How to Use Body Langugae to Pass Interviews

Recently a lot of you e-mailed us, about our recent “handshake at interview article”, enquiring more about body language and interviews. We have responded to this and will, over the next coming months write more about body language and using body language to persuade others including interviewers, managers and colleagues.

Today’s article is about helping you gain rapport with the interviewer, once you know how to gain instant rapport through body language, you will notice a change in how your interviews end. How would you like to know how to gain instant rapport with the interviewer? Would gaining instant rapport with the interview increase your confidence? You already know these techniques are powerful, but the issue isn’t how powerful body language techniques can be but how much time you will put into practicing these techniques?

Once you learn how to find instant rapport with an interviewer you will start to notice that they will respond to your interview answers in a more positive way. There are several ways to help improve your rapport with interviewers, with the first being show the interviewer your confidence and the second smiling (not a fake smile but a real smile, you need to show you are happy to be at the interview) many other rapport building techniques can be found in the secrets of employment e-book, today we will learn:

How to use body language to gain rapport with the interviewer.                                                

Entering the Interview Room.

After a 5 minute wait, the receptionist will ask you to enter the interview room; pick up your documents and take a deep breath (remember the confidence techniques from the secrets of employment) as you enter the interview room, walk straight in, the interviewer is expecting you (if the door is closed, knock first and then enter) don’t just stand in the doorway. As you walk in, continue walking at the same speed towards the interviewer, an interviewee who is nervous will change their walking speed or will try to hind behind the door.

Meeting the Interviewer.

As you walk up to the interviewer, keep your eyes in the interviewer’s direction, don’t stare and as you near the interviewer’s desk, hold out your hand for the all important handshake. The interviewer, like most people will start to make an immediate impression about you, for this to be positive, smile as you shake hands (everyone likes a happy person and smiling has been proven to increase rapport) and introduce yourself. In most cases the interviewer will ask for you to be seated, if they don’t, sit down, a confident person will be use to taking control.

The Chair.

When seated, if you feel relaxed and calm, sit however you feel comfortable if you feel comfortable you will come across well and you won’t need to read this article. Generally, sit forward a little and as the interviewer is talking nod your head, this shows agreement and builds rapport.

In most cases you will be sat opposite the interviewer, to show confidence turn your body 45degrees so you are on an angle.

Feeling Nervous?

When you’re nervous, your hands will tend to find a mind of their own and start pulling invisible loose cotton and/or start fidgeting. To stop this, link your fingers together as it will take a conscious effort to pull them apart and fidget. If you’re nervous at all your interviews, you already know the secrets of employment e-book is full of confidence building techniques.  

Eye Contact.

You don’t have to stare at the interviewer throughout the interview, actually don’t stare at the interviewer throughout the interview-it would really put them off. As we think and remember past events the interviewer is questioning you on your eyes will flicker all over the place, generally when giving your answer look at the interviewer, like you would when talking to a friend or family member. When in a panel interviewer, look from one interviewer to another when giving your answer.  

To look confident, raise your chin (practice this at home – it needs to look natural) people feeling nervous will keep their head down (“feeling down”)

Preparing to Leave.

Be clam when preparing to leave, if you’re brought any documents, take your time retrieving them making small talk with the employer. Thank the interviewer for their time and shake the interviewer’s hand. Like your entrance, walk out in calm and confident manner; keep your head up and don’t put your hands in your pocket.


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