5 Things to Do After an Interview that Helps You Seal the Deal

What To Do After an Interview to Seal the Deal

The three step process of searching a job includes:

  • Drafting a perfect resume
  • Preparing for the Interview
  • Post-Interview Follow-Ups

The first two steps are conventional and you prepare according to the job you apply to. Done with the job interview, now what’s next?

Once you have shaken hands and parted ways, you do not just have to sit ideal and wait for the employer to get in touch with you.

Here are five things you should be doing after an interview that help you get the job.

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#1 Write a Thank You Note

Firstly, when in an interview remember to collect business cards from each member that you meet in your process.

The best way to follow up is to write an e-mail within 24 hours of the interview. Your follow-up mail should be drafted in a job letter format starting with acknowledging each one of them for their time and then reiterate why you are the perfect fit for the job.

Use this follow-up email to thank the interviewers for the time they invested in meeting you, express what interests you in the position and anything you feel led to a personal connection during the interview process.

Another quick way to leave an impressive mark in the minds of the interviewers, leave a hand written thank you note followed by a follow-up email in a week’ time.

#2 Judiciously Connect Online

It might be tempting to connect with everyone that you have met with online.

Do so, but make sure that it does not leave an impression of you stalking them. Check their online presence before you reach out sending those requests. For example, someone you met at ABC organization has more than 500 people on his/her LinkedIn account implies that he/she is open to accept requests.

On the other hand, there might be someone with a private account. So hold yourself there, before you send out a request.

To be on the safe side, it is better to follow people or the organization on Twitter. It displays that you have a keen interest in the company. Keep Facebook for friends and family. Connection professionally on Facebook might turn the tables around for you.

#3 Follow-Up Again

It can take a while to get a response from the employer after you have had that interview. The reasons can be many.

If this is the case, you should consider following up again. But make sure that you have something new to offer each time you write a follow-up e-mail.

You can look out for a piece of news or what’s happening in the related industry and share it in a small follow-up note.

#4 Keep Those Notes

It is important that you have a track of job openings you pursue, the resumes sent and the contacts you have made through an application.

Once you are done with an interview, take out time and make notes listing down the people you met, the conversation you had and what remarkable you learned through the process.

Additionally also keep a note of the impressions you made and any concerns or questions you would like to put up to the employer when given a chance.

Interview questions and answers

#5 Make a Call

Communicating electronically has become the norm these days.

The extent is to the level that some people today think that a phone call will intrude their time. So, when you call someone make sure that you are considerate and careful both at the same time.

Recall, if they told you to call or drop an email. If not and you have already tried to get in touch through an e-mail without any response, before calling think about what you are going to say. It is better to practice before you make the call.

Finding a job is not an easy task. If you get an opportunity, make sure you use it to the fullest. Some annoying things candidates do in name of follow-up can harm the chances of you making it to the job. Here is a list of things you must not do definitely to keep your chances high.

  • Following-Up too much
  • Changing the salary expectations after the discussion
  • Acting like you have the job
  • Skipping the thank you note
  • Bringing up other job offers

Author Bio

Akansha Arora is a professional writer and blogger who loves to pen down her views on a number of topics that interest a reader. She writes keeping in mind the current scenarios and wishes to keep her readers well informed.