Can an Interview Help Promote Your Coaching Business?



At Employment King we understand the importance of advertising to increase your coaching referrals and how clients are inspired by people’s success stories, which is why we will be interviewing a number of successful coaches this month.


We are looking to interview coaches to share their success stories with our readers, to help motivate and inspire them. To take part answer 10 of the following 20 interview questions and e-mail your personal interview to

As well as sending me your interview answers, please send me a picture of yourself to be added to interview text. Successful interviewees will be added to our blog within a few days of receiving the interview.

Each interview will be edited and tailored so they sound live with your answers and my questions running smoothly throughout. We want to give the reader a feel for your personality. You can a link to your website in one of the questions.


  1. Thank you for joining me today, can I ask how long have you been a coach and what area do you specialise in?
  2. What has been your greatest success story to date?
  3. Has anything ever not gone to plan with a client? With that I mean have you ever tried a technique that didn’t get the results you and your client wanted?
  4. And what techniques do you use with clients?
  5. Is NLP a big part of your coaching style?
  6. Do you see clients on a regular basis or do you see clients for one of sessions?
  7. We all know it is hard starting your own business, what made you take the risk and start your very own coaching company?
  8. How many people work for you?
  9. How did you get into the coaching industry and what was your biggest hurdle?
  10. What is the difference between people coming for face to face coaching compared to telephone coaching?
  11. Do you have a life coach yourself?
  12. How has your life coach supported you?
  13. I know that you are a dedicated coach and you continue to build up your skills my attending   number of training programmes, which training has been the most valuable to you and your clients?
  14. What is the common goal that your clients have?
  15. I know you support a wide range of clients, but who is your ideal client?
  16. I know you write for a number of publications and blogs, if people want to read your articles where can they find them.
  17. As well as a coach you also have a successful talk radio show, what time is your show on?
  18. I understand you recently released a coaching book, what is the book called and how does the book help people?
  19. What is your mission?
  20. It’s been a pleasure meeting you, where can people find out more about you, and if they want to how can potential clients contact you?


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5 Quick Tips to Boost Your Confidence Each Morning

5 Quick Tips to Boost Your Confidence Each Morning


Everyday people are waking up feeling down and depressed because they don’t have the Confidence to; speak up in meetings, to ask the person they fancy out on a date, to apply for that job they have always wanted and some people don’t have the confidence to try something new.

The question you need to ask yourself is “what would be different in my life if I felt more confident?”


By completing these 5 early morning confidence boosting exercise you can learn to feel more confident.


1. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself all the nice things you see, everyone has something good to say about their appearance – you may have a nice smile or beautiful eyes, today your make-up may make you look younger then you really are, you have brought a new necklaces that really suits you. It doesn’t matter what it is you like about yourself, what matters is that you realise there is something about you that you like.


2. Wear something nice, often people who don’t believe in themselves lose hope and don’t even make the effort in the way they look. Get rid of all your old, ugly and ill fitting clothes, go out and buy something new, put it on and admire how wonderful you look. When you look good you feel good.


3. Use positive self talk, each day write something down that is positive about your self or something positive you will do that day “I am a confident and beautiful person” or “I have the confidence to speak up in team meetings” repeat what you have wrote ten times out loud.


4. Visualise the day, positively. People with low self esteem often think about the coming day, visualising how negative it will be, how many mistakes they will make or what can go wrong and negative images make you feel negative. Move these pictures away and make a positive movie in your mind; imagine your day go as well as it possibly can, see yourself as a confident person and imagine only positive outcomes, as positive picture make you feel positive.


5. Ask yourself what you learnt yesterday and how can this help you today. People with low confidence will focus on their mistakes, but making a mistake is good as this is the best way to learn, the best way to move forward. Make a list of anything that went wrong the day before – you didn’t speak up when you should have done; you forgot to complete a certain task or didn’t give yourself enough time to make yourself look your best. Next think about what you could do different if the same situation was to come up again today, what could you do positively, how you can be more confident. You can then use this new learning to feel more confident about handling any situation.


By completing these 5 techniques on a daily basis you will start to feel more positive about yourself, which will lead you to acting more confidently in any situation – remember the key to learning is repetition.


If you need to boost your confidence levels quickly attend the new “The Funny Thing About Confidence” course – starting soon!


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How to be Confident

How to be Confident


People want to be more confident for all types of reasons; public speaking, playing sports, talking to strangers, job interviews and all areas of peoples lives. Confidence is easy to learn, as people with low confidence often don’t know how to change the daily patterns they unconsciously run in their mind which makes them feel low in confidence.

You can easily learn how to be more confident by practicing a couple of easy to learn techniques, one which I will teach you today:

Boosting Confidence

  1. Imagine you could see a confident version of you standing in front of you, look at how this confident you stands, breaths and acts. Notice your gestures, how the confident you talks and moves. Become aware of everything that makes this confident you confident.
  2. Now, imagine stepping into this confident you so you can see the world from the eyes of the confident you. See what you can see, hear what you can hear and feel the confidence flowing through your body.
  3. Notice in front of you their is an even more confident you standing their, looking more confident, full of self belief with eyes that have that extra twinkle as you emanate loads of charisma.
  4. Step into this more confident you and notice that in front of you is an even more confident you, more passionate, more confident, more powerful. See the world from these eyes and hear what you can hear and notice how confident you now feel.
  5. Keep stepping into even more confident you’s until you feel overwhelming confidence flowing through you and notice where this feeling is inside you, become aware of your breathing and how you hold yourself. Notice any positive self talk you are saying to yourself.

Complete this exercise everyday for 5 days and notice how each day you become more confident quicker then the day before.

If you want to be more confident you can learn to be as confident as a comedian in just one day!

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Ways to Change Your Life for the Better

How to make quick changes in your life….for the better


This article will highlight some common traits that negative people use to help them stay negative. If you comply with any of these common pitfalls you can make a change by following the links below


  • Stop Jumping negative people will always jump to conclusions in every situation, they often assume they know what is going to happen and often have no evidence to back this up. This often leads people to think that everyone is out to get them as they take everything someone says or does as a negative against them. People who jump to conclusions will often not live their life by trying new things as they conclude that they will not have a good time, again this thought is never backed up with evidence.
  • Mountains out of molehills negative people will often make mountains out of molehills; by taking small set backs as a big barrier to their goal. Compare this to positive people who take every set back as an opportunity to learn;Edison took 1000 attempts to invent the light bulb, if he gave up we would all be sat in darkness.
  • Making it personal do you believe that they are taking about you? When troubled by low self esteem many people will truly believe that friends and colleagues are talking about them and that this conversation is negative. In truth most people have better things to talk about, so don’t take every look, and conversation as an excuse to feel down – it’s not always about you and when it is how do you know its not a positive conversation?
  • Living in the past for many of us we have had a troubled past, this could be being bullied as a child at school or having to struggle through poverty. All your experiences have built the person you are, if you have had a troubled past you need to use this experience to motivate you to have a better future, remember the more you think about negative instances the more negative you will feel.


Time to make a change


If you struggle with low confidence, low self esteem or a lack of happiness you need to make some real changes. Life is about living and you need to live your life. If you live your life in the past remembering negative past events, or you make mountains out of molehills, taking everything personal or maybe you always jump to the wrong conclusions?


You can change the way you feel and the way you live your life in just 12 weeks! What to do next? Click: Online Coaching Course for Motivation and Confidence


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Boosting Self Esteem

Boosting Self Esteem


Why do some of us feel confident and others lack self belief? How come others have it good, while for some everything we try doesn’t work out? What is the difference between someone who enjoys their life and those that feel like they have nothing to live for?


The key to boosting your self belief and to feel more confident is by changing your Limiting Beliefs. A limiting belief is a belief that stops you being your best in anything that you do, a limiting beliefs limits us and makes us feel emotionally negative.


If you want to change your low self esteem change your limiting beliefs, which means you need to ask yourself “what are my limiting beliefs?”


Common limiting beliefs include:


  • “Everyone is out to get me”
  • “Nothing ever works out for me”
  • “I fail at everything”
  • “I’m useless”
  • “I’m rubbish at driving/cooking/relationships/making friends/job interviews”
  • “I can never pass exams”
  • “I never win anything”


Need to feel more Confident? Attend the “Funny Thing About Confidence Course” Confidence Course


As you can tell from the above list, limiting beliefs are general which means they need challenging. If you have low self esteem, you will tell yourself (and others) that “limiting belief” you will then find evidence to back this limiting belief up.


As an example, lets take “I never win anything” so you go to a raffle or bingo game and lose, in a negative tone you say “I never win anything” and this new evidence (not wining at bingo or not picking out a winning raffle ticket) adds strength to your limiting belief until you never try at any games because “I never win anything”


Collecting evidence happens all the time with all limiting beliefs and can be very dangerous when your limiting belief is “I always pick the wrong partner” or “My life is the worst, I don’t deserve to live” when we truly believe are limiting beliefs they often turn into self fulfilling prophecies…which adds more evidence to your limiting belief.  


Overcome Your Limiting Belief and Increase Your Self Belief.


Lets look at the “I never win anything” limiting belief, to change this belief you need to question your belief – “when was the last time I won somethingAnswer “2 ½ years ago when I won £5 on a scratch card” this starts to break down the belief, “so I sometimes win things..”


Question all your limiting beliefs and find evidence why the limiting belief is WRONG, continue to question one belief until you start to really doubt it.


To learn more about building confidence and reducing negative beliefs complete the 12 Week Online Coaching Course and see the difference in your life.


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Self Confidence

Self Confidence

I have always been fascinated with how people’s minds work – why are some people confident while others are nervous wrecks? Today I will teach you the secrets to boosting your confidence and explain how we are all motivated through Pain and Pleasure.


People with low self esteem and a lack of confidence view the world through a different set of eyes then confident people. When preparing to do any activity from asking a stranger on a date, applying for a new job, talking up in staff meetings or even wanting to get of your house to try something different, a confident person will look at the Pleasure of these activities and the Pain of not doing them.


The difference here is a person lacking self esteem will look at the Pain of these activities and the Pleasure of not doing them.


The Carrot or the Stick


To best understand motivational Pain and Pleasure is through an example. Imagine your sat in a team meeting at work and the boss is discussing a new way of working and through your own experience you know this idea has many potential pitfalls that the manger has not discussed or thought about, pitfalls that could cost the organisation money which long term could even lead to potential job cuts.


So, do you speak up or not? It all depends on how you view the situation – through Pain or Pleasure. Before we make most decisions we think about what we are going to do/say/act like, in our mind, often playing a movie of this potential future event.  


Generally if you have no confidence and low self esteem, your movie will be full of pain – you will see yourself speaking out in the meeting, you might picture yourself stumbling your words, or hear your boss shouting your ideas down or even picture your colleagues laughing at you. This Pain movie will not inspire you to speak, so you think what if I do nothing; in this movie you say nothing and nothing bad (painful) can happen to you – this is a form of pleasure.


The Funny Thing About Confidence – New Confidence Building Course Staring in  2012


Confident people will think differently, they will visualise themselves talking out in the meeting, and the will see everyone in their movie being really interested in what they say, the boss being amazed by this deep understanding of the potential pitfalls and may even see the whole of the meeting delegates standing, clapping and cheering – pleasure.  The may think about not speaking out and view themselves feeling frustrated and angry about not feeling confident enough about speaking out to stop this potential mess and money/job loss – a form of Pain


The funny thing is, in reality we don’t know what will happen if we speak out in a meeting, if we ask a stranger out on a date or if we try a new activity, what we visualise is what you think will happen, not will actually happen. Which means if you change your internal representation you will change the way you feel.


We are all motivated by pain and pleasure; one donkey may be motivated to work as he will receive a carrot as an award, while another donkey may work because he doesn’t want to be beaten with a stick.


To learn more confidence building techniques and to feel more confident you need to change how you view the world, to make a lasting change download the 12 Week Online Coaching Course for Confidence and Motivation today.


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5 Big Mistakes Depressed People Make

5 Big Mistakes Depressed People Make

Research has shown that depressed people continue to make the same mistakes, taking them deeper into the spiraling circle of depression. To break this loop and to feel more confident, understand the 5 common mistakes and use the suggestions to change the direction of your life and your confidence levels.

1. Dressing to Success Depress

Psychological studies have proven that the way you dress affects your confidence levels. When you wear, old, scruffy and/or dirty unfitting clothes you will automatically feel down. Whereas the opposite happens when you wear new, fitted and stylist clothes, you feel more confident about yourself. In actual fact your physiology changes when you believe you look good. The same rule applies with your good or bad hair style, your personal hygiene levels and your fitness/health.

2. Heavy Head

Your mind and body work as one and the wording people use evidences this “I’m feeling down” – head hanging down. You can see depressed/emotional people by their posture and body language; slumped shoulders, lethargic movements and head lowered – looking towards the floor, these are all signs off people in a negative state. The interesting fact here is, if you physically stand up, hold you head up high, make eye contact with others, you will automatically feel more confident – this is instantaneous.

3. Negative Self-Talk

One thing all negative people have in common is that they all use negative self talk, sometime without really realizing it, often looking for the negatives in every situation. This has been learnt overtime as no-one is born negative. To overcome this you can re-train your subconscious mind by purposely looking at all the positives in every situation in your home, work, activities/events and in every day situations. Start now by listing all of your skills, strengths and qualities. If your negative self-talk is getting you down book an NLP Life Coach Session to delete this crippling negative self talk in just one session.

4. Wanting Everything, Getting Nothing

Many negative people will want everything “I want to be a millionaire, I want a new Car, I want a pay rise, I want a good life, I want to be happy” and want it now. I agree it is good to have goals, but many negative people will want everything Now and are not willing to wait, when they don’t achieve their goals they put it down to their personal abilities – blaming themselves. Confident people are happy to work hard for their goals and will view every knock-back as an opportunity to improve. To overcome this start by having small goals – if you want a new car, the first goal should be to pick which model you want, your second goal would be to decide how much you are willing to spend on a car, etc. As you achieve your small goals your big goals will fall into place naturally.

5. It’s All About Me.

Do you focus on you? Many unhappy people go into situations looking at what they can get out of it, what’s in-it for them? They don’t think about completing selfless acts, helping others for free and making a good contribution when there is nothing in it for them. But there missing out, as the more you contribute through volunteering, giving someone at the till 50p who has gone over their predicted bill and has no spare change or helping someone cross the road, you will feel good about yourself and this feeling increases your positive emotions and personal confidence.

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Successful Women

Successful Women – why are some people successful, but others are not? Can You Be More Successful?


I always feel inspired by successful people in all disciplines from sports to movie stars, from great scientist to successful business people, especially those people who came from nothing and motivated themselves to be their best.


We have heard of many successful men who came from nothing, which is why this article highlights 3 highly successful and powerful women, who made it through their own determination.


My research highlighted two key similarities that all successful people posses;


  1. All successful people have a vision or goal, but unlike others, successful people truly believe they will achieve their goal and when they visualize this goal they can see their outcome from the eyes of their future successful self. What does this mean? By being associated to their outcome (seeing their outcome from their future successful self) they feel as they have already achieved their goal and use this feeling to continue to feel motivated compared to many others who look at their goals as if they are watching themselves on TV (being disassociated from the feeling of success)
  2. When successful people make mistakes, they don’t give up as they see any mistakes as an opportunity to learn and improve which means the more mistakes they make the better they will become. It is this self belief that motivates successful people in times of potential negativity where other people would just give up.


Oprah Winfrey a famous talk show host, actress, producer and businesswomen was born into poverty in mississippi to a signal mother.

Lacking self confidence through an abusive childhood, the young Oprah turned to drugs and ran away from home to help overcome her childhood drama. Later her mother made Oprah move in with her strict father who made Oprah return to school.

While in school Oprah won a speaking contest and two beauty pageants which inspired Oprah to become a talk show host.


After working in the media for several years Oprah audition for a talk show job, the nervous Oprah auditioned believing that an overweight black women applying for a talk show host job in America would be laughed out of the audition. To her surprised the producers seen “something” in
Oprah and she was offered the job.


With her determination to be successful, she took the talk show to new heights and after a couple of successful series the show was renamed the Oprah Winfrey show and the rest is history.


J.K. Rowling found her passion of story telling at an early age and would spend hours telling stories to her baby sister. J.K Rowling started writing at the age of 6 and by the time she was in high school she wanted to take writing seriously. It was during this
time that her mother became ill with multiple sclerosis.


In 1990 while flat hunting in Manchester JK had the idea for “Harry Potter” later saying the idea “just fell into her head.” While writing Philosophers Stone JK’s mother died at the age of 45.


For 3 years JK moved and lived in Portugal where she worked as a Teacher while continuing to write the first Harry Potter book. While living in Portugal JK was married and became pregnant with her daughter Jesscia. In the same year JK then return to the UK with a completed manuscript.


While bring up her daughter signal handed (as JK and her husband had split up) JK continued to edit and type up the book working between baby feeding times and working late into the night, this shown JK’s commitment and determination as many other people would of gave up due to the amount of work bringing up a daughter and writing a book entails.


JK sent her completed manuscript to several agents and one finally asked to meet her. It took another 12 months and lots of “no’s” from publishers before “Bloomsbury” made an offer to publisher her book and we all know what happen next.



Norma Jean Baker “Marilyn Monroe” the most famous female actress in the world was in 1944, told by a modelling agency “You’d better learn secretarial work or else get married.”


Born in 1926, Normas father abandoned the family and Norma grew up not knowing who her father was. Norma and her mum who had a mental illness lived mainly in poverty and Norma spent much of her life living in foster homes due to her mum being in and out of mental hospitals.


At the age of 16, Norma married a 21-year-old aircraft plant worker James Dougherty, the marriage would only last for 4 years.


In 1942 she had started to model swimsuits and had bleached her hair blond. It was later on after being told to “get married or become a secretary”, which she ignored, that these modelling pictures caught the eye of RKO Pictures who offered Norma a screen test, later Norma
would sign contract with 20th Century Fox.


Norma changed her name to Marilyn and went on to become the world’s biggest female actress of all time.

Do You Want to Be More Successsful? Learn the Secrets of Success from Dr Richard Bandler the co-creator of NLP. Click this Banner Below for More information:

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