7 Unbelievable but Absolutely True Interview Fails

Beware!!! These interview fails can happen to you, learn from their mistakes and prepare for interview success.

Scared to Death


You have to agree that the job interview is one on the scariest situations you can put yourself in. Interviewers will often feedback that nervous interviewees constantly sweat, tremble and shake.

But for one 17yr old interviewee, having the interview shakes was a life saver. This young nervous interviewee thought nerves had gotten the better of him; he started to shake prior to the interview, in the interviewee, the shakes got worst, so bad the interviewer started to become concerned.

He shook so much throughout the interview, that he was rushed to hospital, later to find that he had a massive Brain Tumour. Shaken Stevens eat your heart out, read how this amazing but terrifying interview saved his life.


iPhone Owner Make The Worse Employees


A crazy company rejected a job applicant for owning an iPhone. The interviewer spotted the interviewee in the waiting area accessing his iPhone.

The crazy employer wasn’t concern that the applicant had a phone in his hand; he was disappointed that it was an iPhone saying “Students who have iPhones don’t work. Everything you have was bought by your parents. You haven’t bought anything by working yourself. You are wealthy and can’t stand the stress. Working at our company is tough. It calls for someone who can take the pain and suffering.”

Read more about this frustrated interviewer with incredible prejudices.


Slow Worker for Fast Food Joint


An American student went for a job interview in the famous fast food chain McDonalds, famous for its Big Mac and speedy service, with this in mind the interviewee didn’t understand the importance of matching the employers criteria, answering one question by saying “speed in the workplace wasn’t his strongest point.”

Finally, the interview was lost when he followed this damaging statement up by telling the employer how he wanted to be an English teacher, not a fast food worker and finally topped the interview off by stating that he could only work certain days.

Read how not to pass the job interview here.


Cat Kills the Interview

cat scratch

Telephone interviews are great, you don’t have to get up early, you don’t have to shave and you don’t even have to get dressed. You do have to remain professional….and lock your pets up. During a phone interview with RBS, the interviewee was set a complex maths question, while the interviewer listens on the other end of the phone.

Surprised, the interviewer heard, “You f*cking c*nt!” shouted down the phone by the applicant. Shocked the interviewer hung up the phone, ending the interview.

What the interviewee couldn’t see was the actual cause of the outburst, the interviewees cat had crept up a clawed her leg, which was the real reason for the outburst, not the complex interview question.


Murder Arrested at the Job Interview


No matter how much experience and skills you have, one sure way to guarantee that you won’t receive a job offer during a job interview is when you get arrested for murder.

An unnamed girl accused of murdering two young men, was wanted by police who could not locate her, but they knew that the girl had a job interview due and waited for the girl to attend the job interview before arresting her – to the surprise of the interviewees


The Heineken Interview


How would you react if your interview started by the interviewer wanting to hold your hand, crazy I know, later after a couple of general interview questions the interview stands up and faints. You get up to help him, only then the fire alarm goes off.

As your led outside a team of firemen are trying to get a stuck potential co-worker to jump out of the window onto the safety net, but there’s not enough fireman to hold the net, what would you do? Help out, watch or just go home? This is one of the best but bizarre job interviews ever.

Watch this amazing video:


Interviewer Eats his Dinner In the Interview

Good interviewees know the signs of when the interviewer is getting bored, but none have been this obvious.

Luke went to the interview unprepared, the interviewer quickly realised this and became quickly bored of the interview. After a couple of interview questions and to the surprise of Luke, the interviewer put his feet up on the desk and started to eat his lunch, if that wasn’t bad a couple of minutes later and half way through a sandwich, the interviewer ask “you’re still here?”

Find out more about the worst interview ever.


Ten Stupid Ways to Fail Your Job Interview

Ten Stupid Ways to Fail Your Job Interview

After weeks of job hunting and searching through thousands of job vacancies, editing your CV for each individual job and writing targeted covering letters you finally land the all-important interview for your dream job. Don’t mess up your job interview by making these 10 stupid mistakes that will ensure you fail your job interview.

1. Farting During the Interview

We all get nervous during job interviews including celebrities and even the wife of ex-presidents. Hilary Clinton during an interview didn’t realise how sensitive her microphone was when she accidentally farted during her TV interview – we don’t know if this embarrassing mistake was due to a bad diet or bad nerves

2. Telling Big Fat Lies

Job hunters often stretch the truth during job interviews to gain the upper hand over other job applicants, but Callie Armstrong took it one step too far when she lied at about being Jewish and being able to speak Hebrew! It paid off though as she was not only offered a job but a year later married one of the Jewish graduates from the school where she secured work, which meant she had to convert to Judaism. But when did she tell the groom about the lie, before or after the wedding?

3. Agreeing with everything the interview says even the Lie’s on your CV

Jen from the IT Crowd got stuck after lying on her CV about her IT skills and was offered the IT management job. Explaining later during to the interviewer “I’ve got a lot of experience with the computer…thing, you know e-mails…, sending e-mails, receiving e-mails,…deleting e-mails, I could go on…”

4. Using an Over Creative Video CV

You need your CV or Resume to stand out from the crowd, but Barny from How I Met Your Mother took this a little to far as you see him flying airplanes, driving monster trucks and parachuting off cliffs to the soundtrack “I’m so Awesome”

5. Arriving to the Job Interview with a Cockatoo on Your Shoulder

Some job hunters really don’t understand the importance of the first impression, especially one guy who attended a job interview with a cockatoo on his shoulder. Robert Half completed a recent survey on outstanding interview mistakes and outrageous interview blunders

6. Wearing your PJ’s to the Interview

According to a recent survey of more than 670 HR managers, many job hunters don’t understand the importance of wearing smart attire during the interview, with some interviewees arriving at the interview dressed in their nightwear, thankfully this was PJs and slippers and not boxer shorts and socks


7. Giving Joke Answers to Serious Questions

Some interviewers want to stand out from the crowd, instead of asking about your experience, qualifications or what can you bring to the organisation? They will ask dumb questions such as “if you were a cookie what cookie would you be?” don’t get caught out by thinking this is a joke question responding with a joke answer such as a “A smart cookie” read more about dumb interview questions and answers on the link below

8. Not Thinking About your Interview Answers

I love hearing funny responses to interview questions, some interviewees are so nervous during the Q&A section of the interview that they respond to interview questions with the first thought that pops into their head; one guy was asked “why do you want to work here” and responded with “because I fancy the girl in reception” another applicant in a sales interview was asked how he would handle a difficult client? He told the interviewer he had the perfect solution – wrestle his clients to the ground instead of trying to work out any differences.

9. Don’t Go To an Interview Drunk

No matter what you do wrong to prepare for an interview don’t go out drinking until 5 in the morning before your job interview as “the speakman” can confirm that no matter how many cups of coffee you drink you will still feel absolutely hammered. This unlucky guy not only had to attend a face to face interview while drunk, but had to complete a number of IQ and maths test that lasted all day. With an oncoming hangover, the interviewee was secretly hoping he would fail each stage of the interview process so he could grab a quick taxi home and straight to bed, but luckily or unluckily he passed each stage of the interview process even though his breath smelt of kebab and his stomach felt like it was ready to explode

10. Don’t get Arrested During the Job Interview

One sure way to guarantee you don’t receive a job offer during a job interview is when you get arrested for murder between answering questions. An unnamed girl accused of murdering two young men, was wanted by police who could not locate her, but they knew that the girl had a job interview due and waited for the girl to attend the job interview before arresting her – to the surprise of the interviewees

You can fail your job interview in many stupid ways with most popular way being, interviewees not practicing the interview questions. You can now learn the Killer Answers to Tricky Questions.

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