I Can’t Pass Interviews

This article is all about “limiting beliefs” and how you can quickly change them. A limiting belief is a belief you have that is holding you back or “limiting” you. If you truly believe you can’t pass interviews (maybe this belief is due to you not succeeding in your last two interviews), you never will. But the issue is not about your limiting belief it’s about how you can change this belief, would you be more likely to pass job interviews if you believed in yourself?

Once you believe you can’t do something, you mind will act like to you can’t; have you ever said to yourself “I can’t find my car keys” and no matter where you look you just can’t find them, you know you left them near by –but where? Then your partner comes over and say’s “there right in front of you, on the table” and you think, “But I checked the table 3 times”.

Your mind is a powerful tool and as you say to (or command) your mind “I can’t find my car keys” your mind wont let you find them, the same go’s when you say “I can’t pass interviews” your subconscious mind won’t let you pass the interview.

I agree, you also need to know how to answer interview questions and you need to learn how to sell yourself, and I would add if you believe in yourself you will be able to sell your strengths to the interviewer easily.

So, what is the limiting belief you want to change? Some examples my previous clients have given me include:

  • “I can’t pass interviews”
  • “No-one will ever employee me”  
  • “I’m rubbish when it comes to interviews”


Write down the belief you believe is limiting you.

Now if you can re-word this belief into a positive outcome, what would your new belief say?


  • “I can pass interviews if I practice answering interview questions”
  • “Employers will employee me once I tell them what I can offer their company”
  • “Each interview I attended has been better then the last”


Write down your new belief, I agree this can seem hard in the first few seconds, which means your new belief will be strong, once it pop’s into your head.

OK re-read both your first limiting belief and your new stronger belief, as you say the words in your head or even as you say them out loud, notice the different feelings and emotions running through your body.

You will agree that the new belief feels better, most will go as far as saying it feels great having this positive feeling running through there body starting in your stomach with a nice warm buzz that spreads all around your whole being.

For this new belief to replace the old unwanted belief, automatically, you first need to find a mirror. While looking at your reflection read your new strong belief to yourself out loud at least 3 times, whilst nodding your head (in a yes motion)

As you do this everyday for the next 3 days, you new positive belief will be anchored, giving you a new positive resource and belief.

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How to Answer Tricky Interview Questions

Over the past several months I have been told that you would like to improve your interview techniques to be better at answering interview questions.

The problem you face is, to be really good at passing job interviews you need to be able to predict the interview questions; this is often never discussed in other employment books and articles.

Act on my advice, to pass interviews you need to practice answering tricky interview questions, it’s not just about knowing the answers to interview questions, it’s about understanding why the question was asked.

The successful secrets of employment e-book went above and beyond other employment and job hunting guides, and there is still much more to learn about answering tricky interview questions, using killer answers. This new e-book will teach you how to predict and answer tricky interview questions?

Tricky Questions, Killer Answers

  • Predicting Interview Questions; by planning your interview, predicting the questions in advance you are now in a powerful position, much more powerful than the interviewer yet alone the other interviewees.


  • Understanding the Interviewers Question; if you knew what answer the interviewer was expecting and the information they are trying to unpick from you, you could offer this in such a way that it will blow their mind.


  • Answering Tricky Questions; once you know how powerful a book like this can be, you can use the example job interview question answers and tailor them to your needs ensuring each and every answer you gave makes the employer want you more.


As you read this you can already imagine all the different ways this e-book can help you succeed with your career and future promotions. As you already know from the brief points above this e-book is highly powerful, meaning you will increase your job opportunities and salary.

There are many other e-books and articles on interview questions, read them first once you realise it takes much more than just knowing common interviewer questions, come back and buy this e-book with interview questions, answers and many more secrets. I myself have already read many of these other e-books, some ok, some bad and I have developed their material to increase your chances of job and promotion offers.


  • Over 60 of the most common asked interview questions and the powerful answers designed to secure you job offers
  • Discover how to prepare for interview questions
  • Learn how to highlight your strengths and how to sell these to the interviewer
  • How to influence the interviewer from the opening question


The Number One reason why job hunters fail interviews – not knowing how to answer interview questions! You get a job interview, you turn up, you’re asked a question and you have no idea how to answer it. Quickly say goodbye to this job offer.

You already know, the more you learn about interview questions the better prepared you will be and the more job offers you will receive, By Now, you have probably realize how hard an interview can be, this e-book will change that belief

You already know this e-book can help you, each question comes with an explanation of what the interviewer “is looking for” and an example answer to the difficult interview questions.  Knowing Interview Questions and Answers can HELP YOU WIN Job Offers.


With so many people applying for so little jobs, the interview has become A Big Barrier between you and employment, we Can HELP YOU Knock This Barrier Down.

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Warning; Don’t BUY NOW First let me tell you how you will find employment before others; imagine you’re the interviewer, you ask the same question to 3 interviewees, one answers with a “yes” or “no” answer, the second mumbles something their unsure about and the third one – you, answers with a confident answer using an example from their own experience, all learned from this e-book – Who would you offer the position to? You can use the same techniques to gain future promotions, this is not a one-off book, once you own this book, you can use it to further your career throughout your working life.

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Make Room – Job Offers on the way


Interviewer “Tell me about yourself?” what does the employer want to hear, what should you talk about, which piece of information is more important? You will learn all this and more. Knowing How to Answer Interview Questions will help you gain the job you deserve.

This is why you will want to buy this book, each question has been broken down to explain what information the interviewer is trying to gain from each question, in addition, I have added an answer to each interview question that you can use during your interviews.

  • We have also explained how you can target your answers to your industry and job position.

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