3 Unsuspecting Ways To Find Career Success

3 Unsuspecting Ways To Find Career Success

We all want to find career success. Being successful in your career doesn’t mean you will rise to the highest position in your organization. Career success is about finding the perfect role, in the perfect sector, in the perfect company.

Being successful in your career impacts on your life, your relationships, your motivation and stress levels, your finance, your future and your work-life balance.

These 3 unsuspecting ways to find career success will help make that move from a job you dislike to a career you will be passionate about.

Find Career Success Inside Yourself

There is no set criterion for reaching the career success platform.

The people that feel successful in their career are the professionals who wake up excited to being going to work, the employees who work in a company with values that match their own and those people who feel motivated as they walk through the office doors on a Monday morning.

Your salary doesn’t equal success. Happiness and health equal success

First you need to understand your personality traits, what motivates you, your values, if you excel in a creative environment or if you preference is following processes and procedures.

Think about what makes you your best, know your natural talents and abilities, the type of people you work well with and your own uniqueness.

Once you match this to a career choice you find career success.

Focus On You Not Others

We have a natural ability to make comparisons. This skill can become a career barrier when we compare our abilities and skills to that of others.

When choosing a new career our internal critic questions if we have the abilities to achieve success in this sector – you need to turn this voice off!

Our motivation drops when we second guess what others think about our career ideas and abilities, stress increases when you make comparisons about your experience to others.

If you focus on you and your career plan, your motivation will increase. Your perspective needs to be on the outcome of achieving your career choice, and how this will positively affect your work-life balance.

When your mind strays of focus, think about the reasons you are making a career change.

Positive People Create Positively In You

The world is full of negative people. You know these people, there the people who walk into a room and suck the fun, the positively out of every situation.

Be aware of negative people in your social groups and stay away from them. When you hear the moans coming, leave the room.

Surround yourself with positive, happy and joyful people.

Moods are catching, if you socialise with glass half full peers, there positively, love for life and happiness will spread to you. Once full of life, your self-esteem will increase, goals will seem easier to achieve and you will enjoy your career even more.