What are the 5 steps for a successful interview

  1. Identify the job criteria
  2. Deliver answers within a structured framework
  3. Be a self-promoter
  4. Communicate with confidence
  5. Ask questions

Step 1 for a successful job interview

Identify the job criteria

The scoring process, for a structured job interview, is to score the interviewee’s answers against the job criteria.

Each of the essential criteria, on a job specification, is discussed through the process of interview question(s) and answer(s). If the job criteria are referenced in the applicant’s answer, the answers are scored higher on the employer’s scorecard.

By identifying the job criteria for each job interview, applicants can prepare high scoring interview answers. The highest scoring candidate is offered the advertised position.

Step 2 for a successful job interview

Deliver answers within a structured framework

Two mistakes can kill job interview success; not talking enough and talking too much.

A lack of information results in low scoring job interview answers, whereas verbal diarrhea ends with too much irrelevant information that can be confusing for an employer.

The solution is to use an ‘interview structure’ for each answer. Typically, a perfect answer follows 3 steps:

Step 1 – Use a hook to grab the employers attention

Step 2 – State a problem and solution

Step 3 – Explain how the discussed ‘skill’ can be beneficial for the new employer

Step 3 for a successful job interview

Be a self-promotor

Interviewers can only score applicants based on their answers.

If you don’t self-promote, employers won’t have any idea of what the applicant can bring to the team. For some, self-promotion feels awkward, but in the job interview self-promotion, isn’t just required, it is expected.

To be successful, the interviewee needs to give an answer to tricky interview questions that not only highlight their strengths but that also sell the career professionals unique selling point

Step 4 for a successful job interview

Communicate with confidence

No matter how much criteria are mentioned in each job interview question, applicants will only score high if each answer is communicated with confidence.

This is because non-verbal communication affects the employer’s likeability factor. If an employer views an applicant as confident, they are more likely to have a stronger rapport with the applicant, which can be the difference between or 3 or 4 scores.

As job offers often go to candidates with only a few points higher then there nearest rival, each additional point does make a difference.

Step 5 for a successful job interview

Ask questions 

Most interviewees wait until the interveiw end to ask questions about the company vision, CPD and salary. But the job interview is designed to be more conversational.

Successful applicants will ask questions throughout the job interview. The key is to ask for specifics when the interviewer has asked a generic question. This ensures that the candidate’s answer is relevant to the asked question, ending with a higher scoring answer

Employers are looking for the best suitable applicant. They don’t want to trick the interviewees, but the job interview process has flaws – the most suitable candidate doesn’t always get offered the advertised the position. To be successful in the job interview, the candidates need to present themselves in the most positive light. 

The interview prediction grid is one way of understanding how an employer sees you in terms of value.

Job Interview Advice