No Internship, No Job

No Internship, No Job


Competition for jobs is at an all time high, with applicants applying for positions from across the globe. Three factors effect each job application; Personality, Qualifications and Experience. With a friendly and professional personality in the bag and a list of qualifications behind you the graduate now needs an internship to gain that all important foot in the door through experience. Opportunities seem vast, but what is unseen is the high calibre competition applying for the same paid position you are, these job hunters has one major advantage over the young graduate and that is experience – proof to the employer that they have what it takes to get results in their particular job sector.


By gaining experience through an unpaid internship will give you the advantage later over other newly qualified graduates. There is nothing wrong with applying for both internship and paid opportunities at the same time, but to fail to land an internship will be the death of your job application because experience is king in the interview. Don’t fall into the trap of holding out for only a paid position because the employer has the upper hand, a vast amount of experience and qualified applicants. What you, the job hunter need to do, is to stand out in the job interview by highlighting how you can add value to that organisation and this can only be achieved by showing the employer the results you have achieved in previous positions and internships.


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