How to Answer the Job Interview Question Do you learn from mistakes?

How to Answer the Job Interview Question Do you learn from mistakes?

Explanation of the Question:

Everyone makes mistakes; the people who learn from mistakes are the type of people who will always move forward.

Employers want to know that if you make a mistake, the mistake will not hold you back but can be useful if you learn from it.

Explain this in your answer and then follow it up with an example of how you have learned from a mistake.

Example Interview Answer

“Yes, I think everyone makes mistakes and the secret is learning from the mistake to ensure that in the future tasks can be completed without errors.

In my first job role after leaving university, as an example, I was asked into a meeting to get a “tea” order. After taking the order of hot beverages, I went to the kitchen and for the life of me, I couldn’t remember half the orders.

Reflecting on this, and on remembering data in general I learnt that simply recording required information is an easy way to ensure accuracy. Next time I was asked to a meeting I took a notepad and pencil in with me”