Is An Interview Thank You Letter Really Worth it?

Is An Interview Thank You Letter Really Worth It? 

The key to passing the job interview is to ensure the employer remembers that you meet the essential criteria for the position you are applying for. A great technique which is vastly underused is to summaries your interview success in a post interview thank you letter.

influence the interview

Most candidates don’t send thank you letters, and those that do only thank the employer for their time. They are both missing out on a great opportunity to get one last selling point across to the interviewer, as well as thanking the employer, also summaries the interview mentioning your unique selling point, the key criteria the interviewer was most impressed with this.

After interviewing all day it is easy for the interviewer to forget information discussed or even to confuse applicant’s answers, by summarising your selling points in a thank you letter the interviewer is in no doubt that it is you who has the correct skills for this position