Frequently Asked and Common Java Interview Questions and Answers

If you are looking for a career on Java and have already gone through several Java interviews then you are well accustomed with the most common interview questions.

Some Java questions are favourite of the recruiters and they keep on repeating in any interview.

On the other hand if you are a fresher appearing for your first interview then you need to know some of the frequently asked questions on Java interviews. Hashtable vs. HashMap, difference between equals, LinkedList vs. ArrayList are some of the most common Java interview questions.

Every Java employer, be he a fresher or experienced must know the most common Java questions.

They must make a list of the questions asked and keep it intact for further reference and re-revision. If you are also a Java programmer and still now don’t have the list handy then it is high time to make a list of the ten most important Java interview questions/answers.

Over 10 Frequently Asked and Common Java Interview Questions and Answers

Is Java Platform independent?

This is the most common as well as the most important question asked in any Java interview.

The answer is yes, Java is indeed a language that is platform independent. One can easily write the codes in one platform and run the application in another platform. This is in fact one of the many features of Java.

What all memory areas are allocated by JVM?

This is the second most frequently asked Java interview questions. The memory areas allocated by JVM are Class (Method) area, Heap, Stack, Program counter Register and Native Method Stack.

What is class?

This is also the most common as well the easiest question asked in any Java interview. Class is basically a template that is used to explain the data and the performance associated with the illustrations of that particular class.

Can a .java file contain more than one Java class?

This is a bit tricky question that is again very common and important. However, the answer is simple and a ‘yes.’ A .java file is capable of containing more than one Java class provided at least one of the classes is a public class.

What are the different data types in Java?

There are near about seven data types in Java. But answering only this much does not satisfies the recruiter. You must have the ability to explain each one of them. The following are the data types present in Java

  • byte-8 bit
  • short-16 bit
  • char-16bit Unicode
  • int-32bit (Whole number)
  • float-32bit (real number)
  • long-64bit (single precision)
  • double-64bit (double precision)

What is type casting in Java?

Type casting is generally to create a conversation between two types that are incompatible. Generally two types of casting are there namely, explicit casting and automatic casting. The explicit casting is done by the programmer and as the very name suggests the automatic casting is done automatically.

What are the four main principles of OOPS language?

This is also a typical Java interview question which has got an easy answer. The four main principles are- inheritance, polymorphism, data encapsulation and abstraction.

What is the function of Overriding and Overloading in Java?

The method of Overloading happens in Java when two or more methods of the similar class possess the same name but have different parameters. On the other hand the method of Overriding is totally different.

When a child class re-describes the same method of a parent class it is known as method overriding. The methods that are overridden must possess the same return type, argument list and the same name. It is not necessary that the overridden method will bound the entry of the method it supersedes.

What is static and dynamic binding?

The phenomena of linking the method call of its body are known as Binding. A binding that takes place during compile time is termed as static binding. On the other hand when a binding takes place at runtime is termed as dynamic binding.

Along with these ten most important Java interview questions/answers there are numerous basic Java questions which you may need to answer if the recruiter wants to. Therefore know these Java question answers before applying to Java jobs. Some of the basic Java interview questions that are common are-

  • What is the most important feature of Java?
  • What do you mean by platform independence
  • What is JVM?
  • What is the base class of all classes?
  • What is the difference between JDK and JVM?
  • What is a pointer?
  • Does Java support pointer?
  • Does Java support multiple inheritances?
  • Is Java a purely object oriented language?

Author Bio

Kamlesh is a blogger and a professional career author with proven expertise in writing for topics related to jobs, job trends, different job opportunities, various workplace and industry information, tips and strategies for job seekers.

Job Interview Questions for a Field Sales Advisor with Virgin Media

Often out of 300 applicants only 6 candidates will be interviewed. In most interviews, but this varies depending on the job sector and employer, you will be asked around 10 interview questions during a 45 minute interview.

To increase your job chances of securing a job offer you will learn the answers to 12 sector job interview questions.

The key to passing job interviews in preparation and practice, this sounds obvious but is often overlooked, with the average interviewee spending around only 60 minutes preparing for their job interview.

This article will help you to prepare and to pass your next job interview in 3 separate ways.

1. You will learn over 10 common asked interview questions for your job position.

2. You will be given an explanation of the type of answer the interviewer is looking for ( a guide to what the employer wants you to discuss )

3. You will be given an example job interview answer for each individual interview question, allowing you to tweak this answer, making it relevant to your own experiences.

Virgin Media are winning awards for the fastest broadband in the land and currently have big plans to grow their network.

Job Interview for a Field Sales Advisor with Virgin Media

Job Interview Question 1; Tell me about your experience as a Field Sales Advisor?

Job Interview Question 2; How would you promote virgins products and services?

Job Interview Question 3; We provide a lot of training to support you in your role, how do you recall lots of information?

Job Interview Question 4; Give an example of when you have been well organised and planned?

Job Interview Question 5; When is the best time to visit customers in their home?

Job Interview Question 6; How would you create interest in Virgin products when cold calling?

Job Interview Question 7; How would you win a customers trust?

Job Interview Question 8; Have would you overcome objections without being too pushy?

Job Interview Question 9; Give an example of when you have been a good listener?

Job Interview Question 10; Give an example of when you have been confident approaching strangers?

Job Interview Question 11; How would your background help you in this role?

Job Interview Question 12; Do you have any questions for me?

Job Interview Questions for a Customer Service Advisor with Co-Operative

Co-operative customer service advisors are based in a contact centre.

The Co-operative is an award-winning provider of general insurance products, who recruit Customer Service Advisors who are so much more than a friendly voice on the phone. They’re experts on anything from home to pet insurance.

Job Interview for a Customer Service Advisor with Co-Operative

Job Interview Question 1; Tell me about your experience as an insurance customer service advisor?

Job Interview Question 2; How would you make a co-operative customer feel special?

Job Interview Question 3; Give an example of when you have given great insurance advice to a customer?

Job Interview Question 4; How do you assess insurance requirements?

Job Interview Question 5; What’s more important to you quality or quantity?

Job Interview Question 6; Give an example of when you have explained complex insurances packages clearly?

Job Interview Question 7; How do you come across as enthusiastic over the phone?

Job Interview Question 8; How do you ensure the database is kept up to date?

Job Interview Question 9; Give an example of when you have been a good listener?

Job Interview Question 10; Which types of insurance do you know more about?

Job Interview Question 11; How would you tailor each phone call to each customer?

Job Interview Question 12; Do you have any questions for me?

Job Interview Questions for a Probation Officer

Probation Officer Job Interview

12 common asked probation officer questions. Use each question to reflect on your probation work experience, to design an interview answer that will highlight your probation officer experience and knowledge.

Job Interview Question 1; Tell me about your experience as a probation officer?

Job Interview Question 2; Give me an example of when you have questioned an offender before a court case

Job Interview Question 3; How do you prepare a pre-sentence report

Job Interview Question 4; How do you ensure offenders commit to a community order?

Job Interview Question 5; Have you ever run a specialist group programme to change offenders’ attitudes and behavior?

Job Interview Question 6; What is the most challenging part of the role of a probation officer?

Job Interview Question 7; How do you ensure your personal feelings and views don’t affect your professional judgment when working with serious crime offenders?

Job Interview Question 8; How do you ensure the database is kept up to date?

Interview questions and answers

Job Interview Question 9; Give an example of when you have made an offender aware of how their offenses affect victims

Job Interview Question 10; Which agencies would you work with when supporting offenders?

Job Interview Question 11; What is your success rate in lowering re-offending?

Job Interview Question 12; Do you have any questions for me?

Good interview questions to ask interviewers at the end of the job interview include questions on the company growth or expansion, questions on personal development and training and questions on company values, staff retention and company achievements.

Interview Preparation Resources

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3 Step Interview Success Process

Interview success is easy to achieve, all the interviewee has to so is follow these 3 steps for interview success.

Career professionals who can’t get over the interview hurdle do one of 3 things wrong;

1 they allow interview nerves to create procrastination – this leads to the applicant being lazy, they don’t prepare for the job interview, they rarely practice answering tricky questions and they focus on the negatives of previous interviews which creates a failure state

2 they don’t have a unique selling point – a lack of a unique selling point creates a boring interview. Interviewers are looking for an applicant to stand out, to make a differences, someone who is unique and interesting

3 they don’t structure their interview answers – a generic interview answer creates disinterest, an answer that goes on and on turns interviewers off and an interview answer with no structure creates confusion

This 3 step process that you are about to uncover, for interview success, will put the power back in your hands, you will win more interviews and gain more job offers

Create Interview Confidence Instantly

Your mind, to teach you how to react to a situation, searches for a “frame of reference.” – this is how I reacted last time, so I will react in the same way.

Successful interviewees have a positive frame of reference for the job interview, but most people don’t. The initial frame of reference for this public speaking event, is often, standing in front of your class at school, feeling embarrassed and getting shouted at by the teacher.

This state creates interview nerves and with each failed interview your confidence for job interviews dramatically drops, until the thought of a job interview sends shivers up your spine.

You need to create a new confident frame of reference. This technique uses your minds creativity and visual skills to change your emotional response to the job interview – increasing your confidence

  • Step 1 – think of an interview (this will be created as a negative visualisation in your minds eye. Often this will be a coloured movie, a movie of you failing and looking embarrassed)
  • Step 2 – pause this movie, move it away from your minds eye, so you can see the corner of the movie (
  • Step 3 – place the picture of the movie in an old frame and drain the colour from the movie
  • Step 4 – push the movie further and further away from your minds eye, so the image gets smaller and smaller, more out of focused until it is a dot on the horizon
  • Step 5– create an image that represents you being your best at a job interview; you looking confident, answering questions well and having great rapport
  • Step 6 – make this image big and bright, vivid and strong, add sound and move the movie so it is where the old image use to be
  • Step 7 – imagine the old movie and follow steps 1-5 but this time do it quicker and quicker so it moves to the horizon in an instant and in a quick of a flash move the positive image towards you replacing the old image
  • Step 8 – complete this process 10 time, until you only see the positive movie when you think of a job interview

Create an Interview Selling Point

Everyone who attends the interview for the position you are applying for meets the job criteria (or they wouldn’t be offered an interview).

In the job interview you have to be seen by the interviewer as a better applicant then the rest of the interviewees. To be offered the position you need to offer the interview more then what they want, additional extras, you need to sell yourself through a unique selling point.

If you were offered two cars for the same price, which car would you take? Car 1 – standard model or Car 2 standard model plus free insurance, free satnav and free petrol for 1 year?

Its a no brainer. the same process can be used in the job interview. Show the employer how you meet the job criteria and then offer additional benefits. What skill, quality or experience do you possess that others don’t? What can you bring to the team that will make a real impact? How will your experience and work ethic make an difference in terms of quality, productivity or profits?

Create a Structure to Sell Yourself with each Interview Answer

Don’t just answer questions willy-nilly – as this wont impress anyone.

To be offered more jobs in the job interview you need to structure each interview question. A structure helps you to sell yourself while answering the interviewers question, it also stops you waffling, reduces “erms” and “arghs” and it makes sound professional and confident

To structure your answer;

step 1 – answer the question in the first sentence; no matter what you are asked make it clear at the question start that you have that experience or skill. Take a simple question around team work experience, most people answer this by talking about how “a team is more productive” instead of this common start to the question, state your duration in high performing teams  “in all my previous roles over the past 10 years I have worked within high performing teams…”

By stating how you have said skill, creates intrigue, this intrigue ensures the interviewer listens to the body of your answer

Step 2 – give real examples. Many interviewees state facts when answering questions. For some questions, this is fine, but in the main you need to give real examples “…an example of this is A, B and C…” (unique selling points)

Examples are like stories. When you hear a story you visualise the plot and every visualisation has an emotional attachment. When you explain how you were able to achieve success the employer will feel this emotional and associate the positive feelings onto you.

Step 3 – Explain how you can use this same skill in their company. When possible “future pace” this means you can finish the interview answer by stating that this experience can be used in the position you are applying for “…if offered the position I could implement this process in to the business which will increase production and profits”

If its a question where you cant future pace, you can simply summarise your opening state and story “…so overall my 10 years experience working in high performing teams has allowed me to X..”

The summary tells the interview that your answer is over. In addition having 3 steps is really powerful for the interviewee, as the structure keeps you focused boosting your interview confidence.

Have You Thought of a Career as an Energy Efficiency Advocate?

As our natural resources are getting fast depleted with time, there are major concerns about energy conservation and energy saving.

You should aim at energy efficiency for savings at home, city, businesses, and state as well as federal governments on a much larger scale.

You can pursue a career as an Energy Efficiency Advocate in an energy saving company as you would get tremendous job satisfaction.

Job Description of an Energy Efficiency Advocate

Energy Efficiency Advocate needs to secure federal policies for promoting energy efficiency in appliances and buildings.

Statistics reveal that the building sector is responsible for almost 40 per cent of yearly greenhouse gas emissions in the USA. So, the energy efficiency advocate is expected to play a vital role in shaping the federal policies that would cut down the emissions thereby reshaping the economy.

They are also, responsible for setting up and implementing carbon pollution standards especially in power plants.

Job Responsibilities of an Energy Efficiency Advocate

Your job responsibilities are promoting the adoption and implementation of the strongest ever cost-effective appliance energy saving methods and efficiency standards; as well as the procedures and methods of tests followed by the US Department of Energy.

This may include taking part in public hearings, and technical workshops, participate in stakeholder negotiations, drafting public comments and participating in other types of advocacy activities and efforts.

You have to perform legislative; advocacy and policy development work on building efficiency policies, incentives for highly efficient buildings, building energy codes and come up with policies for promoting appliance and building efficiency.

You may require promoting grants and tax incentives for supporting high-efficiency appliances, buildings and equipment.

Job Prerequisites

This job entails a lot of innovative thinking and creativity as the job is multi-disciplinary. However, an energy efficiency advocate needs to possess the following skills and qualifications:

  • A professional degree or graduate in any of these streams namely engineering, science, business, economics, law, environmental policy or other related discipline.
  • Sound knowledge, experience and expertise on energy policy and energy systems.
  • Strong analytic and quantitative capabilities.
  • Brilliant team-building, leadership and project management qualities.
  • Superb and convincing oral and written advocacy skills.
  • Ability and willingness to create and work with coalition. Must be able to participate in complex negotiations involving a number of stakeholders.
  • Capability for interpreting complex economic and technical analysis and conveying its meaning to media and other non-technical audiences and even experts.
  • Prowess to manage several assignments, work diligently and meet deadlines.
  • Energy Efficiency Advocate enjoys excellent benefits, competitive salary and a wonderful working ambiance. Usually salary is according to a non-profit scale and as per experience.

Author Bio:

Matteo Burke is a retired engineer who has worked for a top company for several years in the past. In his free time, he peruses several sites online ranging from Wikipedia to

Job Interview Questions for an NVQ Assessor

  • Can you tell me a little bit about yourself, your skills and your NVQ assessing experience
  • Which occupational areas can you assess in?
  • How do you plan the delivery of vocational training workshops?
  • What is your approach to observing and assessing candidates?

    • Give me an example of when you have examined a candidates’ portfolios of evidence
  • What is your approach to questioning candidates about a piece of required evidence that wasn’t obtained via an observation?
  • How do you offer advice to candidates who are not meeting the standards
  • What is your process for keeping records of your caseloads progress

    • How do you keep yourself up to date with sector changes?
  • How do you split your hours between your caseload of clients?
  • How do you manage relationships with candidates managers?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

Student career guide: Have you selected the right cloud computing career direction?

With the growing popularity of cloud computing applications for businesses of all kinds and sizes, the need arises for professional cloud skilled labour.

Which path will you choose for yourself?

The rise of cloud computing technology can be unnerving for some in the IT industry, but for many it provides a straight shot at fast-tracking their career growth and plumping up their bank accounts. However, if you are looking to venture into cloud computing you will need to select a specific path, and know which skills are more valuable to possess.

In the US alone, there are nearly 4 million jobs for cloud computing professionals, according to a study by Forbes. The median remuneration is $90,950. Worldwide, there are over 18M jobs, with about 40% coming from China.

There is a growing need for use of hybrid and full cloud computing solutions, and with it the demand for people who can facilitate this cloud migration. Qualified candidates today still have the option of selecting from among over fifty jobs, though this will likely reduce over time.

Selecting your cloud career calling

There are two ways to establish your cloud computing career: first, you can become an IT pro with specialized cloud skills or go for IT administration which requires cloud architecture expertise.

Businesses looking for specialized cloud computing/development expertise are already matched with cloud service providers like Google Cloud Platform, MS Azure and Amazon Web Services. Positions within these organizations often involve up-and-coming DevOps automation processes/tools, typically within recently established enterprise groups.

Given the emerging trends in container and Docker technology, the market demands experience and knowledge in creating portable applications with containers. Knowledge of Docker is still highly desirable, since it is the preferred container technology for most providers. It would also be useful to have container-clustering expertise, like in Docker Swarm and Google Kubernetes systems

Building your career and the cloud

Most jobs today demand for specific cloud skills, with AWS jobs leading the pack, Google and MS experts coming after. These skills include development, operations and configuration positions, and can fetch the qualified candidate $110K-$220K dependent on other factors.

Businesses with openings for cloud architects are looking for someone to define the cloud, i.e. take then from business requirements to actual deployment. These are jobs associated with businesses that have not fully defined their cloud needs and require assistance in this. It may also involve outlining the extent of present private/public cloud, or building from the ground.

Cloud solution architects need to have strategic knowledge of as many cloud computing providers and technologies, and the expertise to create hybrid plans according to enterprise needs and business goals.

Remuneration packages lie between $150K and $250K, varying according to experience and location. Consulting firms are willing to pay more, but this will come with a lot of travel, meaning you plate will be full most of the time.


Investing in cloud computing expertise today is definitely a wise career move. However, cloud computing technology is quite fast-moving, meaning that you’ll have to put in a lot of extra work to ensure you remain current and relevant.

Author Bio

Felix Marshall is an IT enthusiast who contributes articles for various sites.

Pursue Successful Career in Printing Services

Printing industry is quite a progressive industry and there is a wide spectrum of jobs available in this sector. Printing workers are involved in the production of print material in primarily three main stages namely prepress, press and both binding & finishing together.

Printing workers have the responsibility of reviewing specifications, calibrating printers or colour settings, identifying and fixing issues related to printing equipment and also, assembling pages.

The printing process involves three stages and in very small print shops it is common for one person to handle all three stages. However, mostly print shops have different sets of workers who specialize in jobs related to particular stages of the printing process.

Specialist Printing Workers

Prepress Technicians:

These workers render specialist printing services. They help in preparing print jobs and perform a number of tasks for assisting in converting pictures and text into finished pages and preparing the pages for printing.

Some prepress technicians called prefight technicians are responsible for taking images from customers or graphic designers and checking them for completeness.

They are responsible for designs and job specifications from clients’ electronic files or submitted sketches in order to make sure that everything is perfect and error-free and that all pictures are included.

A set of prepress workers specialize in a photographic process called Cold Type Technology for making offset printing plates.

This is a complicated process that involves chemical exposure and ultraviolet light through which pictures and text of any print job are left to harden on metallic plates so that they become water-resistant.

The print technology has recently made a lot of progress and has adopted revolutionary technology known as the direct-to-plate technology. Prepress technicians are now required to directly send the data to plating systems, thereby excluding the necessity for the customary photographic technique.

Printing Press Operators:

These workers specialize in preparing, running and maintaining printing presses. Their responsibilities vary as per the kind of press they would be operating.

Conventional printing processes such as gravure, lithography, letterpress and flexography are known to use a roller or plate carrying the final image and then the image is copied to paper.

However, in modern times, non-impact processes are becoming popular. Plateless processes include digital, ink-jet and electrostatic printing and are effective in duplicating, copying and specialty as well as document printing.

Nowadays commercial printers are used by digital presses mostly. Printing press operators learn to prepare, run as well as, maintain whatever printing presses they are operating.

Binding and Finishing Staff:

These workers are responsible for integrating printed sheets into a finished item such as catalogue, magazine or a book.

Their responsibilities are as per what they are supposed to bind. Often some binding and finishing tasks require only a single step. Preparing newspaper inserts or leaflets, for instance, simply needs a single folding and trimming.

Binding magazines and books would involve several steps.

Bindery workers are responsible for assembling the magazines or books at first from flat, large printed paper sheets.

Then they are supposed to operate machines that are used for folding printed paper sheets into signatures or groups of pages that are organized and arranged sequentially.

Then bindery workers are responsible for assembling signatures in the correct order and joining them by perfect binding or saddle stitching.

Requisite Skill-Set

Printing workers should possess excellent communication skills as they need to communicate with clients and understand their precise requirements.

They should possess basic computer skills and should be conversant with the publishing software.

They should have an eye for detail and possess basic math skills that are essential for coming up with estimates of amount of paper and ink required for a printing job. They should definitely have mechanical aptitude as well to be successful in their profession.

Educational Qualifications

Prepress technicians should acquire a formal Post-secondary Non-Degree Award or they could opt for an Associate’s Degree from a reputed technical school or a junior college, or any well-known community college.

Printing press operators as well as binding & finishing technicians should acquire a High School Diploma and should ideally complete Post-secondary coursework that is usually offered by vocational schools and community colleges.

Those aspiring to pursue management jobs in design or printing may opt for a Bachelor’s Degree Program in Graphic Design. Printing workers need to constantly update and upgrade their skills to stay abreast with recent developments in the printing industry.

Author Bio

Charles Denver is an experienced engineer turned career counselor who has been attached to a digital printing business for more than three decades. He has now taken to blogging, and tracks down new and innovative technology to analyze the impact it may have on the current printing market scenario.

10 Job Interview Questions and Answers for an Apprenticeship

Apprenticeship Job Interveiw Questions

Often out of 300 applicants only 6 candidates will be interviewed for an apprenticeship position. In most interviews, but this varies depending on the job sector and employer, you will be asked around 10 interview questions during a 45-minute interview. An apprenticeship employer is interested more in your attitude, work ethic, skills, qualities and reliability

This article will help you to prepare and to pass your next job interview in 3 separate ways.

1. You will learn over 10 common asked interview questions for an apprenticeship

2. You will be given an explanation of the type of answer the interviewer is looking for ( a guide to what the employer wants you to discuss )

3. You will be given an example job interview answer for each individual interview question, allowing you to tweak this answer, making it relevant to your own experiences.

Below you can also access 101 Interview Questions and techniques to Influence the Job Interview. Good luck with your next job interview.

Job Interview Questions and Answers for an Apprenticeship

Job Interview Question 1:

“Tell me about yourself?”

This question asked at the interview start, gives you the opportunity to deliver a short statement about your skills, experiences and educational background relevant to the job position you are applying for.

Keep this statement positive and relevant and when you can discuss your unique selling point.

  • Start with a “selling” line that will highlight your strengths and your achievements – this could be your record of attendance, that you were a perfect, your GCSE grades and hobbies and interest out of school; scouts, girl guides, volunteer, career, football captain
  • Discuss your unique selling point as this creates intrigue IE you have never had a day of school sick or you become the class president
  • End this answer with a reason why you’re looking for an apprenticeship

Potential Interview Answer

“I recently left school after achieving 5 grade A’s in my GCSEs. I am passionate about (add in job role) and have researched this job and your company in detail, I was excited to see (add in a positive comment about the company) I suit this role as I have an excellent timekeeping record, I love a challenge, this was proven when I campaign to become the head of year and I have a positive attitude towards work. I have chosen an apprenticeship rather than a colleague because (add in reason)”

Job Interview Question 2:

“Why was your biggest achievement in school or college?”

Be positive with this answer and smile – employers like to hear that you enjoyed school, tried hard and made an effort to develop yourself

  • Discuss a key achievement
  • Explain what you did to create this outcome

Potential Interview Answer

“I enjoyed school and had several key achievements. My biggest achievement was (add achievement) this was achieved by me (add 3 steps that you took to achieve the outcome)

Job Interview Question 3:

“What is your Time Keeping like?”

Here the employer is looking for you to demonstrate your commitment to timekeeping. It is key to explain how you are never late and value reliability

Potential Interview Answer

“For me timekeeping is important. In college I never had a day off sick and was never once late for a lesson. I feel I am highly reliable and when I have an appointment, such as today’s job interview I ensure that I arrive early”

Job Interview Question 4:

“Do you work well within a team?”

Every role has an element of teamwork. Explain how you are a team player and what individual skills you can bring to working in a team”

Potential Interview Answer

“I enjoy working in a team. At school, I was part of the (add group name) team. When working in a team I easily fall into a leadership role, this is due to my ability to plan and take action. Others find it easy to communicate with me which I think is the reason why I am always praised for my teamwork”

Job Interview Question 5:

“How do you feel about working 5 days a week 9-5?”

The employer knows that an apprentice hasn’t worked before (or hasn’t worked for a long period of time compared to experienced members of staff) and when in school or college your hours were less than the working week. The employer here wants to know that you understand the commitment involved and that you are happy to work these longer hours

Potential Interview Answer

“Fine. For me, it is similar to the hours I do now. I attend school 5 days a week 9-3, after school I have a part-time job and at weekends I have 2 paper rounds so I am use to long hours and looking forward to working full time”

Job Interview Question 6:

“How would you be an asset to us?”

Think again about the job specification and the skills needed for this role. Have a paragraph prepared highlighting how you will be able to do the job and what you can bring to the team. It goes without saying that this paragraph should be positive.

Potential Interview Answer

“I’m the type of person who likes to get a task completed; I am driven, hard-working and have excellent time management, an example of this is (add experience). I have always excelled in school and I am excited to share my skills and qualities with you to work collaborative together”

Job Interview Question 7:

“What are your strengths?”

This is one of the most common questions you will be asked. Give an answer relevant to the skills and qualities relevant to the position you are applying to. The interviewer is trying to find if your strengths match the job. For example, if you are applying for a job where accuracy is an important issue, one of your strengths could be that you have an eye for detail. It may useful to find different words to describe similar attributes and qualities in order to avoid repetition.

Potential Interview Answer

“I have often been told that I have an eye for detail and that I am very accurate and precise. This was very important when completing my English GCSE exam, as accuracy was worth 30% of the overall mark which I was given a grade A for.”

Job Interview Question 8:

“What are your weaknesses?”

Again, another commonly asked question. A frequent mistake to make when answering this question is to say something negative like “I can sometimes let things get on top of me”. Be positive and sell yourself with every interview question, turn a negative into a positive. For example,

Potential Interview Answer

“When I first started working part-time in a shop I was unsure what to do and didn’t receive any training – I was asked to get on with it. Because I am proactive I decided to ask an experienced member of staff what the daily duties consisted of and what would be the best thing for me to do. I got on with this work and was praised by the manager for my pro-activeness. If I don’t know how to do something, I find out how to do it.”

Job Interview Question 9:

“Do you know anything about this organisation?”

Often one of the first questions you will be asked during the interview, employers want employees who will stay with the company, this question and answer will show the employer that you know the company’s history and feel they will be a good employer to work for.

It also shows the employer that you think ahead and carry out research. Answer this question with:

  • The length the organisation has been operating for
  • How the company started
  • The company values/mission
  • All this information is normally found on the internet; on the company home page or about us page.

Potential Interview Answer

“I know a great deal about your organisation, before I applied for the job position I researched the company. I really like how the company started as a partnership company 10 years ago and has grown to a company of 70 staff working throughout 18 countries.”

Job Interview Question 10:

“Do you have any questions for me?”

Good interview questions to ask interviewers at the end of the job interview include questions on the company growth or expansion, questions on personal development and training and questions on company values, staff retention and company achievements.


Many people are afraid of job interviews. The truth is if you prepare for your job interview, by predicting the job interview questions, you can easily prepare your job interview answers. If your job interview answers highlight your unique selling point, are stated in the positive and are said in a confident manner, then you can influence the job interview to increase job offer.

Interview Preparation Resources

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