A new approach to job interviews for 2020

The job marketing is changing

Employers are looking for a new style of employee for 2020. Ok for the basics; to pass the job interview you need to have the required qualifications and the experience for the job you are applying for – you cant be a doctor without the training, right?

To be offered a job interview, you have already gone through the application process, so your skills, qualifications and experiences have met the minimum criteria for the job position. But at the job interview, you need a new approach for 2020

How to Blow Away The Interviewer

Inspire – to get offered any job you need to inspire your interviewer

The problem with interviewing 6 applicants with similar skills and experiences, is that they all say the same thing, give similar examples and ….put the interviewers to sleep

To leave a lasting memory… inspire your audience. You need to show them a positive future. You can do this very simply by explaining how a new technology, that you have researched, can change their business saving overhead costs or creating a new product.

The psychology behind this is simple. People are more motivated by what you can offer then what you have achieved. Many interviewees focus on their previous successes, whereas if you create an image of how you, once employed, can make a profitable difference within their current business setup, you will create desire

The power of rapport

Research has proven that people are more likely to hire people who they believe are similar to themselves

The truth is, that the best teams are made up of different people, different temperaments, different personalities. But in a job interview, the employer doesn’t think about this. Instead, they think at a basic level – do I like this person? And if they like you, because they can see themselves in you, you are more likely to score higher during the job interview process.

Creating likeability is easy. Simply check social media for your interviewer’s interest and talk about how you share the same hobbies during the interview introduction. That is level 1 – basic rapport building.

Level 2 takes this a little further. Research the company mission and values, and talk passionately about what you believe in (strangely what you value will link very nicely to the company mission) But ideally you need to take rapport building to level 3

This final level requires a bit of practice. First, you need to understand that each person has a unique perspective on the world. What I mean by this is that two people can listen to the same job interview answer and create a different opinion about the interviewee….even though they heard the same words! What the hell is that all about?

Because our past experience shapes our reality each of us has a differing perspective in each situation. Someone who was bullied by the big kid at school we view a “bigger” person as more threatening than a person who, at school, hung out with the “big” kids.

Our motivations and stresses affect how we view the world. Some people see the galls half full, or half empty. There are problem solvers and firefighters, goal setters and action takers

All these small elements, and more shape people’s reality and underpin how they will view you the interviewee. So how can you understand this complexity of humanity? The answer is you don’t need to – unless you want to spend 3 years in higher education studying psychology. Instead, I share with you a quick cheat; a short cut to rapport building

All this complexity comes through in the language people use. Proactive people, for example, are likely to say “let’s go for it” whereas a reactive person would say “we need to take time to think about what has happened” Goals setters will use future achievement language “take action” “objective” “possibilities” and those who are motivated by problem-solving would say “avoid” “exclude” “get away from”

To influence somebody, in this case, the interviewer, all you need to do is copy the language – the actual words they say, in your job interview answers. This creates a short cut in their mind to their decision-making process. In short, they will want to hire you but consciously understand why

Job Interview Advice

101 Job Interview Questions for FREE

How to Pass Every Job Interview

How to Persuade and Influence