question: how has your education up skilled you?
    • Job Interview Question: Are you willing to travel and work weekends?
    • Job Interview Question: what is the most important aspect of this business?
    • Job Interview Question: Do you consider yourself under qualified for this position?
    • Job Interview Question: Do you know anyone who works for us?
    • Job Interview Question: What one word describes you?
    • Job Interview Question: have you ever committed any offensives?
    • Job Interview Question: How do you prioritise your work to meet deadlines and the business needs?
    • Job Interview Question: What do you value?  
    • Job Interview Question: what ITC packages can you use effectively?  
    • Job Interview Question: why are you currently unemployed?  
    • Job Interview Question: what would your current manager say if he knew you were applying for a new position?  
    • Job Interview Question: What is more important to you, the money or a promotion?
    • Job Interview Question: have you ever had a deadline and didn’t make it?
    • Job Interview Question: are you a neat worker?
    • Job Interview Question: how will your IT skills add value?
    • Job Interview Question: Describe what qualities would you like to see in a manager?  
    • Job Interview Question: how do you develop your skill base?  
    • Job Interview Question: are qualifications important?  
    • Job Interview Question: does public speaking frighten you?  
    • Job Interview Question: did you lie on your CV?  
    • Job Interview Question: have you ever lied in an interview to get the job?  
    • Job Interview Question: how do you change your communication style to build relationships with your managers?  

    • Job Interview Question: How would you promote our business online or through networking meetings?
    • Job Interview Question: list the 5 most important skills required for this position?  
    • Job Interview Question: are you a leader or a follower?
    • Job Interview Question: Have you ever been fired?
    • Job Interview Question: what’s more important quantity or quality?  
    • Job Interview Question: What added value will you bring to our company?
    • Job Interview Question: how would you discipline an under performing employee?  
    • Job Interview Question: What would you do if your employer instructed you to do something that was unethical
    • Job Interview Question: how is this industry progressing?  
    • Job Interview Question: Do you know the history of our company?  
    • Job Interview Question: how can a manager best develop and support you?  
    • Job Interview Question: Why did you stay at your last company for so long?  
    • Job Interview Question: what happened at your last position for you to want to leave?
    • Job Interview Question: what motivates you in the workplace?
    • Job Interview Question: are you willing to work out of normal working hours?
    • Job Interview Question: have you contributed to increasing profits in any organisation?
    • Job Interview Question: give an example of when you went above and beyond?  
    • Job Interview Question: What is your career highlight to date?  
    • Job Interview Question: how do you stay motivated in completing repetitive task?
    • Job Interview Question: What do you like least about working in this job sector?  
    • Job Interview Question: have you ever supported a colleague?  
    • Job Interview Question: Do you have any questions for me?

What is the Difference Between Behavioral Job Interview Questions and Situation Job Interview Questions?

The two main types of structured interview questions are classed as behavioral interviews and situational interviews.

Behavioral job interview questions are designed to help the interviewee to discuss how you behaved or acted in past workplace situations.

Behavioral job interview questions often come in the form of “describe a time when you X..” in this instance the employer is looking at how you previously acted.

  • Describe a time when you had to make a difficult choice
  • Describe a time when you had to discipline a member of staff
  • Describe a time when you dealt with a difficult customer  

When the interviewee delivers their examples, the interviewer is looking to find out how you acted in this situation – your behavior.

  • Were you angry or confident?
  • Did you follow a process or act on your own initiative?
  • Did you do well or could you have done better?
  • Depending on the behavioral question depends on what the employer is looking for.

Situational interview questions are designed to help the interviewee look at the future; how will you act when X happens. You will often be presented with a problem and the employer is looking at your skills to solve the problem, your industry knowledge and your expertise.

  • What would you do if a customer said X?
  • How would you handle yourself in a pressurized situation?
  • If X happened what would you do to resolve it?

You rarely attend a “situation” or “behavioral” interview in reality the interviewer will ask you both situation and behavioral questions through the job interview process.

Interview Questions for a Construction Interview

Construction Interview

  • Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
  • What is your experience in construction?
  •  Can you follow blueprints and/or detailed diagrams?

  • Are you able to work out complex measurements?
  • Give me an example of when you demonstrated safe working?
  • Do you know what a CSCS card is for?
  • Have you ever been involved in a workplace accident?

  • What tools and equipment can you use efficiently?
  • What do you need to check when unloading goods on a construction site?
  • Do you have any questions for me?