3 Mind Hacks That Will Make You Excel In Your Next Job Interview

Excel In Your Next Job Interview Using These 3 Mind Hacks

How to beat a job interview?

Use these 3 psychological mind hacks that will make you excel in your next job interview.

The interview environment creates natural fear in us all, these interview hacks will give you the power back, helping you to win more job offers and to increase your salary.

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Job Interview Mind Hack 1

It has been proven time and time again by a number of psychologist that interviewers respond better to people that they believe are like them.

Because we like people that are like us, you can use this to influence the job interview.

Rapport is built quickly if you have the same interest as the job interviewer (check the interviewers online profile and search their interest) if you are sync (copy body language, gestures and use a similar language) or if you share common ground (similar sounding name, live in the same location or wen to the same university).

Find something that will help the interviewer to naturally relate to you and the interviewer will find themselves naturally liking you, without knowing why.

Job Interview Mind Hack 2

Your body can influence your state.

The job is, for most, a horrid place to be. It creates the feeling of fear, despair and  increase anxiety.

By changing your stance you change your emotions. Trust me this works!

First move around, jump, dance and stretch. This creates energy. Next strike a confidence pose; think of a famous person who you know is confident.

Imagine that you are this confident person and stand as they do. Take on their postures, gestures and stance. The way you stand creates different emotions. If you stand with confidence you will feel more confident.

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Job Interview Mind Hack 3

This is an easy but underused one.

It is so common, due to terrible nervous feeling in your belly, not to eat or drink. The problem here is that when you get to the interview, your mind is focusing on “dinner time” not the interviewer.

Feed your body, feed your mind. You must eat, but just as important, you need to drink lots of water. Hydrate yourself and you will feel refreshed.

These 3 mind hacks are designed to get you into your best state to help you influence the job interview.

Good luck

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3 Things Not To Do After The Job Interview, Because It Will Stop You Getting The Job

3 Things Not To Do After The Job Interview

The job interview itself is hard, unnerving and scary.

The interview end, isn’t the end of it. Your actions now are just as important as your actions during the job interview.

Don’t mess up your chances of a job offer but making one of these 3 simple mistakes.

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Post Job Interview Mistake 1

Don’t add the interviewer on social media.

It is easy to think “hey, lets add the interviewer on facebook, we could become friends, go for drinks…and you could offer me the job” This is the worst of mistakes.

Not only do people forget who they have on facebook and its this forgetfulness that will get you into trouble. You or even a friend may post a damaging photo of you on a night out.

Even your friends opinions, which good be racist, sexist or plain rude can be associated with you.  A drunken night out could end you chatting on a public forum about the horrid interviewer, or your potential boss may see from your timeline that you are applying for a better job.

Keep interviewers to the interview and your friends to facebook.

Post Job Interview Mistake 2

Waiting for the job offer

Most people are lazy. It takes most up to 3 months to even start applying for work “I will do it tomorrow “is the morning mantra. In worst, research has shown that on average an interviewee will spend only a total of 45 minutes preparing for the job interview – only 45 minutes for a task that could change your career and your life!!

Post job interview, the lazy interviewee will simply sit on their hands waiting for the job offer (that may never come) Never hold out for one job, apply for many, learn from interview mistakes, and practice, practice and practice.

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Post Job Interview Mistake 3

Pester the hiring manager

It can be good practice to send a post interview thank you email (not always the best advice) Some take this to another level, sending flowers, chocolates as well as 25+ emails. Not only will this make you look a bit creepy but will annoy the interviewer.

Be confident in your interview delivery.  The only post intervene task you should spend time on is your job interview self reflection and applying for new positions.

A Powerful Linguistic Tool to Help you be more influential in a Job Interview

A Powerful Linguistic Tool to Help you be more influential in a Job Interview

Last night I watched Derren Brown in his new show “Miracle”

The language Derren Brown uses to influence and persuade is highly powerful and can be used in all different types of situations. But where it is most powerful is in a job interview. Today I will teach you a powerful linguistic tool to help you become more influential in a job interview.

A Fractive Verb is used to presuppose a statement that you want to be taken as a truth. They way you phrase your statement is the difference between the interviewer questioning your statement or accepting it without thinking.

Often, if the interviewer subconsciously questions your statement you will be seen in a a negative light, where as an accepted statement builds on your current positive identity – key for job interview success

As you can tell, this type of linguistic persuasion can be a highly powerful resource to have at your fingertips.

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Linguistic Persuasion – the set up

In a job interview, if you desire, you can state anything! You can lie, make things up and say whatever you want and the interviewer has a choice, to believe you or not to believe you.

In fact, this goes for when you state a truth; sometimes the employer will believe you, other times the employer will disbelieve  you.

To win more job offers, you need the interviewer to take what you on face value, without questioning you on any level.

This is where we use a fractive verb.

The fractive verb creates a presupposition that is taken as red. Imagine in an interview, an interviewee states “I’m very successful”

This statement gives the interviewer a choice – I believe you are successful or I don’t think you are a successful person. What is even worse, is that when the interviewer doesn’t believe your statement, they start to think negative about  you because “you stated that you are a successful person, and I know you are not, you must be a liar” This is very dangerous ground.

The fractive verb bypasses the interviewers resistance. “are you aware of the successes I have had?” The desired outcome is the same, but the set up creates a different response. By using “aware” a fractive predicate, the interviewer doesn’t question if you are a successful person or not, they just presume that you have been successful.

Other fractive verb set up words include;

  • knows
  • aware
  • realised
  • learns
  • regrets

Linguistic Persuasion – hidden meanings

A fractive verb presumes the truth of an embedded sentence or interview answer, that serves as a complement.

If I said to you “John managed to open the door” this presupposes that John had been TRYING to open the door. Compare this to “john opened the door” which has know presuppositions about trying to open a door (but does presume the door in fact had been opened).

In an interview you can use this language pattern to get the interviewer to feel positively about you. Ideally you don’t want the interviewer to think or question your statement, rather you want them to just accept it as truth.

If an interviewer asks that common question “do you have any key strengths?” You could answer with “one of my strengths is…” this presupposes that you have more then one strength.

Compare this to “I think my strengths are..” The statement isn’t as powerful and can leave doubt in the interviewers mind. Notice how with the “one of my strengths is…” the focus is on the word “one” which means that the rest of the sentence is taken as a truth; they hear it but don’t challenge it.

Here are some more examples

  • know “do you know of the many different ways I can increase your profits?” it is taken as red that you will be able to increase the companies profits, because the employer is thinking of the different ways, which was set as a question
  • odd “it’s odd how we have clicked on many different levels today, isn’t it?” The interviewer thinks “yes” as they search for the different ways you have clicked today (due to the presumption that you have clicked today)
  • imagine “imagine how we will collaborate together” presupposes that you will collaborate together.

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Important Tips on Creating a Resume for Banking Jobs

Tips on Creating a Banking Resume

Banking and Finance is one of the fastest growing sectors in terms of growth and employment.

It offers a great job security along with very fine options of employment for jobseekers, right from the high paying investment banking to the secure environment of a government sector bank job.

It’s due to these reasons that we find so many applicants for these jobs giving rise to tough competition. If you would like to cut through this competition and become the next rising star in the banking industry it is very important to have an impressive resume. This post will help you in the same.

A resume is like an advertisement of skills and talents that you are trying to sell to employer. Until or unless your advertisement rings a bell with the employers, or attract their attention it is very hard to get past the cut throat competition.

A CV or a resume would get you the much needed introduction with the prospective employer where you can show your achievements, strengths and cleverly disguise your weaknesses as well.

Without a proper and well written resume it becomes really hard to get your foot inside the door. When it comes to highly competitive jobs like banking its an absolute must to get yourself a superbly written and well-presented CV that can act as an entry gate towards the opportunity that you are applying for.

While many of the banking jobs require the candidate to go through an entrance exam, especially in the government sector, there are plenty of opportunities in private sectors banks and financial institutions that require you to apply to the vacancies and sit for an interview like any other industry.

Therefore, the perception that a strong resume is not required in banking sector is totally unfounded and uncalled for. Here are some tips that you can utilize while crafting a resume for a banking job:

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 Show your passion

The banking industry is one of the most competitive. Due to the intense competition, there are a number of deserving candidates who can be left out of the race just because they did not show enough drive or passion for their job.

Your CV should be able to show your ambition and evidence that you are really interested to take the job hands on. This might involve writing a good summary, or a introductory note in the form of a cover letter.

Make sure to include a brief outline of your career expectations and what you have to offer in terms of skills and attributes.

Give academics due attention

The employers place a high importance on formal education in this industry.

Whether it is a degree in finance and banking or a certification course from authoritative sources, it is important that you are able to show your financial literacy.

Therefore, keep enough space to show you’re academically sound and qualified for the role. You can include numerical figures like passing percentage and university rank, but only in case those figures are above average or extraordinary. In other cases, it is best to leave them out.

Briefly explain your professional experience

Professional experience is different from achievements so instead of clubbing them together, keep the two sections separate. In your experience section include the key data like name of employers, time duration of employment and the key responsibilities you had there.

In the banking industry, your experience with previous bankers matters a lot and therefore it is recommended to prominently highlight it.

Highlight your achievements

The most important part of any CV is the achievement section.

This is where you tell the employer what makes you special and better than others. Hence, you should be most careful while elucidating what your achievements have been in previous roles.

The delicate line should be tread with caution as wrong use of words can smell of boastfulness which is not desirable.

Achievements could be anything from giving a project well before deadline to contributing towards the profit margins or saving expenses and increasing the bottomline margin.

Your achievements should be in line with the skills that you have listed and offer a clear picture to the employer of how you actually put in use those skills to benefit the organization. Achievements should also be able to display your mathematical ability, and attention to detail, the two attributes indispensable for a bank job.

Emphasize on technological literacy

Almost every work is now automated and uses computer software.

Whether it is record keeping, making tables and data visualizations, calculating profit margins, you will be required to work with software and computing devices. Therefore, it is necessary to show ease at using various latest technologies. Any technological handicap can seriously jeopardize your chances of getting a job in this industry.

In addition to the above explained points, you should also be able to prove commitment to work, and show strong work ethics as both of them will be required while performing your job at any financial institution. It is needless to say that keeping a check on correct word usage and grammar is absolute must. For the same effect you can get your resume proofread at least once by an expert.

Author Bio

Saurabh Tyagi is a writer, social media enthusiast and a keen watcher of latest job trends. He is currently associated with Naukri.com, a leading online recruitment company in India. When he is not writing, you will find him reading about the latest job trends in marketing and new media.

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Manchester Interview Coach Shares Expert Advice

Manchester Interview Coach Shares Expert Advice

Job interviews have a bad reputation.

Everyone believes that the interviewer is out to get you, that each interview question has a hidden meaning.

People wrongly believe that the interviewer will be looking down at you, searching for weaknesses and wanting, when they can, to trip you up, to catch you and to find fault with your answer.

In most interviews, the truth is, the interviewer wants to help and encourage you to give the best answer, they search for  strengths and ask question to uncover your skills and experience. The interviewer isn’t trying to trip you up , instead they have a desire to help you relax, to allow you to open up and to encouraging you to be yourself.

As an interview coach I want to share my expertise to help you pass your next job interview

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 Job Interview Advice 1 Power Play

The interview is seen by some as a power play, with the interviewer being the stronger player, the one with all the power.

The problem with this common perspective is that you the interviewee we naturally feel weak , in this state you will never give the best answer, you will never sell yourself and you truly cant be you (key to any interview success).

To get the feeling of power back, which will help you to relax and act like you normally do, you need to, at the interview start is ask the interviewer questions.

It doesn’t matter what these questions are “have you been interviewing all day?” “what do you think of the weather today?” just ask questions as this will do two things. One it will get you in the flow of talking and when the interviewer answers, you will feel more relaxed. And two, you will come across as a confident person.

Job Interview Advice 2 Describe how you feel

When asked an interview question it is really easy to fall into the logical answer game, where the interviewee gives only facts.

There is a time and place for this type of answer in all job interviews, but you have to balance this out with an emotional answer.

Most employers recruit candidates based on that “gut feeling” and people know enthusiastic and passionate colleagues make the best workers. By expressing how positive you felt when you achieved X, you will make emotional connections with the interview panel, winning you some extra points

 Job Interview Advice 3 Give the employer a gift

I know this sounds weird, and I don’t mean a present or thank you card.

Throughout the interview you need to show how you will add value to the organisation. When answering a key question give the interviewer a gift by sharing your expertise. This could be sharing a new sector tender opportunity, giving real advice on increasing profit/decreasing overheads – maybe you have a successful system that the employer could easily implement.

It doesn’t matter what the gift is, what’s important is that the interviewer can see that you will add value to their organisation.

3 Steps to Deal With Culture Shock While Working Abroad

3 Steps to Deal With Culture Shock While Working Abroad

Working abroad looks glamorous at first which can be combined with the excitement that comes with travelling to a new place, but there are a lot of surprises that are associated with it.

These surprises or what can be better called as unique experiences often make people to think twice about their decision. The disadvantage about it is that they are felt days after moving to a new place when the period of fun and enjoyment starts to wear off. What these people working abroad experience can be termed as “culture shock”.

Culture shock, though it may drastically change a person’s view of going for jobs abroad, should never come as a barrier in terms of career development; which was the first goal often when it comes to working abroad. It is always safe to remain prepared for it in order to tackle it effectively. Otherwise, it can lead to extreme stress, which in turn will affect your work and also your personal life.

Here are three steps that will help you to ease yourself into a new and different environment while working abroad.

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There is a lot of excitement and energy at the beginning when anyone moves to a new place to work, but often it happens that all of these evaporate after reaching the place. So it is always better to be prepared for the worst and this makes it easier to get up when you feel yourself sink into the abyss of cultural shock; ending your honeymoon period in that place.

Do an extensive research about the place. Before accepting a job offer to work abroad, check out the place and do research about the living conditions and how hospitable it is towards expats. Get to know the traditions the people in that place follow. You can buy a good guide book and learn some of the basic dos and don’ts that you need to follow.

Do not make your expectations go high. If you leave with the feeling that it will be a smooth ride, that’s not true. Whenever someone enters into a culture that is different, that person will feel not at all connected with the new one. It will make everything that you come into contact with in the new place feel strange. So, you should never keep your expectations high regarding this fact that you will never suffer from culture shock.

Ask the organisation if they have any local orientation programme. If your organisation helps you to get oriented to the new place and culture, then it is a great thing. Ask the corresponding HR person if there are any programmes provided by the company that helps its expat employees to get acquainted with the new culture.


 When you start working at the new workplace abroad, you will gradually get to understand more differences that separate you from the people of that place. Whether it affects you professionally, in your personal life or both, you might begin to get irritated at even the smallest of things. Here’s how you can deal with it.

If you can’t beat them, join them. Living in a place without accepting the differences can take a toll on you. So it’s better to incorporate those local traditions as long as you can and feel at home. Accept the differences and it will make you feel a lot better.

When in Rome do as the Romans do. Do not know how to act in certain situations. Take the cue of the local people there and just copy them. It will save you a lot of trouble. You can also take the help of your colleagues to understand the local cultures and traditions.

Do not offend the local culture, language and traditions. There is one thing that you should do no matter how irritating it turns out to be, never offend the local culture, language and traditions.

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The third step is all about accepting the differences so that it becomes normal to you. If you do not do that, you will continue to go deeper into the pit of cultural shocks. What steps you can take in that direction:

Try to learn the local language. Nothing brings you closer to the people of a different place than their language. If you are able to even speak a few words of the local language, you will feel a sense of acceptance. You just need to put a little effort and a good local friend or colleague who can help you with your mission to learn the language.

Understand that this is not a permanent thing. You do not have to stay in that place forever. If you were transferred or have moved for a project, you should focus on the work and see this time as work vacation. Also, you can always go back home after getting the required experience that you needed.

Above all, be patient. Patience will always be the best companion when you are suffering from cultural shock. Be patient and do not get stressed.

When you are in a new place, always try to make friends if possible. Get to understand the rules and laws of the place. Culture shock, though it sounds intimidating at first, can always be dealt with. Follow the above tips and have fun working in your favourite job destination.

Author Bio

 Hasib is a career coach, blogger and a professional writer working for the job portal – Naukrigulf.com. With an interest in providing career counselling for professionals, he has contributed a number of articles related to the topic on various online platforms.