What’s happening to all the jobs?

What’s happening to all the jobs?

With the recent cuts to public sector jobs, people are wondering what is happening to all the jobs?

Public sector jobs are current down due to large cuts in public spending by the new government, but around 73% of UK employers describe their organisations financial performance as ‘steady’ or ‘growing’ with around 28% of UK employers report a decline or job uncertainty

Around 39% of UK employers plan to add new employees in 2011, with a mix of full-time, part-time positions

Employers are looking for more skilled employees, with many employers looking to take on graduates.

Where are the jobs?

  • Technology, at 20%,
  • Sales – 18%
  • Engineering – 14%
  • Creative/design – 12%
  • Customer service – 10%
  • Marketing – 8%

For more detailed information on new and upcoming jobs: UK-LMI          

Emerging opportunities

The ‘plant’ industry (part of the construction sector – hiring, operating and maintaining plant machinery) currently have an ageing workforce. There is a current need to get skilled apprenticeships into this industry, presently many apprentices looking for construction jobs look at the traditional bricklayer, scaffolding and plumbing jobs which are in decline, the same skills are needed in the plant sector where their are an abundance of jobs.   For more information on all construction jobs and apprenticeships visit http://www.bconstructive.co.uk/index.aspx

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UK Highest Paying Jobs

What would change in your life if you gain a high paying job? What would be the outcome of having a large income? Many people answer these questions with; security, a big house, a positive career, respect, a nice car, going on several holidays a year or to get away from poverty, to stop living in a bad neighbourhood, to get away from having no money or no future.

Whatever your desired outcome is, you can achieve it by following these two steps:

Achieving Your Outcome

Number One: write an action plan with all the steps needed to reach your career goal and outcomes, a career coach can help you complete your action plan. An action plan works as you are making a commitment on paper, research has shown that you are more likely to achieve goals which you have written down.

Number Two: think about the first two questions about your outcomes, the reason you want a high paid job; collect pictures of all the things you want; car, house, security, etc and put them on a board (in coaching we call this an image board) and place the board somewhere visible and some place you are likely to look each day. By seeing the images – your desired outcomes on a daily basis, will keep you motivated and focused.

High Paying UK Jobs


Below is a list of UK high paying jobs, under salary brackets. In any position you love and enjoy you will find you will automatically move up the career ladder, as people always put extra effort in to something they like and in most careers you can move up to a comfortable salary.

Having money is always a bonus and I would add your career goal should be based on your values and beliefs rather then just money. If you had the choice between a well paid job you did not enjoy or an average paid job you loved, which one would you choose?  

Career Coaching


If you have a dream of being successful and are currently unsure which career or job sector you should invest time in, you would benefit from a few career coaching sessions. In brief a career coach can support you into your career by matching your skills, qualities, personality, values and beliefs against a job specification. In short you can gain a job you will love and gain promotions in, gaining all the financial benefits to come with each new step up the career ladder.

UK Job Salary                                                                                                            


£40,000 and Above

  • Barrister
  • Dentist
  • Doctor
  • Financial controller       
  • GP        
  • Lawyer
  • Pilot    
  • Solicitor               
  • Teacher 

Between £30,000-£40,000

  • Accountant
  • Analyst
  • Architect
  • Business Analyst    
  • Developer   
  • Engineer    
  • Lecturer         
  • Pharmacist
  • Quantity surveyor 
  • Software developer 
  • Software Engineer                                         

Between £25,000-£30,000

  • Careers advisor                                         
  • Design engineer      
  • Designer       
  • Electrician         
  • Graduate    
  • Graphic designer              
  • HR  
  • Nurse  
  • Personal Assistant   Researcher
  • Sales Executive
  • Technician                                                          
  • Wed Designer                                                    

Below £25,000

  • Administrator
  • Car/Van delivery driver                         
  • Receptionist
  • Recruitment
  • Sales assistant                                                 
  • Secretary
  • Teaching assistant                                        


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Future Jobs

The world changes at an ever increasing fast pace which means Technologies, Industries and Jobs are changing just as quickly.

This article will help you understand what pushes these changes and how they can affect your career choice and the future of UK jobs.

Why should you look at the Future of Jobs? Just imagine as a teenager you decide you want X career, you spend all of high school and college studying for exams that you pass with flying colours, you attend university to specialise in your career. Several years later, you leave university with your industry qualification only to find the job you have studied so hard for, no longer exist.

Technology Changes Jobs

Let’s take a simple example, in the 1940’s-1950’s thousands of women were employed to copy type, using a type writer. These jobs are now redundant as one person can now write a letter on a computer and have the computer personalise it for thousands of customers, many companies go one step further and use an automatic e-mail systems.

More recently you can see how new technology is changing industries and jobs; in most supermarkets you will now find a Self-Service Checkout, where one employee monitors on average 8 self service tills, compared to 8 workers working on 8 tills. It won’t be long until the percentages of checkouts are self service tills, leading to a loss of supermarket cashier jobs.


What Drives the Changes?

When you understand the Drivers you can often predict the future of jobs. There 5 main factors that drive industry changes.

  • Environment
  • Cost
  • Speed
  • Safety
  • Reliability

Using a simple example, to help reduce the destruction of forests and improve the environment companies may send out fewer letters by post. To save cost on stamps a business might use e-mails as a preferred method of communication. E-mails also help to increase speed, compared to hand delivered mail.  There is a reduction in safety risk using e-mails compared to hand delivered mail and  e-mails are less likely to be stolen or lost (even thought this can happen with e-mails) meaning they are more reliable then hand delivered mail.

The example above was written to give you an idea of what can push a change, but if a large amount of organisations reduce the amount of hand delivered mail they send out, this could lead to a loss in postal worker jobs. At the same time this could increase the amount of ITC jobs, Internet fraud protection jobs and Internet marketing jobs. What changes are being made in your workplace, job sector or location that will decrease current jobs or bring in new job sectors?

Future Jobs

We are already aware that the UK will see a reduction in low skilled jobs and an increase in highly skilled jobs (the government are looking to have a work force at a minimum of a Level 3 – equivalent to A-Levels, workforce) in the near future, in many sectors that change has already started to take place.

Below is a taster list of possible future UK jobs, you need to see which career would suit you? A careers advisor can help you pick a career that will match your personality, identity and beliefs.

Medical Robots – really? Yes hospitals have already started to use medical robots to help with technical operations.

Organ Designer – designing and growing organs for made to measure for human and animal implants.

Mind Capacity Doctors – we are now trying to understand how the brain works, how to access and store large amounts of different information and research is being undertaken in the study of excellence. There will also be a need for stress release doctors.

We will also still need Doctors, Dentist and Nurses.

Space Tour Guides and Space Travel Agents – many countries are investing in space, using satellites to improve communication and media; imagine in the future, as the fire service receiving a 999 call, the operator will be able to check by satellite if the call is real or not. The next step in the space sector may be space as a holiday destination.

Energy Researcher – with the green policy, scientist are always looking for new renewable energy, we have already heard of vehicles being run of potatoes, there will be high amounts of investment into energy research.

Skilled Manufacturing – with an increase in space activity, manufactures will be making, testing and producing space goods, space food and space equipment.

High Raised Farming – with a growing population, farming could be on the change with high rise farming, similar to a block of flats but with food sources growing on each level.

We have already seen farms, where cows can milk themselves by standing on a computerised milking machine.

Internet Marketing– with the I-Pad and Internet phones, we can already see the increase in Internet marketing and the selling of the Internet goods such as e-books.  There are many young millionaires who have stared a successful business from their bedroom.

Green Auditors – auditors to check how green a company is, giving advice on becoming greener. On a bigger scale, greener homes using renewable energy, cities with green areas, reducing city pollution and having urban farms. 

Wind Turbine Engineers – as you travel to the country or out to sea, you will often see wind turbines, the amount of turbines you will see are set to increase and this will bring new engineering and maintenance jobs.

Cyber Security– with increasing Internet companies, Internet marketing and Internet banking, we are all aware of the Internet pirates. The cyber security team will help you lower Internet risk.

Designers and Inventors– with new technologies, Internet phones, green cars, new energy, there has always been and will be in the future a need for inventors and designers throughout all business sectors.

  • What jobs do you predict will be available in 5, 10 or 15 years?


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Space Jobs

Space – the new JOB frontier

The government have planned to expand Britain’s space industry, creating a £40 billion business. This will have a positive in pact on Space Industry jobs, creating a predicted 100,000 jobs over the next 20 years.

Need careers advice? The space sector is set to grow over the next 20 years; the future of the space industry is unpredictable as the fast pace of new technology can change the direction of this sector.

Space will be the earth’s eyes and ears with satellite observation and telecommunications.

Under UK plans, space-based observations will be used to monitor activity in war zones, deforestation, policing greenhouse gases. Employers will be able to monitor projects such as construction without having to leave their office.

With a high demand for high-definition and 3D television via space as broadcasting via satellites reduces our carbon emissions and is more cost effective, shows the increasing need for space communication.

The UK launch industry is set to rocket, as this will be one of the first space industries to see an increase in job demands.

 Manufacturing industry also benefit form the space industry, as we create and test goods and tools to be used in space. Manufacturing job roles will be highly skilled jobs.

The private sector is already a success story for British Industry, growing at a steady rate of 9% since 1999.

It has been forecast that Britain could take 10% of the global market, which could be worth £400 billion by 2030. First the government needs to invest in this industry to ensure we are not left behind by other world leaders.

Who knows, in the near future our tourism sector may also change in direction with space holidays and space airports.

The jobs of the future are changing Learn how to gain employment – quickly What we know is that the Space Industry will be creating new jobs and new careers, these will, in the main be skilled roles:

Space Science                                                                                                         

Sat Comms                                                                                                                

Manufacture Industry                                                                                      

Space Observers                                                                                                   

Satellite Broadcasting                                                                                          


Earth Resources                                                                                                       


Launch Industry                                                                                                    


Planetary Science                                                                                                       

Space Engineers                                                                                                        

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