Preparing for Interviews

Job Interview Preperation Techniques 

Before the interview you need make several preparations to ensure you make the most positive impression during the interview.


Plan your travel, ensure you know where your interview is being held and complete a mock run; there is nothing worse than arriving late for an interview. Ensure you have set your alarm clock.


Plan what you are going to wear, your interviews clothes should be smart and need ironing the night before, this will give you time in the morning to relax and re-read your CV.

Always ensure you shower and shave before each interview, most of us will sweat during the interview and there is nothing more off-putting to an employer then a smelly candidate.

Practice Interviews.

Practice the interview questions and answers, think about the job you are applying for and the skills and qualities needed for this job role, the interviewer will ask questions based on these.

Re-read your CV or application form and ensure you are familiar with the information you recorded.

Ask a friend to interview you; give them a list of questions to ask you as this will help you plan timings and the delivery of your answers.

Plan questions to ask the interviewer; ask about the company, the workforce, opportunities for promotion and training.

During the Interview.

Shake hands with the interviewer and introduce yourself.

Waited until you have been asked to be seated.

Answer all questions with a detailed sentence, never give just a “Yes” or “no” answers. If you use a “yes” or “no” answers, add the reason why; “yes, because….”

Ensure all your questions mention at least one skill and quality that is needed for the job role you are applying for. You can find this information on the job advert and job specification.

Be positive with all your answers, this is not the time to be shy.

Always be polite, friendly and smile.

Have questions prepared to ask the interviewer and ask the interviewer to repeat any questions you did not understand.

Keep eye contact with the interviewer.

At the end of the interview, shake hands and thank the interviewer for their time.

After the Interview.

Take a deep breath the interview is over.

Think back to the interview, review your interview questions and answers-which questions did you answer well? Which answer need improving?

Write down any questions you didn’t expect to be asked and think of positive answers, as you may be asked this question again at your next interview.

Continue to job search until you receive a job offer in writing.

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