Influencing the Interview Part One

We have put together a series of 3 videos to help you influence the job interview using Psychology, NLP and Hypnotic persuasion techniques.

During this small series, you will learn how to delve into the employer’s mind to really understand what they desire, you will command the interview by selling your skills using the interview answer structure pattern and you will learn to use hypnotic language patterns in the job interview.

So let’s get started with Video One of Three

How to Read The Interviewers Facial Expressions

Read The Interviewers Facial Expressions With Ease

Interviewers are tricky places, and more often then not the interviewee does not know how their interview is going. Imagine you could read the interviewers micro facial expressions, so you knew if your answer was hitting the mark, imagine you could just by looking at the employer you knew if they liked you or not.

Micro expressions are hard to hide which means you will really know what the other person is thinking, just by looking at their face and this Article will teach you how to read the interviewers micro expressions and later you can participate in an interactive micro expression test yourself.

Micro expressions happen so quick and are so  instant that if you the micro reader blink you can miss them. This is why reading micro expressions is a key to understanding how someone really feels, as the subject often doesn’t know that they have made them – micro movements are made through unconscious movements of the muscles

How to Read Micro Expressions

1. Sadness – narrowed eyes, eyebrows together, down-pointed mouth, and a pulling up of the chin

2. Anger – lowered eyebrows, tense lips and eye lids and wrinkled forehead

3.  Contempt – single raised corner of the mouth, slight tightening of the eyelids (sneer)

4. Disgust – raising of upper lip, narrowed eyes, wrinkled nose and narrowed eye brows

5. Surprise – dropped jaw, relaxed lips and mouth, widened eyes and slightly raised eyelids and eyebrows

6.  Fear – eyes and mouth open rather widely, eyebrows raised and nostrils flared

7. Happiness – raising corner of lips and cheeks, narrowing eyes to produce “crow’s feet” on the outside of each eye

Tim Roth (above) Stars as Dr Cal Lightman in the hit series Lie to Me, a great show where Dr Lightman and his team tackle a weekly mystery by reading micro expressions, body language and verbal cues. A series well recommend by Employment King

To become an expert you need to practice, re-read the emotion explanations above and watch this facial expression video on YouTube Facial Expression Tutorial by Khappucino 

Go over this video a couple of times, to increase your facial reading abilities.

If you want to learn more about Emotions and Facial Expression, learn from the master himself Paul Ekman, read his amazing book Emotions Revealed. Buy the Book Now by clicking the image below:

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Only 45 Minutes to Make a Good Impression

You only have 45 minutes to make a good impression!


The interview for some is one of their most uncomfortable experiences they will have, having to sell your skills to outwit the other applicants, to a panel of interviewers. Many applicants know they can add value to the new organisation, with their skill base embedded in there job sector not in passing job interviews.

With experience on both sides of the table I understand the importance of standing out from the interview crowd, but make sure you stand positively not negatively. After a long day of interviewing the last candidate sat down and introduced himself, they say that interviewers make their mind up in the first 5-10 minutes of the interview, but in reality people make generalisations in the first 5-10 seconds. I immediately formed a negative opinion of this guy, maybe it was his lack of eye contact or the sweat stains under his armpits, for whatever reason I didn’t think he would suit our team, and the interview prove me right. With most interviewees like this, you quickly forget them, but 10 years later and can still remember him, because he stood out from the crowd.  It took the whole interview for this applicant to stand out from the crowd,  which he achieved as I was walking him to the exit, when he turned around, and said confidently for the first time throughout the whole interview “can you please refund my bus ticket” I was so shocked that I actually took hold of the bus ticket, and put my hand in my trouser pocket with the change in it, until I looked at the date and realised the daily bus ticket was three days out of date.

Standing out from the crowd will get you remembered and when used right can be used to your interview advantage. I worked recently with one client, who had a large skill base but often failed in job interviews. She was so frustrated that I coached her to try a new technique. As the interview was progressing, she again realised that her answers were not hitting the mark and the interviewer looked a little bored. During her the next interview answer she used the killer line, that would make her stand out and change the interviewers opinion of her forever. “I know you have been interviewing all day and are probably feeling a little tiered, and to be honest with you I know I can add value to your team, but I also know that I’m not the best at interviews. So, my proposal is this, I will give you £400 if you let me work for you for a week for free. If I’m as good as I know I am, you will be highly impressed and will want to hire me, if not you get to keep the £400. I know this sounds a little out the box, but I also know that you will be highly impressed with my work ethic and skill base”

She was offered a job, without having to gamble the £400. It doesn’t matter how you make yourself stand out positively in the job interview, but this is the key to winning more job offers as employers want to know how much added value you can bring to the team.


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An Interview with the Author of The 73 Rules for Influencing the Interview

 An Interview with the Author of The 73 Rules for Influencing the Interview 

Hello Chris, and thank you for joining me today. I must say the title of your book is very intriguing, but before we discussed your new book can you tell our readers where are you from?

Hi, and thank you for inviting me down. I was born and bred in Manchester UK and still live their today.

And what is your background?

I have always been interested in helping people and my background is in employment training and careers advice. I get a real buzz from helping people make positive choices that can change their lives. In more recent years I have moved into the coaching and hypnotherapy industry.

That’s really interesting, do you have much success?

Yes, you know I surprise myself sometimes. I get clients who come in with a life long phobia and within an hour they are cured, it’s quite amazing really. I love to see their surprised faces when they look at a spider after the session and they don’t feel the need to run away.

And more recently you have written an interview book – the 73 rules for influencing the interview using psychology, nlp and hypnotic persuasion techniques. I really like the line hypnotic persuasion techniques. What does this book teach the reader?

The book is designed to give the interviewee the upper hand in the job interview, you will learn 73 new rules to gain more job offers. It’s not the general tips you normally read like “wear a smart suit” these tips are a bit outdated, this book will teach you how to use psychology to get the employer to like you, to want you and at the best to desire you.  

Are you saying you can actually hypnotise the interview using hypnotic persuasion techniques?

I don’t advice readers to pull out a gold watch and swing from side to side saying “employ me, employ me” but you can use certain words to get the interviewer to think about you in a certain way.

To get them to like you?

Well yes, but more then that you want the employer to imagine you being successful while working for them. This way the employer will get that gut feeling about you – they will want to hire you but they won’t know why.


OK so you can create desire and want?

Yes, you have to remember that most interviewers interview all day and they often forget who said what, but you can influence how they feel about you, so that when they re-read your name on the application list they remember thinking that you would really fit in, or that you were the one interviewee who would add value to the team.

So you can become needed?

More then that, these days the interviewee needs to become irresistible, make the employer believe that they have to hire you or they will miss out.

What if the interview, through first impressions doesn’t like you?

This is a big barrier for many nervous interviewees, the book using the fast phobia cure can boost the readers interview confidence and teaches the psychology of making a first impression..

The book will actually cure someone’s phobia of interviews?

Yes, that bits pretty easy. But even better you will learn how to reframe the interviewer opinion of you through the way you phrase your answer.

This all sounds fascinating, is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?

Yes, I would say that the old saying is true that practice makes perfect don’t just read this book, practice the techniques before you attend the interview this way you will perform at your best.

It’s been fascinating talking to you, you remind me a little of Derren Brown. Can you tell our readers where they can buy the book from?

Thank you what a great compliment, I might have to grow a goatee! The book is available at all good books shops and on Amazon. Or on my company website 

Scaling Your Interview

Scaling Your Interview


Scaling is a technique taken from the ‘solution focus’ therapy and as you are about to learn they can be used as part of your interview preparation which means you can perform at your best at your next interview. Job




The following set of questions are simple which means they are highly effective, I often use the following scaling questions with all my interview coaching clients as they gain really positive results, seeing changes in just one session. By looking at your interview on a scale you have the advantage of visualising yourself from a different perspective, allowing you to find the solutions to your interview problems and barriers.


While answering the scaling questions, record your answers on the scaling sheet and review these once you have completed this exercise.


First print of the scale; on a scale of 1-10, think about your interview skills; your confidence, your answers, your preparation, the way you look, your voice, the handshake you give, the initial impression you make – everything that you do during the interview; with ten representing you at your best and one representing you at your worst, where on the scale are you today? Draw a circle around the number that represents you.


  • What is happening now for you to be that number?
  • Are you happy to stay at the number you are on today? Why?
  • Where would you realistically like to be before your next interview?
  • Have you ever been lower down the scale? (draw a circle around the number that represented you) How did you stop yourself going future down the scale?
  • Where were you on the scale at your last interview? (draw a circle around the number that represented you)
  • Have you ever been higher up the scale? (draw a circle around the number that represented you) What were you doing differently when you were higher up the scale?
  • What number higher up the scale would you like to be on? (draw a circle around the number that represented you)
  • How will you know when you have reached a higher number – what will be happening?


  • What do you need to do, research, practice to move up the scale?
  • What do you need to do, to move one more number higher up the scale?
  • What can stop you from sliding further down the scale?
  • What lessons have you learnt, that will be useful now from being further up or lower down the scale?
  • What else can help you move up the scale?



This is a great exercise to start your interview preparation that is easily learnt. Come back to the technique after each job interview and compare where you are on the scale compared to previous times. Many clients complete this exercise when they know they have had a bad interview, but I like to use the scale after a good interview this way I KNOW what I need to do to perform at my best.

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Influencing the Interview Coures

Influencing the Interview Course 



Do you know your employable, with tons of experience, qualifications and required skills – but for some unknown reason you cant secure job offers from job interviews. Competition for jobs is at an all time high, with thousands of people applying for the same position, which means you need to go above and beyond the interviewees by highlighting your added value, showing your expertise and using influencing techniques.

Advanced Interview Training Course


On the advanced interview training course you will learn how to use Psychology, NLP and Hypnotic Persuasion techniques in the job interview, intrigued? You should just think about the hundreds of ways you can use these specialist techniques to command job offers. We are the only organisation who has took techniques from psychology, NLP and hypnosis and applied it to the job interview situation

Do you Want to Learn more? CLICK THIS LINK

Advanced Interview Training Course


For those of you who have missed out due to the course popularity, or for those of you who need to learn how to use hypnosis, nlp, manipulation and persuasion in the job interview now, you can buy the book that has took the course content to the next level

Psychology in Job Interviews: Turn Your Interviewer Into Your Puppet

Psychology in Job Interviews: Turn Your Interviewer Into Your Puppet 


Psychology is the study of the human mind and human behavior, which means if you understood the psychology of job interviews you would be offered more jobs BECAUSE you will turn your interviewer into your puppet. Imagine you new how to influence the job interview; psychological interview tips will teach how to control the interviewer, how make them dance to your tune and how to get any job you want – no wonder employers don’t want you to know these dangerous techniques.

The following psychology techniques will give you the edge of other interview applicants. Be aware these techniques are not for the faint harted, they will get you more job offers but kill your conscience.


7 Psychological Interview Techniques – Take Control of Your Interviewer


It Only Takes Second to Make an Impression




We are hard wired to stereotype. When you first meet someone or when the interviewer first see you, your unconscious quickly processes everything you see and hear in a matter of seconds, and puts you into a category. This is why you need to look smart and act confident because in the first 10 seconds the interviewer will decide if they like you or not! Throughout the interviewer they will filter your interview answers with their “like” or “dislike” filters. And we all know once you have decided to dislike someone it is hard for that person to change their mind, this is because the interviewer will look for evidence to back up your initial opinion.

For example, if you meet your friends boss, and you initial think that’s he’s a bit of a flirt before he even opens his mouth, you will start to look for signs that he is a flirt and you will take what he say’s and ask “did he say that because he’s a flirt?” We don’t like to be wrong, so humans will look for evidence to back up our opinions.


Don’t Fake It




Smiling can increase likeability, but unconsciously we know if your smile is real or fake and once your fake smile has been uncovered the interviewer will have a less favorable opinion of you.

To create a real smile, remember a time that you went to a party and seen an old friend that you haven’t seen for many years. Imagine you were there now, and see the friend from your own eyes, see what you can see, hear what you can hear and feel how you felt. Your smile will automatically come to your face, and it this true smile that you want to show to the interviewer.


Control the Way People Perceive You. 



People like happy, confident and bubbly people. To come across this way all you need to do is smile. Have you ever seen a baby smile? It’s hard to resist, if the baby smiles, you want to smile, don’t you? Your probably already smiling now just at the thought of a baby smile. Confident people talk with their hands and are open at using facial expressions, because this is a natural way for us to communicate. Being friendly, open, smiley and happy will have a positive psychological impact on your interviewer.


Big Heads Will Only Fall Over 




We all hate bigheads and show off’s. So if you’re the type of interviewee who likes to show off, say good bye to the job offer. In the job interview you need to associate yourself with positively and good emotions. By praising the company, complimenting the interviewer and generally showing enthusiasm the interviewer will associate you with the good feelings they are having, as the praise will make the interviewer feel good, as they feel good they associate this emotion with you, saying “I like this guy, I have  a great gut feeling about him”


The Athletic Interview




Top athletes, as we seen at the recent London Olympics are performing at there best through the technique of visualisation. As explained in the influencing the interview book, using mental imagery will boost your performance. Athletes will visulise themselves performing at their optimum, being successful and winning their race.   Interviewees can also use this techniques to become more confident, to perform at there best and to overcome any hurdles, by visualizing themselves winning job interviews. Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between a real experience and an imagine experience which is why dreams are so powerful, you sometimes wake up and don’t if the dream was real or not. This means that your memory will remember feeling positive at a job interview, so next time you attend a real job interview you will automatically remember these confident interview feelings.


Story Time, Not Snorey Time 




We have story telling embedded into our consciousness, at primary school we are told stories and metaphors as part of our learning process. In the days gone by, man sat around camp fires shared wisdom through the use of stories. So it is obvious that we all like stories and if you can add a bit of suspense to your interview answer story you will grip the listener – the interviewer.


Language That Influences




We all take in information differently through our senses (Visual, kinesthetic or Auditory) Through brain scans we have seen that a visual person will have a large visual lobe then say a auditory person. People will tell you how they process information vie the words they use visual people will use words such as see, visualize, sight, observe, picture. Kinesthetic will use words including get a grip, touch, grasp, cold, gut feeling and auditory people may use the following words hear, sound, louder, tune, that rings a bell. If you use the words the employer filters information with then your answers will be more understood.

Evidence has highlighted that interviewers will forget a large amount of the information given by the interviewer, with some interviewers believing one interviewee said one thing when in reality of different interviewee said it. Two interviewers who interview the same person at the same time, will compare notes only to find that their answers and opinions of the person vary – this means you need to ensure that throughout your interview, your interview answer, your key selling points need to be fully understood by the interviewer and this is the key goal of any interviewee.


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Interview Advice in Manchester

Interview Advice in Manchester


Failing at interviews is the number one reason job hunters do not gain employment, a new job promotion or a big pay rise! Many people have a real fear of interviews and this fear can be crippling to your career success. Are you sick of failing job interviews? Are your interview techniques killing your chances? How would you feel is you could be taught to pass job interviews with a leading Interview Coach and Author of The 73 Rules for Influencing the Interview using Psychology, NLP and Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques

You can now have a one to one Interview Coaching session with Christopher Delaney the Author of the 73 Rules for Influencing the Interview. Interview Success comes once you under stand the new and different techniques  employers are using during the interview process and you will also learn how you can use embedded commands, sales psychology and NLP re-frames to build instant rapport, to be seen as an industry expert and to be seen as pure gold.

Do you have an interview date approaching fast? Do you want to be more successful in your next job interview? Do you want to know how to influence the job interview? Then you will want to book an appointment with an Interview Coach. With many years of experience helping job searchers pass interviews, our Christopher can help you gain more offers of employment:

  • Learn how to prepare for interviews, predict interview questions and prepare killer answers
  • Respond to Tricky Interview Questions with ease using our Secret Interview Structure 
  • Become an industry expert and been seen as pure gold by any employer 
  • Understand how to use a “hand shake” “verbal language” and “body language” to influence the interviewer
  • Overcome your interview fears by using NLP techniques to boost your confidence

Christopher offer’s a wide range of interview coaching sessions to help you sell yourself during the interview process. He is highly skilled in Interview Influencing techniques, which means our techniques will make a real difference in your life. These techniques are so successful that after several request from publishers, he wrote the now famous book:

What technique will help you pass your next job interview? What skill can you learn that will double your chances of interview success? If you could predict interview question, plan your answers, increase your interview confidence and create instant rapport – how will these skills increase your chances of gaining more job offers?

  • Understanding How to use Sale Psychology in the Job Interview 
  • Turn Your Skills and Experiences into an Irresistible Product 
  • Create Instant Rapport – make the employer think your the perfect candidate for this position 
  • Become or at least Come Across as an Industry Expert 
  • Interview planning – how to plan for an interview, interview questions and answers, how to act during the interview and after the interview.
  • A Secret Structure that will Ensure Every Answer makes a Real Impact in the Interview 
  • Boost Your Interview Communication Skills  
  • Destroy Your Interview Bad Habits
  • Mock Interviews – a chance to practice your interview techniques with professional feedback
  • Overcome Interview Fears and Boost Your Interview Confidence

If you would like to book a session or require more information e-mail Why our Employment King’s clients more successful at job interviews? What makes our clients stand out and win more job offers? What techniques do our successful clients use in their job interviews?

  • NLP Techniques for Boosting Confidence and Maximising your Success – be your best in every job interview 
  • Psychology  for understanding your employers mind, learn what motivates your employer and how to sell yourself – become an irresistible product 
  • Hypnotic Persuasion Technique to make demand job offers, to create amazing rapport and make a lasting employer – the Employer will feel a desire to employ you but they won’t know why!!!

What to do Next? 

 Telephone Interview Session £44.99

E-mail employment king on with your interview details, career goal and advice needed and one of our Qualified and Experience Interview Coaches will contact you to book a session.

Face to Face Interview Coaching Session £79.99 (Greater Manchester Only)

E-mail with your contact number, interview details and career choice. One of our Interview Coaches will telephone you back to book you a session for an Interview coaching session lasting around 90 minutes.

Advanced Interview Training Course £250

Attend the One Full Day Advance Interview Training Course based on the best selling book The 73 Rules for Influencing the Interview using Psychology, NLP and Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques. Click Here for more details

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How to Answer the “How are you feeling” Interview Question

“How are you feeling” Interview Question – the best approach to answer this interview question

Many interviewers will ask some mundane questions at the interview start, to get you talking and relaxing.

Many job applicants will answer these questions with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ answer, without realizing that they are missing out on a chance to influence the interviewer. This isn’t a closed question and shouldn’t be answered with a one-word reply.

A common opening question is “how are you feeling?” most applicants will say “a little nervous..” but to influence the interview you can edit the example answer below to make it relevant to your own experience and job sector

What is different about the answer below is that the answer is full of hypnotic persuasion techniques to help build rapport with the employer.

“I feel really excited about being here today, I don’t know if you want to recruit someone like me with a qualification in X or experience in Y, but you will want to hire someone with my enthusiasm as I am often told by previous bosses “that I’m a dedicated worker who go’s above and beyond the call of duty” for me, I don’t see what I do as going above and beyond I just enjoy what I do and I want to use my enthusiasm and experience to collaborate with success with you and your team”

If you can’t see the hypnotic patterns then you will want to buy the influencing the interview book from Amazon today. For now I have highlighted a few of the hypnotic patterns below.

I haven’t got the time to explain which pattern is what or how to use your voice to package the hypnotic commands, but the book – influencing the interview will explain everything you need to know.


“I feel really excited about being here today, I don’t know if you want to recruit someone like me with a qualification in X or experience in Y, but you will want to hire someone with my enthusiasm as I am often told by previous bosses “that I’m a dedicated worker who goes above and beyond the call of duty” for me, I don’t see what I do as going above and beyond I just enjoy what I do and I want to use my enthusiasm and experience to collaborate with success with you and your team”

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Job Interview Questions

Job Interview Questions


The basic technique for interviewees is to predict the job interview questions. Once armed with the questions you can plan your killer answers. To get you started we have listed some very common interview questions, your job know is to write the answers relating to your experiences and personal skills.

  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  • Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
  • What has been your greatest accomplishment?

Over 60 interview questions and answers

  • What is your long-term goal?
  • Why are you a good communicator?
  • Do you consider yourself to be a good manager?
  • What is your definition of great customer service?
  • Describe a time when you dealt with conflict.
  • Why did you leave your last position?
  • How would your co-workers describe you?

Tricky Question, Killer Answers

  • How would your manager describe you?
  • Are you a team player?
  • What is your philosophy towards work?
  • Can you work well under pressure?
  • How do you manage projects?
  • Do you consider yourself successful?
  • Give an example of when you have had to work alone
  • How do you motivate people?
  • Have you ever delivered a presentation?

You have the question, do you need the answer?

  • Describe a situation you took full responsibility for a project
  • How do you define success?
  • What motivates you to do your best on the job?
  • How do you establish a working relationship with new people?
  • How long do you expect to work for us?
  • What are some of your expectations of your future employer?
  • How do you handle that stress?
  • Describe a work-related problems and how you solved them.
  • Do you posses any relevant work experience?
  • Have you ever dealt with an unsatisfied or angry customer?
  • How do you think you will compensate for your lack of experience?

How to answer any interview question

  • Why did you choose your career?
  • How have you changed during your career?
  • How do you approach challenging problems?
  • How do you evaluate yourself?
  • How do you ensure you meet sale targets each week
  • If you disagree with your supervisor on an important issue of the job, what will you do?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • Do you understand the meaning of equal opportunities sand diversity?
  • How to answer tricky interview questions    
  • Tell me about a suggestion you have made and the outcome from this  
  • Tell me about a time that you contribute to a team activity
  • What is your main career aim?
  • How can social media websites promote our business?
  • What was the most useful criticism you received? Who was it from?
  • How would you describe the pace at which you work?
  • Describe a typical work day.
  • What amount of money are you worth?
  • What has disappointed you in a job?
  • What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?
  • Are you willing to travel?

How to answer tricky interview questions    

  • What do you feel about diversity in the workplace? Do you think it is important?
  • Do you consider yourself overqualified for this position?
  • Do you know anyone who works for us?
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