AA Call Center Job Interview Questions

AA Call Center Job Interview Questions

To prepare for your AA Call Center job interview you first need to predict the interview questions and tailor your interview answers to your personal experience.

The AA recruits staff who possess excellent customer service skills as well as employees who can upsell customers.

Interview questions will be based on the company culture, customer service skills, and knowledge of the AA.

In the main, the AA uses a structured interview format, with some call center hiring managers adopting the ‘strength-based interview’ approach. Questions 5 and 6 (below) are examples of strength-based interview questions.

The reason some companies use the strength-based approach is due to the embedded processes and systems for day-to-day tasks. Employers want to hire a person who preferences or gets motivated by their way of working.

Overall the AA call center recruitment process is designed to ensure the applicants have the required communication and customer service skills, along with IT know-how and an understanding of handling data. In this sense, there are no ‘tricky’ interview questions. 

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AA Job Interview Questions

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 1

Tell me about your work experience and how it relates to this role?

  • Answer this question in two half. Talk about customer service and data input.
  • First, summarise the number of years you have worked in customer service or in a call center. Here detail the duties you performed relevant to this new role.
  • If you possess any relevant qualifications mention them now. This could include a B-tec in customer service or a data inputting NVQ.
  • In the second half, discuss data inputting, data protection, GDPR, and IT skills.

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 2

What do you know about AA products and services?

  • Depending on which call center you are applying for a job role at, depends on what products you will be selling. But to answer this question give a generic overview of the AA’s main products which can be found on their website. 
  • Frame the answer as you would like to work for the AA as they are the leading car breakdown, but not only that, they also support customers by (add other products IE insurance, money, travel..’

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 3

How do you improve customer service?

  • Explain how customer service is about being friendly and professional.
  • Give an example really to the call center department. As an example, if this position was for a call center role for the breakdown service say: ‘If a customer had broken down they will be stressed and angry. To offer an excellent service, I would be reassuring and give them the information they need to help them remain calm and reassured…’

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 4

How would you handle an angry customer?

  • A good way to start this question is by explaining how an ‘angry’ customer doesn’t have a negative effect on you: ‘Most people get annoyed or defensive when a customer is angry…’
  • Next, explain how you see the ‘angry’ customer as a positive challenge: ‘…the customer is likely to be angry for a purposeful reason. I feel it is my job to support the customer and to keep them loyal to the AA…’
  • Finally, explain how you would go about supporting the customer: ‘….I would do this by listening to the complaint, explaining that I will do my best to support them, and then helping to find a solution.’

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 5

Do you prefer following a script or going off-piste?

  • Questions 5 and 6, are both examples of strength-based interview questions. You can find more examples here: 10 strength-based interview questions.
  • Strength-based interview questions are choice-based questions. To be successful in a strength-based interview you need to pick the choices that match the criteria of the job role.
  • As an example, as the AA requires call center staff to follow a script, the most desirable answer here is obvious.
  • In addition to answering the answer by stating you like to follow a script, explain why. Following a prepared script that has been proven to convert customers will help increase sales.

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 6

Do you prefer to input data while talking on the phone or after the call has ended?

  • This second strength-based interview question is a little harder to predict. With hard-to-predict interview questions, you can answer by stating the pro’s and con’s of both answers: ‘Inputting data whilst on the is a massive time-saver, but the tasks take away customer attention. Whereas inputting data after the call ensures the customer is listened to but can take additional tie that could be sued for making calls.’
  • Some employers will push for a preference. In this case, ask ‘It depends on the amount of data input required? But, when possible I will input data whilst working with a customer unless the data inputting would reduce the number of sales I made.’

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 7

How do you maintain rapport over the phone?

  • Rapport, on the phone, is built through the tonality, pace, and column of the speaker. As well as with the chosen language.
  • Explain how you always vary your voice to maintain interest, while remaining polite and professional.
  • Talk about how, in previous roles, you have asked the customer about their day to build liking or for repeat customers how you remind them that you have spoken previously.
  • Finally, explain how you listen to the customer and use their voice tone as a cue on how to respond to them.

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 8

How do you remember a range of different products and services?

  • This question is designed to get you to review your own processes. In reality, the AA will have a script that call center staff follow.
  • Explain how you would make notes of products and which products are linked for up-sales.
  • Embed into the answer that you would follow any script the AA provided, but knowing the range of products it would make you more comfortable when asked any tricky questions by a customer.

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 9

Give an example of when you had a suggestion that improved your working practice?

  • This question shows the culture of the workplace – that they value employee input.
  • Ideally, you would use an example here. Explain, how in a previous company you were aware of a (problem) and by reflecting on your tasks you found a (solution) You shared the solution with your manager which was then rolled out across the team resulting in (add a positive outcome).

AA Call Center Job Interview Question 10

Do you have any questions for us?

  • Ask ‘what is your busiest time of the year?’
  • Ask ‘how would you describe the culture of the company/office?’
  • Ask ‘what do you like about working for the AA?’

A Manchester Career Advisor Shares The 3 Ss For a Successful Career Choice

I have met hundreds of career professionals in their late 20’s looking for a career change because they choose the wrong career/university course.

Choosing the right profession is key to a work-life balance. The ideal position creates motivation, decreases workplace stress and increase your chances of promotion, higher salary and career happiness.

But how do you choose the best matched job role? Today a Manchester Career Advisor will share the secret of career options using the 3 S’s for a successful career choice

The First S – Strengths

The best career choice is role that naturally utilizes your natural strengths.

First write a list of all your strengths, skills and qualities. Reread past employer appraisals and add to your list the strengths your previous employer said you had. Ask friends and family members what they believe is your natural talent.

Think about the duties you enjoy doing, the task that you find a breeze to complete and the skills that you have now, that you had as a child.

Circle the strengths that you, previous employers and family members all stated

The Second S – Your Story

Next, think about you and who you want to be. Imagine writing a character from the story of your future.

This character is you at your best. When you think about you at your best, what is important to this you? What does this you value? What do they believe in? How do they act? Who do they associative with? What are their aspirations and goals?

What is important to this version of you?

The Third S – Simple Irritations

Do you find that little things annoy you? Some of these irritations annoy you but not others. This is because we all have our own personality type, stress inducers and motivational traits.

Think about how you work best and what styles of work increase stress. Do you work better alone or within a team? Do you preference following procedures or having creativity? Are you interested more in people or systems?

Do you work more productively starting and finishing one task or do you enjoy the challenge of multitasking? Are you an organised individual who works with dairies, to-do list and in a neat and tidy environment or can you work in a mess, with information scribbled on post-it notes stuck under a book?

List what approaches to work motivates you and which working styles stress you?

Putting the 3 S’s Together

With a list of your key strengths, your story (your values and beliefs) and your motivational and stress indicators.

You can now match these to career ideas. If, as an example, creatively, innovation and design was a current theme you know a career in the art and design sector would suit you best.

Once you have spotted your common theme Google “theme Careers” IE “Art and Design Careers” Google will collate Art and Design job profile and job descriptions for you to examine. Read the various related roles and circle any duties that you would enjoy doing on a day to day basis.

The job description with the most circled duties will be a suitable role for you