How to Answer the Interview Question What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

How to Answer the Interview Question What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Explanation of the Question:

This is sometimes asked as an opening question to get you talking and to calm your nerves, a lot of people answer “Socialising with friends” “Playing on my computer” “Taking my family on day trips”. Whilst these are valid and honest answers they do not really bring anything to the table that is special, that makes you stand out.

If you can say that you volunteer you will be guaranteed to impress! Although this should be truthful! You can apply to volunteer in any area you like, ideally in a position relevant to the job you are applying for. Volunteering is seen as a positive activity by all employers; you only need to volunteer once or twice a month and when you can answer this question with

Example Interview Answer

“Currently I’m volunteering for Oxfam, I really get a lot out of helping others. Whist volunteering I have learned to communicate with people on all levels and I have improved my customer service skills, both face to face and over the telephone”