Job Interview Questions You Need to Prepare For

How to prepare for the job interview questions

Do you have a job interview date fast approaching?

Are the fears starting to rise? How much help would it be if you knew what questions you were going to be asked? If you knew the interview questions, could you prepare better interview answers?

Of course, you could. Predicting interview questions is easy. Generally in the job interview, you will be asked around 6-10 interview questions. You will be asked some commonly asked interview questions, which I will share below, and you will be asked some specific job interview questions relating to the position you are applying for. Below, I will explain how you can figure out what these questions will be.

This article will help you prepare for a successful job interview outcome.

 Job Interview Questions You Need to Prepare for

So let’s start with the commonly asked interview questions. These are the job interview questions that you will be asked in every job interview. The examples below will in the reality of a real job interview be worded differently, but the meaning will be the same.

Job Interview Question 1 “Tell me about yourself?”

At every job interview, you be asked an opening question “Why did you apply for this job?” “What is your experience in this field?” “Tell me about yourself?” that asks for a summary of you and your experience.

You need to prepare a strong opening statement that will highlight your skills, talent, unique selling point and of course your experience in the sector. With this being the first job interview question you have been asked, you need to answer this question with confidence. To answer these opening questions, start by explaining your total years in the industry, your key achievements and one of your unique selling points.

What you are doing here is making it clear that you have the required criteria for the position, but that you also have something additional, something that makes you stand out.


Job Interview – example questions

The second section of the job interview is where you will be asked to give examples of the key skills required for the position. This is the competency section.

To answer these job interview questions you first need to set the scene. Explain the situation, goal or objective to ensure the interviewer understands the importance of the situation. Next explain the actions you took to achieve the required outcome.   The best way to deliver this is by explaining three things your undertook that had a positive impact on the outcome. Finally, summarize what you did and state the successful outcome.

Interview questions and answers

Interview End

At the end of the job interview, you will always be asked if you have any questions that you would like to ask them? To stand out you need to ask intriguing questions.

Here are a few examples

  • “what made you pick this job?”
  • “describe the best day in your job?”
  • “what do you like about working here?”
  • “how did you gain your role here?”
  • “what will you achieve in the next 2 years?”