Job Interview Question Video “Can you work under pressure?”

Job Interview Question “Can you work under pressure?”

The interview question video will help you learn how to answer the interview question “can you work under pressure?” When asked questions on job criteria you need to state that you can do criteria (in this example work under pressure) and back this up with an example

In this article, we have broken down what the interviewer is looking for in a perfect job interview answer and to help you create the perfect answer we have recorded an example answer

Job interview Question Video “can you work under pressure?”

Interview Question Can you work under pressure?

Be honest, if you can’t work under pressure and this is a pressured job role, is it really for you? If you can work under pressure give a real experience for an answer.

Example Interview Answer

“Yes, I actually enjoy it. One of my strengths is that I can start several tasks at the same time while working to deadlines, I don’t get flustered I keep a calm head and ensure the task get prioritized in order of importance”

Job Interview Question Video How do you approach a project?

Job Interview Question Video How do you approach a project? 

This job interview question video will teach you how to answer that commonly asked interview question “how do you approach a project”

The video explains how you need to keep your answer on point, by stating the 3-5 steps that you take when approaching a new project.

In this article, we have broken down what the interviewer is looking for in a perfect job interview answer and to help you create the perfect answer we have recorded an example answer.

How do you approach a project?

Common asked question in project management jobs, keep this answer short (it is easy to give a long-winded answer to this type of question) and demonstrate how you plan, prepare and approach projects –use an example if possible

Example Interview Answer

“I recently completed a highly valuable project; to start with a look at the outcome of the project and work backward, I work out what resources I need to complete the project on time and write an action plan to follow adding cost, timings and a contingency plan” 

Interview Questions and Answers What is your role when working in a team?

What is your role when working in a team?

Teamwork based interview questions are really common in the job interview.

Approach this interview question by focusing on your natural position when in a team or research the job criteria and discuss how you have the desired criteria such as “leadership”

Interview Video Tutorial – ” what is your role when working in a team?”

Interview Question What is your role when working in a team?

Explanation of the Question:

You will find that in different teams your roles change. This is a good way to answer this question unless you are applying for a management job when you need to be the team leader.

Example Interview Answer

“In different teams and in different projects I think we all have different roles, as different team members will have different strengths and experiences depending on the team’s goal. One of my roles in a team is to ensure everyone has a say and is listened to, as some of the quieter team members will have a good idea and may not have the confidence to mention it.”

Interview Question Have you ever resolved a dispute between others?

Have you ever resolved a dispute between others?

The interview question have you ever resolved a dispute between others is often asked in supervisory job interviews. If you have never been in this situation you need explain what you would do.

Interview Video Tutorial “Have you ever resolved a dispute between others?”

Have you ever resolved a dispute between others?

If you haven’t, explain what you would do. If you have discuss what you did and how you found out what the dispute was about, you gained everyone’s side of the story and how you resolved the dispute. This will highlight your people and communication skills.

Example Interview Answer

“I recently walked in on two people arguing at work, there was a big deadline due and everyone was feeling the pressure. When I came into the room and asked both people to take a minute and to sit down. This automatically calmed the situation. I asked each person to tell me there side of the story without the other person interrupting. In the end both people wanted the same result, but was coming at from a different angle and didn’t realise the other person had the same goal.”

Interview Questions and Answers What qualities do you look for in a boss?

What qualities do you look for in a boss?

Often this interview question “what qualities are you looking for in a boss?” is asked when the employer has previously had employees and managers that haven’t worked well together. They are using the interview to ensure they will hire an employee that well excel under their current management style.

Interview Video Tutorial “what qualities do you look for in a boss?”

What qualities do you look for in a boss?

Explanation of the Question:

Use a generic answer and stay positive

Example Interview Answer

“A boss who is knowledgeable, fair, loyal”  

Remember the skills needed a the job specification, if they require someone who is creative (or any other job criteria) say

“A manager who will allow me to be creative (criteria) ..”

Interview Questions and Answers Are you willing to put the interest of the organisation ahead of yours?

When an employer ask you an interview question similar to “are you willing to put the interest of the organisation ahead of yours?” the employer is asking are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve KPIs, deadlines and last minute vital task.

This may include canceling your own social activities to attend an interest of the organisation.

In this article we have broke down what the interviewer is looking for in a perfect job interview answer and to help you create the perfect answer we have recorded an example answer.

Video explaining how to answer the interview question

Job Interview Question “Are you willing to put the interest of the organisation ahead of yours?”

This is a test of employment loyalty; the interviewer is looking for someone to put there all into the company, employers may want you to come into work at a drop of a hat. If asked this question, answer using a confident voice. 

Example Job Interview Answer

“Yes, I want to put my all into this job and organisation. An example of this was when I…(add example)”

“What experience do you have in this field?” Interview Question and Answer

What experience do you have in this field? 

One of the most commonly asked interview questions is “what is your experience in this field?”

This interview question is often asked at the structured interview start to review the applicant’s duration in the sector.

It also used as a generic interview introduction question, designed to get the applicant talking, with a view to reducing their nerves, prior to the forthcoming sector-related questions which are based on the job criteria.

Not only does the employer want to uncover how many years of experience you have, but they also want to know your experiences, skills, and achievements during this interview answer.

Interview Question: What experience do you have in this field?”

To help candidates answer the ‘experience’ interveiw question, we will provide an explanation of the question and an example interview answer.

Explanation of the Question:

For this question, you first need to read and understand the job specification, as this will tell you what experience the interviewer is looking for.

Each employer requires a different set of criteria for the same role. In this sense, no two interview answers should be the same.

Your answer should relate your sector experience and achievements to that of the job role. Often interviewees will talk about experiences that are not relevant to the advertised job role; this will only lead to the employer becoming uninterested in you.


Example Interview Answer

“I have over 6 years of experience as a nursery nurse, in that time I have gained an NVQ Level 2 and 3 in child care. I have worked with children of all ages including groups of children with disabilities. I understand the importance of “health and safety” and “every child matters” and use my creative skills to organize games and activities to teach young children new skills while keeping them entertained. Recently I also won an award for employee of the year”

This interveiw question formula ‘duration of experience x qualification x duties’ can be adapted for any industry.

Good luck with your next job interview. Remember the key to passing job interviews is preparation, practice your interview questions and answers.

The 3 Interview Questions Everyone Struggles to Answer

Interviews are hard. They become harder when the job interviewer ask hard interview questions that everyone struggles to answer.

We have found the 3 common interview questions that most interviewees struggle to answer and provided you with an interview answer.

Tell me what you feel your biggest weakness is?

The question is designed to get you to answer negatively. The reason people fail job interviews is because the interview as a whole has highlighted their short comings.

To pass the job interview you need to frame each interview answer in the positive, especially the “weakness” question.

Preparation is key for this question. Write a list of weaknesses, as an example – you don’t work well when working alone.

Next to each weakness, write down the positive of this weakness. With the above example, not being able to work alone, the positive is that you are a team player.

Finally frame this positive into an interview question answer. “I am more productive working with in team than as an independent worker, within a team I able to motivate other members of staff to A, B and C (selling points) …”

Describe a bad experience you have encountered with a past employer?’

It is tempting to answer this question with “I have never had a bad experience with a past employer” but the employer wants to hear more then a simple commonly used answer.

This question is asked to see how you approach a situation when you disagree with a manager. To answer this question split your answer into 3 parts

  1. The situation
  2. Your solution
  3. The outcome

Explain the situation – the reason for a disagreement IE your manger suggested using one approach for a project and you suggested a different approach

Solution – explain how you came to an understanding/solved the problem

Outcome – give the positive outcome; how this effected the business/project/profits/business relationships/etc

Give an example of your lateral thinking.

Lateral thinking is in essence thinking out of the box, being creative and using your intuition.

Similar to the last question; explain the problem, tell the employer how you use your creativity and give the solution to the problem/outcome.

Employers will only ask this question if lateral thinking is an essential criteria for the advertised position

How to Answer the Job Interview Question Tell me about the most fun you have had at work

Interview questions are asked to uncover a particular skill, quality or experience from the interviewee. The reason why many job applicants fail during the job interview is that they don’t understand what it is the interviewer wants to hear.

Interview Question Tell me about the most fun you have had at work

This question can sometimes catch some people out, explain the good feeling you get when you and your team have achieved or accomplished a goal.

Example Interview Answer

“Recently, my team has been working on a project; we had a large amount of work to do. It was all worth it, as we achieved our goal and we were all really happy with the result.”

How to Answer the Job Interview Question How do you know when you have been successful with a task?

How do you know when you have been successful with a task? 

Explanation of the Question:

When have you been successful? How did you know? As this will be your best answer. You have been successful when:

  • The job has been completed on time
  • The task has been completed to a good standard
  • When your customers walk away happy
  • When your employer tells you
  • When you have job satisfaction 

Example Interview Answer 

“Recently the company I work for was putting together a bid for a new contract, the whole team was involved in gaining information and quotes for the bid.

It was a big job and we worked late for several nights, it was worth it though as we recently gain confirmation that the company has won the new contract”