14 Jobs You Wouldn’t Expect in the Healthcare Sector

There are hundreds of various jobs available in the healthcare industry from entry positions through to consultant. Some of the less known careers include:

robot doctors

Ambulance Care Assistant

 – taking patients to and from hospital in the ambulance. Entry requirements; clean driving licence and a good general education.

Anatomical Pathology Technologist 

– examining patient who have died to identify the cause of death. Entry Requirements, none for the assistant role, degree level for specialist doctor  

Music/Art Therapist 

– using art/music to help patients express emotional difficulties. Entry requirements; Degree/post grad degree

Biomedical Scientist 

– investigates body fluids/tissue to enable doctors to diagnose illnesses. Entry requirements; biomedical degree


– to prepare patients meals following nutritional regulations. Entry requirements; varies on level of chef

Management team (admin, catering, etc) 

– to run/manage various departments. Relevant degree in Management

Clinical Cytogeneticist

–  studying chromosomes from sample of human blood/tissues. Entry Requirements; Honours Degree

Clinical Photographer 

– taking photos/videos of patients conditions to be used in the consultant progress. Entry requirements; clinical photographer degree


– giving advice to patients on the nutrition of food. Entry requirements; BSC in Nutrition

Emergency Medical Dispatcher

– sending vehicles to incidents as quickly as possible. Entry requirements; good education (on the job training)

Finance Team

– deal with parole, pensions, and financial reports. Entry requirements; degree in finance

ICT Support Technician

– supporting all healthcare professionals with IT issues. Entry Requirements; degree in ITC

Maintenance Staff

– responsible for building, grounds, cleaning. Entry Requirements; Various on level of role

Occupational Therapist

– help children to overcome physical and psychological problems. Entry Requirements; BSC in occupational therapy