Why Confidence Is Key in the Job Interview

Confidence Is Key in the Job Interview

Confidence equals charisma and a charismatic interviewee is the one who steals the job offer

Don’t ever underestimate the power of a confident interviewee.   Confidence is the packing for your gift and your gift of course is your unique selling point. People admire confidence, are spellbound by charisma and are naturally persuaded by those who ooze self-esteem.

This article will teach you how to increase your job interview confidence, confidence that will win you the job offer.

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Job Interview Confidence #1

Confidence is an emotional state. The natural state for most in the job interview is anxiety.

This technique is quick and powerful and will spin your anxiety into a feeling of extreme confidence

First think about being in a job interview. As you imagine this situation, focus on the feeling of anxiety inside of you. Notice where this anxious feeling originates from in your body; your stomach, feet, chest, head

As you focus on this feeling of anxiety you will feel it move inside of you, you will feel it spinning. Imagine you can see this spinning feeling and give it a colour.

Imagine pushing the feeling externally. See it spinning in front of you.

Flip this spinning feeling back on itself so it spins in the opposite direction, spin it faster and faster, faster still until it changes colour.

Once it changes colour, push it back inside of you replacing the old feeling. Spin it faster and faster inside of you until you start to feel the feeling of confidence spreading throughout the whole of your body.

Do this before your job interview and you will double your job interview confidence

Job Interview Confidence #2

All job interview coaches will tell you to use examples and stories to sell your skills and unique selling points. This is a great strategy to adopt.

Using stories has a confident side effect, it makes you feel more confident. Anxious interviewees have an external perspective, they focus on the employer’s reaction. By using stories you will naturally go inside yourself, imagining the event from your own eyes as you dictate the story-line.

When you have this internal focus your fear evaporates and you focus on the emotions attached to the story – which will be positive as the story or example will be one of you being at your best

Interview questions and answers

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Job Interview Confidence #3

Put yourself into awkward situations

Confidence comes from familiarity. This is why most people are anxious in job interviews, this random activity – the job interview,  is so uncommon that your frame of reference is one of fear. By making, being the focus of attention, a common experience, you eradicate the fear through exposure.

Attend public speaking groups, approach and talk to strangers, go to speed dating, as for directions…anything to get you speaking more. To key skills, you will want to learn and develop is improv speaking and debating

How To Use NLP Embedded Commands in a Job Interview

NLP Embedded Commands – how to use in a Job Interview

NLP embedded commands are used by hypnotherapists to make a phobic no longer afraid of a spider. NLP embedded commands are used by master influencers to con unsuspecting public. NLP embedded commands are used by mentalists, such as Darren Brown to get you to do whatever they want.

As you can see the power behind NLP embedded commands is sot string that you can take command of any situation. These skills are highly transferable to the job interview. The goal of the interviewee is to create desire; you want the employer to want you.

This article will teach you what an NLP embedded command is, how to set up an embedded command and how to use NLP embedded commands in your job interview answer.

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NLP Embedded Commands Broken Down

An embedded command is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis technique for “planting” a thought (state, process, or experience) within the mind of another person without the person’s conscious awareness.

The embedded command is broken into three sections;

The set-up

First, you need to set up the embedded command (this set up hides the command in the structure of a sentence (or interview answer).

  • “When you..”
  • “You can…”
  • “The more you…”
  • “You want to..”
  • “If you were to…”

The Command

Second, you need to add the “Command” (this gets the interviewer to do X without them knowing why they are doing X) .

  • “Feel….”
  • “Think about…”
  • “Imagine…”
  • “Notice…”
  • “Remember..”

State, process or experience

Thirdly finish the embedded command with a State, Process or Experience: 

  • “A change of mind”
  • “Excitement”
  • “That I am right”
  • “You agree”
  • “Joy”

Embedding the Embedded Command in a Job Interview Answer

When using the embedded command in a job interview you only need to focus on 2 key things.

First think about the desired outcome – what process, state or experience do you want to employer/interviewer to feel?

Second when you state the “Command” and “SPE” raise your voice, or slightly change your tone, or leave a short pause before and after the command. This allows the subconscious to process the command without conscious awareness.

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Common asked Interview questions and example embedded command answers

Example common interview questions:

  1. tell me about yourself
  2. what are your strengths 
  3. what are your weaknesses 

To answer these commonly asked job interview questions, start your answer before using the embedded command.

Tell me about yourself

I have over 20 years of experience in this sector. My key strengths include X, Y and Z (add your own strengths here) as you will notice I am highly passionate about this role and it is this passion along with my experience that has made me highly successful. My key achievements include (add your key achievement) Overall I have a range of skills and experiences that will be highly useful to you and your organisation and when you need me to step up and take on any extra task, you will know I am reliable and flexible. 

What are your strengths?

My previous manager often said that I was highly motivated with everything I did. But for me, that is just having a good work ethic. I consider a strength something that others don’t possess. If I had to pick one of my key strengths (this presupposes that you have more than one key strength) I would choose my ability to turn around projects on the blink of failing into a success. You will agree with me that this is no easy feat. The way I approach this task is by analyzing the project brief, the successes and what hasn’t worked.  This overview tells me what I first need to concentrate on. If you feel that I would fit in with your team, this is a skill we could collaborate on together, sharing the same successes I have had with previous organisations.

What are your weaknesses?

Everyone has weaknesses. If you offer me the job you will know that I am the type of person who will work hard to overcome any weaknesses that I recognise. In fact, I often search for any areas of development as I see this as the perfect opportunity to develop my skills and knowledge. In my last company, I had never used their database before, so I spent time reading the manuals, being trained through other members of staff and practicing. In quick succession, due to having strong ICT skills, I become skilled in this and was asked to teach other new recruits.

Swish Away Your Job Interview Anxiety

Interview nerves and anxiety is a key factor when it comes to messing up your job interview. Why would an employer recruit a nervous, shy or ‘blank expression’ applicant, especially for high skilled positions?

The reason nerves are at the forefront in the job interview situation is down to the simple fact that many of us rarely attend job interviews. Repetition is often the key to becoming more skilled and more confident at a task. The lack of job interviews career professionals attends to make the job interview a scary and unknown environment.

Interview anxiety can be crippling. If you could swish away your interview nervousness and replace this fear with confidence, would you be able to perform better in the job interview? Would the confident you more likely to be offered a job?

Job interviewees become fearful because they will often imagine themselves in the job interview situation performing badly, prior to the job interview. This negative movie seems real, increasing anxiety and fear.

The Swish technique, taken from NLP enables you to quickly dissolve the negative feelings attached to a job interview and allows you to access a state of calmness and confidence. This is achieved by setting up a system to instantly move away the negative image you create when you think about your forthcoming job interview, replacing this with a positive movie.

These 8 Steps will allow you to change your nervousness to confidence, your anxiety to excitement.

1.    Identify a Cue image for this situation that triggers the response (this could be receiving the interview letter, waking up on the day of the interview itself or walking through the door of the company you could potentially be employed with). When exactly do you feel nerves?

2.    Decide how you want to feel, what level of confidence you require for a job interview.

3.    Imagine this new confident you, how confident do you feel? See the world from this confident perspective. Imagine yourself as a new you who is free from interview negativity, you don’t have to know how you got this way, just enjoy this new positive feeling of being confident in job interviews.

4.    See this image of you of a large film, make the picture bigger, brighter and turn up the volume. Make this image as compelling as it can be; make it brighter, louder, faster. Once the image is really compelling, shrink it so it ends up around the size of a postal stamp (it will now be small and dark)

5.    Put a frame in front of you and put your original CUE image in it (the interview letter, company front door). In the corner of this frame place the resourceful image

6.    Now you want t make both images change simultaneously, so the large cue images becomes small and dark, and the resourceful image becomes big and bright. This happened very quickly, making a SWISH noise.

7.    Repeat the swish around 10 times, between each swish make the frame go blank. Each time you swish, speed it up until you are swishing within a second.

8.    Test to see if you can restore the Cue picture, if you find it either won’t come back or the image is dark and dim, then the swish has worked. If not repeat this process.